Friday, September 22, 2017

It's Finally Fall Y'all!

Hello everyone!

How has your week been?  The weather here in GA has been pretty.  The rain has moved out and the sun has been shining.  We finally got our yard all cleaned up from Tropical Storm Irma.  We still need to take our garden down.  The plants are no longer producing so it's time to clean it up and wait until next Spring to do it all over again.  

With today being the official first day of Fall, I thought it would be fun to post some pretty Fall images to get us all in the spirit of the season.  

I look forward to driving through the mountains and looking at the pretty leaves.

I look forward to Halloween.

I look forward to sitting around the fire pit in our backyard.

I look forward to buying pumpkins.

I look forward to roasting marshmallows.

And my number one thing to look forward to this Fall is becoming a grandmother for the first time!  

What do you look forward to this Fall?  

Fall break starts next week for our school,  so it should be a fairly relaxed week.  

Hope you all have a great weekend!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Thanks for the fall inspiration! Congrats on becoming a grandma soon!

  2. I look forward to it cooling off. Don't feel like buying pumpkins in 100 degree heat...

  3. Yes, I am ready for fall too. Trying to get a lot of work done since we still have some good temps. This coming week I think Summer does not want to leave.

  4. I'm so happy for you with that sweet grand baby on the way! What a fun season ahead!

  5. Nice series of pictures..Happy Fall!!

  6. GREAT PICTURES ! Fall is the BEST time of year! A CHILL in the air! Scarecrows!pumpkins ! Straw bales! Apple cider! apples!beautiful colors ! THE BEST !!!

  7. As you know, Kelly, I'm originally a Georgia girl. I saw pictures of the results of Irma in my home town. Many of my friends had trees on their homes and property. Made me sad, but it was so much worse for others. So glad my friends and family are safe. What can I say that I love about ALL! Love the sights and smells. It always feels like a new beginning. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Ahhhhh congrats on becoming a grandmother. You cannot explain the wonderful feeling you get when you have your first grandchild. I know you are going to love it. Just when you think you could never love anything more than your own kids they give you these sweet grands. Oh Kelly so excited for you.

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Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly