Friday, October 9, 2015

Painted Books

Hello everyone!

Happy Friday!

I recently showed you some books that I bought that had been painted with chalk paint and then stenciled on front.  That got me to thinking about doing some myself.  However, I was more concerned with having the spines of the books look interesting rather than the fronts.  I wanted a simple color scheme of black and white too.  I made these with one purpose in mind.  

Here is what I started with.

Then, I got out a sample pot of white chalk paint and painted the covers.

About two coats were enough.  I made sure to painted the edges too.

Then, I got out my bottle of black craft paint and doodled on the spines.  

My purpose for these books?  To place on my mantel as simple filler and coordinate with the black and white clock.  

It was so simple!  This project only cost me a pot of chalk paint .  I used books that I already had and my own imagination.   

So, if you're looking for something to fill some dead space without breaking the bank and that you can control the color of, paint some books!

Your kids would probably like to join in too.

Be sure to check in with me next week because I will be sharing pics of a home tour I'll be going on today!  Should be good!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. There is an artist in you!
    Great idea! Looks great!

  2. They look great Kelly, especially next to the clock. Good call!

    Have fun at the tour and enjoy your weekend :).

  3. Fun project, Kelly! I can imagine lots of possibilities!

  4. Great project. Now you have me thinking. I've been MIA, sorry


  5. I like that idea although I may have a hard time deciding which books I would use. I will have to start looking for books I have no interest in reading so I don't feel bad painting them. Love using books around the house.

  6. This is so cute. I have done some book spines with words, but never a design.

  7. Where did you find your clock? I just love it!!

  8. I remember you telling us about these. Yours came out darling, and I love how they tie in with the colors of your clock. Very cute!
    xo Sally

  9. Pinning this and it's now on my to do list! Love the black and white!

  10. I love this idea, Kelly! Brilliant! I'm pinning it!

  11. Oh, I bet it was therapeutic too! :) I love your gray mantel! Have a great weekend Kelly!

  12. Fabulous idea Kelly! They are perfect on your mantel!
    XO Barbara

  13. Love the painted books for...looks great on your mantel with the clock.

  14. Fun little project, look great! Blessings, Cindy

  15. Those are so cute! Your new name is the Spine Doodler.

  16. Show stopper with that graphic black pattern on the spines, you could even do simple horizontal stripes, or some whimsy dots. They are a perfect additition to the mantel. I now want to paint some books :)

    Thank you for your beautiful visit.
    Will see you soon.


  17. What a fun accent for your mantel, Kelly! It would be cute to make holiday themed books, too!

  18. I think this is a wonderful idea! I often shop our local library book sales for the sole purpose of buying books to decorate with. I often leave empty handed because the books were the wrong colors, but now I can just paint them. Good tip!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly