Tuesday, July 26, 2016

For the Love of Ship Lap

Hello everyone!

How is your week going so far?  Mine has been very busy since my youngest son is getting ready to start high school next week.  He had freshman orientation today.  I must brag on our school system.  We would've probably moved this year or next, if it wasn't for our great school system.  But since he only has 4 more years to go, we decided to keep him where he is.  His new high school is very nice and besides offering him an IEP (which is a custom plan for any student that requires extra help with certain subjects) they even offered all freshman a mentor to help them out their first year!  Wow!  I certainly didn't get anything close to that when I was in school.  My youngest son is slightly autistic so he really benefits from all this extra help!  Our school system is ranked 5th in the state of GA.  So, our new house can just wait a few more years.  Ha!

In the meantime, we are always working on our current home to add value and make it more appealing to us.  One way we are planning on doing that is by adding some ship lap to some of our walls.  There is one room where we plan on adding an accent wall of ship lap to first.  Then, depending on how well we like it and how easy (or not) that it is to install, we may do our breakfast area in the kitchen. 

Here are some inspiration pics of what we like:

You get the idea.  My husband said he will start this weekend.  He needs a few of the proper tools first and he has been reading up on how to do it.  So.............we shall see how it works out!

My inspiration came from a friend of ours who moved into a brand new craftsman style custom built home.   The very first thing I saw was their pretty ship lap accent wall in their foyer.  It's the first time I've ever seen one in person.  Ha!  Luckily, my husband liked it too,  so he said he would give it a try in our house. I also learned that a little can go a long way.  I don't want my whole house covered in it.

I will keep you posted as to how it goes.

Be sure to come back here tomorrow night for another Share Your Style party!

~ Kelly ~   


  1. I'm happy that you have such a good situation for your son.
    How exciting that your husband is putting up ship lap for you!! I agree that a little is better that doing it all over. It will be so beautiful. Looking forward to your updates.

  2. I can't believe your son starts school next week!!! Ours don't start for two more weeks around here. I think it's great that you have such great schools where you live that can give him the help he needs. I have thought about adding ship lap to our house too. I would like to add insulation to the front rooms in our house and then do ship lap to cover the holes. Since our home is stone we can't insulate from the outside like it is normally done. We don't have the money right now so we will probably sell our house before we ever get around to it?!?! LOL I can't wait to see how your project turns out!!!

  3. Oh, fun! Can't wait to see it. I told Doug I would like just the wall our bed is on done. He sort of rolled his eyes.

  4. I can't wait to see how it turns out! I have always wanted to do the same thing. Not sure how expensive it is, though. I hope you will share all the details here.

  5. Being the mom of a (now 31 yr old) with FAS, I know how truly important it is to have great educational support. I'm happy to hear that your district is helpful and recognizes mentoring. Bravo!! I, too, love ship lap! Will be looking forward to your space when it is complete! Blessings, Cindy xo

  6. Anxious to see how this turns out. Keep us posted!


  7. So nice that your school offers that help. We have a great school but not very helpful with kids with IEPs.
    Can't wait to see how your new project turns out.

  8. Ship lap will really suit your style, Kelly. Lucky you, to have a husband so willing AND so handy!

  9. How exciting Kelly! Your inspiration photos are gorgeous. I love ship lap too and I'm hoping to add some to our downstairs bathroom and kitchen one day. It's on my list, but we're not quite there yet. I can't wait to see how it's done! xo

  10. Sounds like a fun project in the making. Your inspiration photos are gorgeous.
    Mary Alice

  11. I think it's a great idea and will definitely suit the style of your home perfectly! I know you are going to love it.

  12. How wonderful that your school can provide children with such excellent programs - will definitely make adjusting to high school a bit easier, especially with a mentor. I am planning to do shiplap over my fireplace, so I will be interested in seeing your how to's, as I also need to purchase tools, since I have never attempted a DYI where wood cutting & nailing was involved.

  13. How exciting Kelly! Our schools don't start back till September here in Canada.
    It's great to have such an accomadating school!

  14. Your son is so lucky to have a mentor in high school. That is a great idea. I didn't have that way back when. I love the shiplap-look also. I have been trying to figure it out but I will need to corral a friend to help. I can't wait to see the end result.

  15. Glad you are in a good school system..I like ship lap as well as an accent.too much can make your ceilings look lower?

  16. I'm so excited for you! I knew it was just a matter of time. :) I was on your blog the other day and I thought to myself..."Kelly's house would look great with some shiplap". Great minds think alike. lol!

  17. Can't wait to see. It looks so easy on Fixer Upper doesn't it? John and I are going to plank our backsplash in the laundry room soon. Fingers crossed for both of us.


  18. We have been fixing up our home too over the years to add value, because we want to move when Hubby retires. I love the ship lap, but we only have one more room to do and it is the bathroom and it will not work in there. I like watching Fixer Upper and they love putting the ship lap up. Maybe in our next home we can have it. I think it looks great in a room.

  19. Can't wait to see your shiplap wall! I love the look of it, but it just wouldn't work in my my house - I may have to move :) Your school system does sound fantastic. The idea of a mentor for freshman is an amazing idea. My son could have probably have benefited from that. High school goes fast - my son is beginning his senior year - I can't believe it! Good luck to your son!


  20. What a great educational situation for your son! I bet it relieves your worries to know that he is getting what he needs.

    The shiplap--what exactly is it? I know it is wooden planks but would you ask for it by that name at the big box home improvement stores? I really like the look it gives. I hope your project turns out like you want it to and that you like the final product. I could see it in my living room, but it's a big commitment. Maybe I could fine wallpaper in that design! Then I could just strip it if I didn't like it!

  21. Love love shiplap and love the photos you showed. It has a more rustic feel than other boarded walls. For sure you have my vote. xx Jo

  22. You're gonna love it, perfect for your style!

  23. We are going to put some shiplap in our family room and I'm also hoping to put some in our master bed room too. Can't wait to see yours.

  24. I've been away from my computer for a long time and have so many posts to catch up on. I get lazy about blogging in the summer. :) That's great that your school system does all that. I don't blame you for wanting to let your son finish out his high school years there. You won't regret it, I'm sure. It's so nice to have a school you're happy with and even nicer when they go the extra mile. I love shiplap!!! I've been following along on Instagram and love what you're doing! We need to get those shirts from Magnolia Market that say #shiplap. :)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly