Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Share Your Style Party #39

Hello everyone!

How is your week going so far?  Mine has been better than usual.  I will share more about that in my next post.  But, one of the reasons I have a big smile on my face is because of the change in weather here.  It has been so ugly, rainy, and windy  for the last week and a half.  But we finally saw the sun come out yesterday and today.  It has been the most wonderful feeling.  I love sunshine!  I don't think I could live in a climate that gets constant rain and clouds.  So, with my new good mood, I want to welcome you to another edition of Share Your Style!  I can't wait to see what you have to share this week.  Ron from Uptown Acorn is your host.

Good evening and welcome back to our Share Your Style party!!! 

Each week one of your hosts will take a turn choosing the features, and then ALL of us will share them on our blogs for tons of exposure.


Ron from Uptown Acorn

It finally feels like Fall here in southern Louisiana (that means 70s for highs). I have been decorating for the Fall season once my Halloween decor was packed away. I have been enjoying your own Fall posts. One thing I miss about living in Atlanta is the change of seasons, and Fall was always a favorite of mine. I love the colors and the aromas. I hope you will check out some of my recent Fall posts at Uptown Acorn.

I am in love with my newest rustic acorn bowl from Vagabond House.

I also am mad for some plaid this fall season.

Ron's Featured Links:

Debra of Common Ground shares her nature-inspired autumn urn. I want that urn!

Alison of one of my favorite blogs and homes, The Polohouse, shared her parade of all things tartan during her Tartan Parade.

Two Twenty One shared the delicious looking Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Yum!

And it would not be the Uptown Acorn if I did not choose a cocktail. April Golightly impressed with her Low Calorie Pumpkin Mojito. Cheers!!!

If one of your links was featured, be sure to grab our button before you go!!


 Now, on to this week!  We hope you'll join in with your decor, vintage, DIY, tablescapes, creations and yummies… in other words, pretty much anything STYLE related.  Grab our party button and add it to the bottom of the posts you link up:

Dixie Delights

With that, it’s time to Share Your Style, y'all!!



  1. Gotta love that crazy Ron! Off to visit a few features. Glad you have sunshine and nice weather. We have a big storm moving in with possible snow on Friday. I am NOT ready...truth is...I am NEVER ready for snow! ugh- xo Diana

  2. Can't wait to hear why you are in such a good mood, besides from the weather! We've had two days of gray and drizzle - Hope the sun comes out tomorrow. Thanks for the party, Kelly!

  3. Super features. Happy you are having nice weather. Here it is gray and rainy. I think we are going to have a cool weekend with cold nights. Hope so that means a fire!!


  4. I'm a sunshine girl too! It finally cleared up here yesterday, thank goodness!Love all the fall inspired features this week. xo

  5. Just found your blog from Linda's Life Journal. Following.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly