Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treating

Cue the Halloween music..............

We had a fun time last night with all the trick or treaters.  It started off with my son, Will, designing his pumpkin to be carved.

Then, his dad did the difficult task of carving this masterpiece.

We placed it on the porch and lit a candle inside it.

I love how it turned out!  Will wanted it to have a scar over one eye.  So, that's what that little zig zag design is.

I turned on the porch lights and the other electric pumpkins to welcome the trick or treaters.

Then, Will got dressed in his very scary costume!

This was his choice!  Eek!!

Even our dog, Max, got in on the action.

I tried my to get a decent picture of him, but to no avail.  He kept running around from all the excitement, so this is about as good as I could get.  If you can't tell, he's wearing a tutu type collar with skulls on it.  Ha! He actually was well behaved once the trick or treaters started coming to the door.  He would follow me to the door and check out everyone.  It was so cute.

Here is Will and his dad about to go trick or treating.  They met up with some other neighbors as they walked the neighborhood. 

Look at all the candy he collected when he was done!

Now, what to do with all of my left over candy from last night.  I always seem to buy too much. 

Hopefully, none of you have a stomach ache from eating too much candy yesterday.  I need to go on a walk now.  Ha!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Your front porch looks great!!! I have so much candy left too, so I am taking it to the gym.....:)

  2. hi kelly.

    check your email!

    hint: you entered my giveaway recently...



  3. Love your son's costume!! And your porch is spooky cute!

    We only had 5 trick or treaters here last night.

  4. Will was very scary looking. The pumpkin looked great. Max is too funny with his costume on.

  5. Love Will's pumpkin! His costume is wonderful too!

    No candy here. We went to our daughter's, which is always our "halloween base". All our kids trick or treat in her neighborhood. J manned the door, while our oldest granddaughter, daughters and one son in law took the kids around. The 2 other sons in law had to work late and missed out on the fun. Oldest daughter kept us company. There didn't seem to be as many "visitors" this year. No candy left over there, though.

  6. Hi, this is my first visit here and I must say, your porch is decorated perfectly. Your son's costume is indeed scarey and the dog's is cute.

  7. Your house looks great! Our Will's had similar costumes:) Martina

  8. Great Jack-o-lantern and great porch. Love Will and Max's costumes. Too cute. We only had two trick or treaters. That's two more than we had last year. LOL

  9. Hi Kelly,

    It looks like everyone had fun!
    Your porch was very inviting....
    Love the smile on your sons pumpkin!
    All the Best,

  10. Your porch is adorable! As is the Boston Terrier get-up!

  11. Love your Halloween decos... and the carved pumpkin turned out so cute!!! We have lots of candy leftover too...darn it! LOL

  12. The boys looked so cute..love your porch..we have candy left, too...no chocolate, tho (clutching hands behind back)..:)))

    And, yep...I do love to cook..:)

  13. I'm liking that pumpkin...the scar reminds me of Harry Potter..cute! Looks like Will got some good loot...I don't know if your anything like me but I always have a hard time keeping my hands out of the candy!! Glad we never have any left after the trick-or-treators lol

  14. Your home looked so good! I mean spooky! Your little one is just a cutie! I really like your BOO banner, too!

    We have too much candy here! I already needed to walk beforehand! haha!

    Happy Late Bday!!! I know I emailed you, but just in case!

  15. Oh, Kelly, your house is a trick-or-treater's delight!! I love how festive you made it!! Max is too cute in his costume. Will made out like a bandit; hope HE didn't get a bellyache! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  16. Love his pumpkin, he did a great job! His costume is spooky, looks similar to what my son wore.
    Your home is so spookily cute! Looks great.

  17. oops forgot to add I hope y'all had a Happy Halloween and you had a Happy Birthday!!

  18. How cute is your house! Love the spiderweb especially. xo

  19. Looks like you had a fun Halloween! Don't you love when the costumes change from clown, pumpkin and dinosaur to creepy, evil guy with a machete? :)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly