Monday, August 15, 2016

How I Take Care of My Slipcovers

Hello everyone!

Nowadays, many people have slip covers on their furniture.  It's a stylish look and practical to live with.  I personally wouldn't have my furniture any other way.  I have slip covers on my family room furniture, kitchen chairs, dining chairs, and other furniture around the house.  I am a huge fan of bright white classic slip covers.  Some people may think that would be difficult to live with but for me, it's not at all.  I once had a red slip cover on a chair and it started fading after washing it and after the sun did a number on it.  So, white is actually better than a colored slip cover. It also allows me to use other accent colors in the room more easily. 

Here is how I clean my slipcovers. (Mine are made from cotton denim.)

After I removed my slipcover, I was left with a very naked sofa!

 I wash my main slipcover in the washer by itself and then do the cushion slipcovers in the next load.  I don't wash them with anything else either.

I use regular detergent like I use on my clothes (in the form of a pod) and then I add 1/2 cup Borax powder and 1/2 cup liquid bleach.  My water setting is hot.

I dry mine in the dryer but don't use any fabric softener sheets.

I put on the main slipcover while the cushion covers are drying.

You'll notice a lot of wrinkles now.  So, I invested in one of these.

It's a professional clothing and upholstery steamer from Shark.  It does a great job getting the wrinkles out.

Then, after the cushion covers are dry, I put them back on the cushions and then place the cushions back on the sofa.

I don't bother steaming the cushions because they will de-wrinkle a bit on their own as you sit on them.  I'm not expecting perfection anyway, so this doesn't bother me.  I think if you are looking for that, then you might not be a good candidate for slipcovers.  Part of the appeal to me is that lived in look.  

So, that is how I take care of mine.  Luckily, I don't have little ones anymore to worry about causing so many messes on the furniture.  Therefore, I don't wash mine that frequently.  But, it wouldn't be a problem if I did.  I have peace of mind knowing that I can clean and deodorize mine any time I need to.  

So, don't be afraid of white (unless you can't wash it)! afraid.  Very afraid!  Ha Ha!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Your sofas are just beautiful Kelly! I love my slipcover too! We recently had to get a new washer/dryer and I can fit an entire sofa in one load- it's awesome! And the dryer has a damp dry setting that I use when they're in there.
    Is it so hot where you are? We are in the triple digit heat indexes until Thursday! Ugg!!

  2. I love the look of slip covers, but I would not like the maintenance involved. I am really into simple these days. Your furniture always looks nice.

  3. I agree about the lived in look, and I too love white slipcovers for all the reasons you mentioned.

    Have you heard of If not, check them out for some good prices! They don't always have the exact cover you want, but sometimes they do. I believe their covers are from Pottery Barn, although they don't advertise that fact.

  4. I love your slipcovers. I have slipcovers and did have white ones. Unfortunately, I washed them and they shrunk. I am dying to get the white denim ones like you have. Your house always looks so nice.

  5. Hi Kelly,
    I agree the slipcovers should have that comfy lived in feel to them. Great tips on washing them.

  6. No slip covers here... They look great but they also look like a lot of work.

  7. why don't you use fabric softener sheets? I never thought not to... Now I need a steamer!!! Great idea

  8. Kelly, where did you get your slipcovers. I'm looking for ones that have square arms rather than the round ones, or do you think they could be worked to fit square arms?

    Jane in NZ

  9. Thanks for sharing, Kelly! I am thinking about ordering some for my Louisiana house. I think they would be great for the aesthetic that I have going on there. And, we're only there sporadically; so, it shouldn't be hard to keep up with.

  10. One of my many dreams is to have a white slipcover for every upholstered piece of furniture I own. Probably I will dream on, but yours always look so good! I have always wondered: is it hard to get the cushion covers on and off? I love the smell of freshly washed and bleached linens. I need the slipcover fairy to pay me a visit!

  11. Great tips, Kelly! I have them in my family room and with little use (everything is in our living room which is open to the kitchen), I haven't had to wash them yet. I worry about them smelling musty if I don't dry them thoroughly before putting them on. Do you have foam or down filling?


  12. I don't think I would have the patience's you do, however, I would have a new couch by now, lol


  13. You make some very good points about slip covers. They sure are easy to take care of. I like your tip about using Borax too. I just googled it and it looks like there are a lot of uses for it. The steamer is a great idea too, but like you, I would be fine with some wrinkles. I like the lived in look too.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly