Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Share Your Style Party #75

Welcome to Share Your Style #75.  Can you believe how fast the summer has gone by?  How come January and February don't go that fast?  But each and every week, we are delighted to have you here and share all your wonderful inspirational posts with us.  Remember there are five of us that co-host this Link Party so your posts go far and wide.  This week I am the host of the party, Lynn, owner of the The Vintage Nest blog.  I have picked out  a few of your blog post that really caught my eye and are the features this week. 

Shannon,  of the blog Belle Bleu Interiors, shares how she was able to obtain a French Pastry table, once belonging to Charles Faudree; a famous interior designer, known for his fondness of all things French.  What a lucky lady.

Mary of  "Orphans With Makeup" , did an outstanding make-over on an old top bookshelf.  It truly is gorgeous and a must see.

Decor to Adore blog is owned by Laura.  She shows us how to make the cutest sailboat pillow.  "summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime".  Remember that song?  That's immediately what came to mind when I saw her project.

Heidi, of the blog Life with Heidi, has a cool, simple, no cook dinner- Ranch seafood dinner or lunch to share with us.  Sounds good to me!  

My last feature today caught my eye because it's so  happy and so colorful, that it just screams summer......  Pam, of Every Day Living shares with us a tablescape in her summer garden.

Thank you for visiting our Share Your Style party today.  I do hope you will visit the features and say hi, and visit others too, for fabulous recipes, inspirational posts and fantastic make-overs.   If you were featured today, please grab our button and proudly display it on your blog. And please post a link back to our party within your blog post somewhere so you can be featured.
Have a wonderful weekend.     :)  Lynn


  1. There is always something wonderful at your linky party, thanks for hosting! xx Jo


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly