Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year - Year of Change

Happy New Year everyone!

I'm so glad to say goodbye to 2015.  The new year will hopefully bring some much needed change for me and my family.  

My husband plans on retiring from his job (fire dept) after 27 years of service and selling his lawn business.  He will do something less physically intensive and be healthier and happier as a result. He no longer has to worry about his ailing mother that had been SO incredibly sick for SO many years.  The last 9 years of dealing with that were very stressful.

I plan on taking some new steps in improving my own health.

I will be meeting with a doctor this month about a new plan of treatment for my auto immune disease.  I'm hoping to join a gym and get healthier this year!

My youngest son will get his braces off this Spring and will be starting high school in the Fall.

My oldest son will continue classes in college and move to another apartment later this year.

I'm looking for some "fresh starts" this year and I'm excited to see how it all works out.  I'm not usually a fan of change, but I think these will be positive things in our life.

I began taking down the Christmas decor inside my house yesterday.  Today, I will work on the outside.  School starts back next week so it will be nice to get back to some since of normalcy around here.  

I hope that all of you have a wonderful new year too!  I appreciate all of you reading my little blog and leaving such nice comments.  

Time to celebrate all that's new in

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Here's wishing you many new adventures in 2016. So happy your hubby will be able to retire and enjoy the slower pace of life. Wishing you the best with your journey to feeling healthier too. Hoping and wishing for wonderful things to happen in the new year. I have enjoyed your sweet blog and friendship this past year. Thank you for your support and sharing with me. Happy New Year Kelly. Hugs.

  2. Great goals for a new year. I am hoping my Hubby retires soon. He's most likely to have a few years, age wise, on your husband. We lost his mother in December as well. Have a happy, healthy, non-stressful new year.

  3. Sounds like you have some great plans in place for 2016! Happy New Year to you and your family.

  4. I hope you and your family have a wonderful and healthy 2016! You are way ahead of me so far...I'm not even starting to put away Christmas until tomorrow.

  5. Cheers, Kelly! Sounds like all of your changes are positive. Wishing you all the best in 2016!

  6. It sounds like you have many positive things to look forward to this year, Kelly. My hubby would LOVE to retire but he has a few more years to go. It seems like the working world is so stressful anymore no matter the line of work. My oldest will be graduating from high school this spring and when he goes to college in the fall, it's going to be a huge adjustment for me. I am trying to focus on the fact that I'll have a little more time for things I would like to do and maybe a little less laundry!

  7. Glad to hear you already have some plans in mind for the new year. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2016!

  8. Happy New Year Kelly!! It sounds like you have some wonderful things coming up for 2016. Best wishes on your health journey too! Jane

  9. Happy New Year Kelly! With you both home don't get under each other's skin. Lol
    When I retired my hubby had been retired for three years and had a morning routine. Took some getting used to.
    Thanks for following my journey in blog land! Here's to healthy, happy 2016!

  10. Happy New Year, Kelly!

    Hope this new year is your very best EVER!


  11. Sounds like 2016 is going to be a very eventful year for you and your family! So glad your husband is going to be able to retire. Enjoy every minute you have with him.

    Happy New Year!


  12. Cheers to a great year of changes for you in 2016, Kelly!

  13. Happy New Year Kelly!!!
    2016 will be a good one ;)This year has been rather erratic for us.. hubby studying and sitting exams on weekends. I am looking forward to a less hectic year.
    Hugs, Gee

  14. Happy New Year, Kelly!! Hope 2016 will be a great year for you and your family. My hubby retired a year ago, but decided to go back to work and he now works from home.

  15. Sounds like you've got a good plan for the new year! Best wishes on your husband's retirement and selling his company. Looks like you have a lot to look forward to! Happy New Year!

  16. I so look forward to retirement too, but not this year. Best wishes in 2016, Kelly. xo

  17. Funny how you talk about health - it's crazy how we take for granted how healthy we are - until we aren't. We, too, have some goals involving our health and fitness.

    Changes can be good! Every year it's great to be able to step back and evaluate life then begin again.

    Cheers to you and your family and a happy 2016!

  18. Happy New Year Kelly!! Good luck with all of your 2016 plans. We joined the Y last year and it was definitely hard to get started. But now it's just a normal part of our weekly routine. Xo

  19. I can't believe your youngest will be starting high school in the fall! Wow! I remember when mine finally got their braces off. I was so happy to not have to spend so many hours in the orthodontist's waiting room. Lol! Is your oldest enjoying college? I bet he's loving having his own apartment. I've promised myself that I'm not going to skip any workouts this year. I even bought some Smart Ones meals at the store yesterday. :)

  20. Wishing you and yours all the best! Enjoy 2016,!!!!! Retiring is a great thing! Strt enjoying your life before it slips by!

  21. Happy New Year, Kelly! We have some of the same goals, reducing stress and taking better care of our health! Especially me, I'm good at taking care of everyone else but not always so great at taking care of me. wishing you and your family a wonderful 2016! xoxo!

  22. Wishing you only good things for the coming year Kelly!

  23. I look forward to hearing about the new things happening in your life!

  24. Lots of transitions for you, Kelly! We are on the brink of a lot of change, too...decisions, decisions. Wishing you a wonderful 2016...and good changes!

  25. Sounds like you have some pretty big changes to look forward to this year, Kelly! Wishing you the best in all these new endeavors.
    Mary Alice

  26. Happy New Year to you too Kelly! So glad to see all the good things 2016 has in storage for you and your family!!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly