Monday, March 14, 2016

New Draperies in the Kitchen

Hello everyone!

How are you doing with the new time change?  I will be honest..............I hate it!  I hope to one day see it done away with.  I heard that there are measures being taken for 13 states to quit using it (my state of GA included).  We live in a world of sleep deprivation anyway, so why take away one more hour of it?  It was started back in WWI and of course, that's when life was very different from the way it is now.  I don't see any benefit to it.  In fact, it has been documented that more accidents occur right after this time change and more strokes and heart attacks occur shortly after this time change as well!   I find it strange that we physically change our clocks to a man made time. It's not even the REAL time of day!  If I wanted to live in another time zone, I would move to a different part of the country!  I will continue to follow the progress of the new law that is being proposed to "outlaw" this silly antiquated time change.

Now, I feel better to have gotten that off my chest.  Feel free to shed some light on why you think it's a good thing or not.

I wanted to share some new draperies that I got for my kitchen recently.  I wanted more of a contrast between the curtains and the walls than my last pair gave me.  So, I found these at Target.  

These are a dark charcoal material with a white liner on the back.  So, I'm happy that they don't show the pattern outside.  

I ordered them in a 95" length, but they were still just a tad short.  So, I added clip rings at the top so they would hang all the way to the floor.  There's nothing worse than draperies that are too short!

I'm loving the geometric pattern.  It adds a bit of modern style to my farmhouse style kitchen.  I like that mix!

I also wanted to let you know that I just got on Instagram!  Some of you have been asking for me to do it, and I mentioned it to my husband.  He's already on it, so he knew just what to do to get me set up.  I'm still learning all about it, but I have managed to put a few posts up.  So if you have the chance, I would love for you to go check it out!

Click HERE to view it.  

I plan on adding a link to my blog for this as well.  

Have a great Monday (and now it's time for a nap) !

~ Kelly ~  


  1. Love the curtains! Added that pretty pattern and spruced things right up. I hate the time change. In fact I didn't even know about it until Israel told me this morning. I so rarely watch TV or hear news that I'm never "in the know."

  2. Love your new panels!!!!! Our state is one of the thirteen states trying to do away with daylight savings. That would be fine with me, I see no benefit of it either. I am on Instagram too...see you over there!

  3. I do not see the big deal is with the time change. just go to bed an hour earlier and I like it because the sun change were it is at.

  4. The time change has kicked my butt. However, it is really nice to enjoying the backyard at almost 7 pm. I am thanking my lucky stars that I am no longer a teacher with an alarm clock going off at 5:30 am!
    Love your panels-great find!

  5. Kelly- the curtains look great! I will be following you on instagram for sure!

  6. Love the new curtains...lovely pattern! I like farmhouse with modern, too! Following on instagram!

  7. I can't tell you how happy I am that you're finally on Instagram!!! I'm going to look you up right after I comment here. :) Target is really doing it up right with their decor lately. I love your draperies and the fact that they're lined so they don't show on the outside is such a bonus. And yes...I can't stand it when drapes are too short! A major pet peeve of mine. I like a little "puddle" at the bottom. :) I never really think too much about the time change, but I would totally be okay with doing away with it. I've never seen the benefit. By the way, I just have to say again that your subway tile looks amazing!

  8. They look beautiful and I love the pattern. I am not doing well on the time change either. I wished they would just leave it alone.

  9. The drapes are lovely - I can see why you chose them. As for the time change - I was find yesterday but found today very hard!

  10. Love the pop of color in your new curtains, Target really has some neat stuff.


  11. Beautiful drapes Kelly!! I love how you're adding more contrast to your home.
    I thought I was the only one without an Instagram account, maybe now I am. Lol I've been thinking of joining too.
    Our entire family is struggling with the time change, it's so unnatural.

  12. Lovely Kelly!
    We are still trying to catch up on that hours sleep as well.
    Happy to hear that you are IG. I'm on there too!

  13. They're fabulous Kelly! Target has some great stuff!

    I like the time change. The longer it stays light out the better for me :). I hate when it's dark before 5!

  14. They're fabulous Kelly! Target has some great stuff!

    I like the time change. The longer it stays light out the better for me :). I hate when it's dark before 5!

  15. Prior to 2005, parts of Indiana were on daylight savings time and parts were not. I live in southwestern Indiana, and we were on Central Daylight Savings Time. Most counties were on Eastern time zone and did not adhere to daylight savings time. So for half the year, we were the same time zone as Indy and half the year we were not. That was so confusing. We elected a governor who said he would make sure that the entire state was on the same time zone including whether we adhered to daylight savings time or not. It ended up the entire state went on daylight savings time. However, my county and the 4 counties surrounding me are on Central Daylight and all of the other counties are on Eastern Daylight. At least its the same all year and not so confusing to know whether Indy is an hour ahead or not since they always are now. But it's still really strange!

  16. Love the curtains....Sleeping an hour later since the time change..not good

  17. Your new curtains do give the perfect contrast in your dining room...very pretty!
    Mary Alice

  18. I agree with you whole heartily about the time change. I hope Florida is one of the 13 states. Your curtains look great with the farmhouse style.

  19. GORGEOUS curtains, super color choice Kelly!

  20. Love your new drapes! They look great!
    I wholeheartedy agree with you on the time change! We need to do away with it. When my dad lived in AZ they do not do it there. The rest of the country needs to follow!
    I was so happy when I saw that you joined Instagram!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Pretty curtains, Kelly! Love the modern twist in your kitchen. I do like the Spring Forward time change, even if it means losing an hour's sleep.. I seriously feel depressed when we change the clocks in fall. I like having more hours of daylight - it just makes me feel happier. Glad you are now on Instagram - I'm heading right over to follow you!

  23. Your drapes look great.

    I love daylight savings time. It means that the sun sets much later from now through fall and all that extra daylight is wonderful.

  24. Hi Kelly - I think your curtains are perfect! Love the color and pattern... It looks so updated and fresh in your kitchen! Amazing what a change some contrast provides. It looked great before, but I like it even better now!

  25. They're gorgeous Kelly - LOVE the color !
    They're thinking of eliminating time changes here in Canada too - it's completely redundant to continue the tradition at this point

  26. Love your new curtains...they look great in your kitchen.

  27. Your new curtains add a nice contrast to your farmhouse whites, Kelly. How lucky you were to find ready made curtains in just the right length! They look fabulous!

  28. The curtains are so pretty. I love your room. So appealing! Gosh every picture is just soooo pretty.
    Ok. So I hate the time change, too. My husband always has something to say to me (funny-like..."How do you feel about the time change?")when I'm already volunteering how much I hate the time change. I don't mind it in the spring...but really? In the fall? It's cold, dreary and now you want to make it DARK before folks can get home, too??? Yeah. Sorry. I'm all for ditching it in Alabama! I feel better now, too.
    Yep. My husband had to set up IG for me, too. He's more technical than I am.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly