Friday, February 5, 2016

It's Cold Outside but Sunny Inside!

Hello everyone!

Many years ago, I decorated with yellow.  I even had yellow walls!  After my love affair with lots of color was over, I transitioned to mostly neutrals, removing all hints of cheerful colors along the way.  But, recently, for some unexplained reason, I've come back to liking yellow again.  Only this time, not in heavy doses.  I'm using it in more purposeful ways just to bring some cheer into my spaces.  I'm also not mixing it with other bright colors.  I'm choosing to use it with my neutrals and lots of white.  So, now, it's not too much but just enough to liven up my spaces.  It's making me smile!  Yellow is a happy color, right?  Here are some photos of rooms around my house using this new happy color.

 I found this vintage yellow floral painting on Etsy.

I have received some of my new appliances.  I'm still waiting on the range and refrigerator though!  I think we will get those next week.  I'm loving my new dishwasher already!  It is so quiet that you can't hear it running AT ALL!  I had to stick my ear to the dishwasher so I could tell that it actually worked!  It got my dishes super clean and I love the extra silverware tray up top.  It's an LG.  

I got a call that my new Mitchell Gold sofa and chair are in too!  So, I expect to set up delivery with them soon.  

My son's bedroom is almost finished.  I ordered some wall shelves that I'm waiting on.  Also, his gaming computer needs to be ordered as well. I couldn't believe that he agreed to get rid of every last toy he owned!  There are NO more toys in my house.  That seems so strange.  Pics coming soon.  

Hope you have a great weekend!  

Superbowl Sunday - Will you be watching?

~ Kelly ~


  1. I love your touches of yellow. Enjoy all your new goodies. It is amazing how quiet dishwashers are now!

  2. Kelly, Isn't it funny how just touches of yellow are seen ,as easy as a room full of it. I like all your cute yellows. I will say that rose painting is my favorite piece. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. I think the pops of yellow with a neutral background are perfect! I especially love the yellow floral reminds me of the Yellow Rose of Texas. ;) You must be loving your new dishwasher! It's amazing how quiet they are now. Can't wait to see the rest of your appliances.

  4. boy, your house has been busy lately...but fun stuff.

  5. I really like the way you've incorporated little bits of yellow. The painting is beautiful!

    Like you I've had lots of it in the past but mine is more recent. :) I'm pulling it out of the house at this point.

  6. We need the doses of yellow on the dreary cloudy days that we seem to have more than sunshine. I love the painting on the gate. Wow got some of your appliances and your new furniture is in. It's like Christmas! You got a chair, too? I am still waiting on my sofa and feel like it will never get here.

  7. Looks beautiful Kelly. I'm the same. I just started bringing blue into my neutral home and I could be happier. It is so calming. I agree that you need to find the right balance. Keeping my walls white helps I think. :) Julie

  8. I've always loved yellow. It's so cheerful and looks so pretty sprinkled around your home. It's like adding a little bit of sunshine!

  9. Your yellow accents are a subtle way to add some much needed touches of spring this time of year, Kelly. Your rooms look so pretty! I had so much yellow in our previous home that got rid of every yellow wall in this house when we moved in. Now I've got a few yellow accents in the master bedroom again.

    Lots of changes coming in your home and I can't wait to see! Happy weekend!

  10. Lve the small touches of yellow here and there! It looks bright ans sunny.

  11. Yellow is a happy color, the color of sunshine.

  12. How fun! Lots of new goodies and sunny yellow would make anyone smile! Looking forward to seeing it come together!

  13. The touches of yellow look good with all the white.

  14. You lived in a sunbeam today! So very pretty. I look forward to seeing the new bits and pieces!

  15. Love your touches of looks so pretty with your white.

  16. Your yellow accents are beautiful. I think they look gorgeous in your beautiful home. Have a good weekend. Maria

  17. I adore yellow too Kelly. I love how you added it with all your neutrals, it's the perfect pop of happy! You guys have so many fun changes happening. Happy Weekend! Xo

  18. Yellow is so bright and cheerful. It must make you feel so happy seeing the pops of color when the weather is bad.

  19. I get the urge for some color during this time of the year also. The yellow touches look wonderful and just the right amount to add some winter cheer. I went with a soft, pale green cause that's what I had in my fabric stash, and I love it with my white, creams, grays and wood. I really love your floor lamp with the black shade - can you let us know where it is from?

  20. Wow, a additions of yellow to your home changes the mood, doesn't it? That is one of the wonderful things about a neutral room. You are smart! The house is beautiful.

  21. Glad you are happy with your dishwasher..Yes, You can barely hear them running now..Big change..Hope you are as happy with your other appliances..I saw that throw that I love in the first (I think) picture...Love the yellow accents..Have a good weekend..

  22. The touches of yellow look lovely in your home. I love the yellow rose painting!! Enjoy your new pieces! Blessings, Cindy xo

  23. Your yellows add such a lovely sprinkling of soft color to your beautiful home, Kelly!
    Mary Alice

  24. Everything looks so pretty and the yellow is a lovely pop of colour in your home. It is cold here too. There is a cold weather alert out for the next few days. It is going to be -33 C / -27.4 F with the wind chill tonight. Brrrr.

  25. Oh I love your home Kelly! Is so bright and cheerful! Very calming and relaxing!
    Sounds like a lot of exciting changes are happening around it too!!
    No toys!! Oh my! I have three little ones so I am usually buried in toys!

  26. The yellow perks up every space it is in. I am so determined to get rid of my dated yellow walls. And to think that they were so "in" 13 years ago! I wish my entire house was neutral, but I'd have to move and sell all my furniture to have that!

  27. Yellow is one of my favorite the pops of yellow in the room!...Can't wait to see your new sofa!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly