Monday, December 11, 2017

Norcross Tour of Homes - Christmas Part 1

Hello everyone!

How was your weekend?  Mine was rather eventful due to the snow we received!  It wasn't planned either.  We were expecting a few snow flurries and very cold temps.  Suddenly, after school was in session,  and businesses were open, the snow fall multiplied and multiplied until some people received as much as a foot of snow here in GA!  My area only received about half that but it was enough to completely disrupt businesses, traffic, schools, and emergency services.  Many people lost power too.  I'm all about some pretty snowfall (when I'm expecting it and can prepare for it), but not this way.  The news forecast, here in Atlanta, was WAY off!  I am the planning type so I was caught completely off guard by this and caught in bumper to bumper traffic trying to get home.  The plans we made for my son's birthday had to be cancelled altogether too.  He got more than we did where he lives!  He is on his way to Disney so we won't get to see him until next weekend now.  

Before all of this disastrous weather, I had a chance to go on a fun holiday tour of homes with my sister in the city we grew up in.  It was a picture perfect beautiful day (unlike this weekend).  I took some pics to share with you.  

This house is FULL of color and FULL of nick knacks.  It reminded me a lot of Tracy Porter's style.  Lots of jewel tones and layers upon layers of things.  Are you ready?  

Warning!  Picture overload ahead.  

This house was built in 1993 and is in a subdivision.  Most of the other homes on the tour were in the historic district.  This home is deceiving though.  The outside looks very traditional, but the inside is NOT! Clearly, the way the reindeer is dressed outside is an indication of what to expect behind closed doors!  

Large ornaments hang from ribbon in the tree branches as you approach the front porch.

On the front porch, lots of eye candy to see.  Here on the left, is this antique bed and fireplace mantel adorned in bright colors and textures. 

On the right side of the porch, more goodies delight the eye.  Lots of unique pieces pulled together for an interesting vignette. 

Upon entering the home, you are greeted with a moody feeling of vintage style furnishings and accessories in layers and layers everywhere.  From the ceiling to the floor, there is something interesting to look at.  There are many scented candles burning throughout the home that instantly give you the spirit of Christmas too. 

The walls are covered in individual papers tacked to the wall to form a wallpaper.  This homeowner is obviously a collector by the amount of similar items she has. Notice the silver tray collection on the wall.

As you enter the kitchen from the dining room, you see this candle display,  It is full of crosses too.  It had a very religious feeling to it like you might see it in an old church.

Now, in the eating area of the kitchen is a table with another interesting vignette in the center. Notice the colorful patchwork curtains in the window.  This is only the tip of the iceberg of color for what's to come!

The cooking area of the kitchen is a tad bit more simple.  

This dresser was on the wall adjacent to the kitchen table.  It was hand painted by the homeowner!

Now, onto the family room.  This room had a lot going on.  It almost had a gypsy feeling to it. 

I forgot to take a pic of the emerald green velvet sofa behind this coffee table. 
Oops!  You can just imagine it I'm sure. 

Now, let's go into the master bedroom.  This is on the first floor too. Again, lots of jewel tones and layers of pillows and velvet.

Upstairs, is like the downstairs.  Here is a vintage book display with the books sorted by color in the hallway.

This is the hall bathroom.

This bedroom was cozy with the twin beds.

This is a shot of her craft room.  There was a lot going on in here so I just snapped this pic to give you a sample.  There was even a bed in it!

Outside, was a completely extra living area!  I didn't get many pics out here though.  There was an outdoor fireplace seating area,  a water feature and even a chicken coop at the top of the hill painted in bright colors. 

We spent the most time at this home since it had so much to look at.  The other homes on the tour were much more traditional.  I will share them in a future post. 

Hope you enjoyed the tour!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Mother Nature can certainly be unpredictable! Sorry your plans were derailed for your son's birthday Kelly. I'm sure you were disappointed but next weekend will be here before you know it.

    Interesting house filled with lots of fun things and color!


  2. We had a lot more than predicted as well, and it through me off too! I saw this house on Kim's blog. Very colorful!

  3. What an interesting and unique home. I'm guessing the owner is an artist, maybe textiles are one of her mediums. Thanks for taking us on the tour.

  4. Sorry about the snow. We received some too. Interesting home and I must say love the kitchen island.


  5. Way too busy for my the kitchen..Interesting..Thanks for sharing..Enjoy the snow ..probably gone by now..

  6. I'd say BoHo to the max! It does remind me of a gypsy caravan spread out into a house. It looks like the home of an artist---fun to visit and enjoy it. I am betting this home gets into Fifi's Boho magazine. lol

    Looking forward to seeing more homes, too. xo Diana

    ps. You can keep all that extra snow right down has bypassed us so far this year except for a couple of inches.

  7. Yikes Kelly that is a lot of snow for you guys. Up here that is the norm so everything goes on even when it snows. I know you guys do not have the equipment to deal with that much snow. Sorry you had to cancel your plans with your son. Hoping when he is back from Disney you guys can have a great celebration. The house tour sounded wonderful and lots of whimsy in this house.

  8. this is such a fun and amazing home, great photos!

  9. Gorgeous tour! The silver tray display over the mantel caught my eye. I need to figure out how to do that.
    Mary Alice

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  12. Wow! You did gets lots of snow! I remember because I also follow your IG account! What a tour! This looks really boho! I bet the owner is an artist! Very interesting. Anita, from the blog Far Above Rubies has a lot of color and a boho vibe in her home but it's much more refined and cohesive. Thanks for sharing! I love seeing different styles and expressions in home decor.

  13. In my opinion, outdoor decor is the hardest. But I think you nailed it.
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Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly