Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kitchen Design

Hello everyone!

How is your week going so far?  Mine is going okay.  I ended up having the root canal, yesterday, that I had hoped I wouldn't have to have.  I went to the dentist for my permanent crown to be put on and he decided to send me to an endodontist first to rule out needing a root canal.  I didn't know that it's very challenging to do a root canal with a crown on.  I thought they could just pop it off and do the work and then put it back on.  But that's not the case.  They have to drill through the crown which could then crack it and cost me having to pay for another crown all together!  So, I went to the endodontist and he told me that I was at the very beginning stages of having my tooth go bad.  That's why it wasn't killing me but rather giving me signals that it wasn't right.  If I wasn't going to have a crown, I could've delayed this procedure.  But all in all, it would eventually need to be done.  So......... this one tooth has cost me a LOT of money!  After having the crown and root canal, I've used up my dental insurance benefits for the year.  That's okay though.  I don't WANT to have any more dental work for a long time now!  

Ok, enough about that.  I am so excited to be getting my new range and refrigerator delivered this week - FINALLY!  I would've gotten it sooner, but my husband has to be home to install them and his schedule and the store's delivery schedule never worked out till this week.  

This is the LG gas range with convection oven I will be getting.

I wish I was getting a slide in range instead of freestanding though.  (The slide in doesn't have the piece coming up the back.)  But it was too expensive since we're not staying here for a long time.  I prefer the slide in because it gives you more space between the stove and the microwave above it.  Mine is very compressed.  

This is the LG refrigerator I will be getting.

In addition to the rest of my appliances getting delivered, I will be getting new tile installed on my backsplash soon.  I'm going with a bright white subway tile and dark grey grout.  My husband will be removing the old tile this weekend and the guy that will install it is coming out to look at it on Sunday.  Yay!! 

This is probably what my dream kitchen would look like right here.  Mine will not be this beautiful because my kitchen is layed out differently, but I would love to have something similar to this in my next home! 

We are also on a mission to find a stainless steel sink to replace our white one.  Our sink must be replaced!  It is terribly scratched up and would not help sell our house one day in the state that it is in.  So, hopefully, we will be able to get that done too.

My son's new computer will arrive this weekend too.  I'm happy because that means I get my computer back in our kitchen and don't have to keep the computer cabinet doors open all the time!  It was always so messy looking.  My son will be happy because he will have a better computer for gaming and be able to use his new desk and chair now.

So, alot happening this week and next!  

Be sure to come back here tomorrow night for the Share Your Style party too.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Sorry to hear you had to have a root canal...at least that is behind you now! How exciting to finally have your new appliances delivered this week!!!! Have you had a convection oven before? I'd like to give my kitchen a mini overhaul because I would LOVE to have white subway tile like you with marble counter tops. Actually I'd like to sell our house and build one but that isn't going to happen. LOL!!!!

  2. Oh how exciting, Kelly!! So many fun things happening in your kitchen! I'm certain I can see myself turning just a bit green. :) I love your new appliance choices and I can't wait to see your new backslash. I love that look too!! xo

  3. I love your new appliances! Looking forward to seeing more of the new kitchen remodel. Hope your tooth feels better soon.

  4. Kelly, I think I'm in the same tooth boat. I have one with a crown that is just barely aching. The dentist said the root is changing color and it will have to have a root canal soon. I'm so scared because I've never had one. Definitely want to get it done before serious pain starts. Give me some words of wisdom here. :(

    Your kitchen is going to be amazing just like the rest of your house. You guys are doing a lot at once. You won't want to move after you're done.

  5. Oh, didn't know you had to have a root canal. That is something I have never had and hope I don't. Love the new appliances and the tile and grout choice. Can't wait to see it all come together!

  6. Glad you are done with the dental work...no fun! But now you can just enjoy your new goodies! The kitchen will be beautiful!

  7. HI Kelly!
    I am so sorry to hear about your dental work. It is never fun to have anything like that done.
    All the changes coming your way sounds so exciting!
    We have the same taste in kitchens, I love the ones your pick as your dream kitchen! I am counting the days till I can change some things up in my kitchen. I want to paint my cabinets white, install white subway tile, white carrara marbles and a white farmers skink! Haaaa!!! Lots of work and money!!
    Did you ever hear anything else about the show "Home Town"? I've being wandering if it has being on again or will be on soon? I hope so as I loved it!! Looking forward to Fixer Upper tonight!!
    Have a great day! XO

  8. I love the refrigerator and all the doors it has. I had a root canal years ago. I also had a crown on it and they had to put a new one on. What was bad was when the dumbness wore off have way through. I felt the drill. My anxiety was so high that it caused the dumbness meds to wear off quickly. I think the Dentist was more in shock than I was. He kept saying he was sorry and constantly asked me if it was numb again when he game me the meds.

  9. Well Kelly, you've certainly been busy! I just had a permanent crown put on last week and need two more. I had two done last year. But each one is about $1300, so I'm going to wait awhile.

  10. I'm so sorry you had to have the root canal. Was it as bad as you imagined? Mine wasn't bad at all. I made it out to be much worse in my mind. :) I love your new appliances and can't wait to see them in your kitchen. I was going to ask if you still wanted to do subway tile. How exciting that you're doing it soon! I hope your old backsplash comes off as easily as ours did. I couldn't believe how quickly some of those tiles popped right off. :)

  11. A root canal....Ugh!!!!! But there is something to look forward to this weekend.

  12. The kitchen is going to look great. I'm sure you'll love the convection oven feature.

  13. The worst is behind you, and now you can concentrate on spiffing up your kitchen, which is pretty exciting!

    Removing tile can be messy, difficult work. Sometimes pieces of the wall come off too, especially if the installation was done correctly. Good luck, and get ready to hear lots of 'colorful' words coming from your hubby ; ).

  14. Just in case anyone else is in the position of needing a root canal after a crown is put on ... I had one done years ago and have not had any problems whatsoever. Maybe I was just lucky, but I just wanted to let you know it can be done successfully.

  15. Sorry to hear about your root canal! Love your new appliances and the subway tile and grey grout will look wonderful!

  16. Yikes! I've had root canal, but no cap. In the end I had the tooth pulled.
    Love all your appliances. Too bad the company you bought from doesn't install.
    Sound to me you'll have a busy week!

  17. I'm going through a root canal too ( and I don't have dental insurance - tres expensive ! )
    If I had to be going through something at the same time as you I'd rather it be on a kitchen - IT'S GORGEOUS KELLY !
    And those are 2 sexy appliances !!!

  18. Hope you feel better Kelly and love our new appliances!

  19. I've had a root canal...so I feel your pain. Love the new appliances you are getting.

  20. Ouch! Sorry to hear about that tooth! I'm scheduled for gum surgery in a few weeks...ugh. Lots of new changes in your house - exciting!

  21. Lots of new things arriving around there, each one just as exciting as the next. I'll be paying attention to how you like that fridge, that little door part on the outside, I love that, and the tile, oh yeah I like that.

  22. It is always good to work with what you have to create even a piece of your dream kitchen. The new appliances, stainless steel sink and backsplash tiles can make you happy until you are able to move into your new home. I have always liked the LG brand so I think you made a great choice with your stove and refrigerator.

  23. New, stainless steel appliances in a white, tile or brick kitchen ad a modern charm to your space here. A nice, deep stainless steel sink is a really great attribute to a spacious kitchen it allows for more dish space at the end of a large dinner or party, so I think you'll be happy with that. Beautiful white paneling does a great job and retaining some old world charm against the modern look of stainless steel.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly