Sunday, November 27, 2011

What I've Been Up To

Do you recall the post from last week where I painted my armoire grey?  Well, you didn't think I'd stop there did you?  I decided to add some grey to my clock too.  I love touches of grey now. 

Here she is........

She used to be cream, but now she's the same color as the armoire (Fawn Brindle) only without the distressing.  I decided she was busy enough.  She (I deem her to be a girl) has the wood appliques on her, so I decided to paint those white.

I love how she turned out.  Now I have a touch of grey in all of my rooms! 

I've been busy working on the outside of my home too.  I started decorating for Christmas.  I have just a few snippets to show you.  I will share the whole thing when I'm done.

Here is my wreath on the front door.

Here are some extra large ornaments hanging from my porch.

And finally here is a windowsill all decked out.

I use a lot of color on the outside of my house because I want to be able to see it from the street.  I've tried going more neutral, but it just doesn't work as well.  I use  neutral colors inside.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much.  I know I did.  I'll be spending this week completing my Christmas decorating, as I know all of you will be too.  It should be a fun week getting to see what everyone has done so far. 

Linking to the following:


  1. I love colour at Christmas time, and the outside of your house is looking beautiful - I'm sure the view from the veranda is as pretty as the view of the veranda!

  2. The clock is beautiful! Love the two colors.

  3. Kelly, everything looks so pretty! The clock looks amazing; and I love the ornaments hanging from your porch! Very festive!

  4. Your clock turned out so nice! Great color. Love the ornaments hanging on your porch!!

  5. Your clock turned out great! I have a large black one very similar, that I hope to paint one day.

    Love your decorations! Looking good!

  6. I love that clock! It looks pretty in grey and white. I like the grey with the beiges and creams, it is very sophisticated yet restful. I use RED for my outdoor ribbons! Or I did last year anyway, because it seems to fit the house and like you said, you can see it better. I love plaid ribbon, but they fade away outside, and I am not one for the gold shiny bows we shall see what I do this year. It is still too warm to get inspired~I need to see some snow flakes swirling around, that is when I get the desire to decorate for xmas. My geranuiums are still blooming along with the roses, it is just so bizarre for Boston as we approach December!

  7. Oh she sure is pretty in a touch of gray. Love your Christmas decor, I have not done any outside yet, I am saving that for this week.

  8. I am loving your gray things. The clock is a WORK OF ART! I can hardly wait to get my gray kick going! But it will have to wait until after Christmas.

    Your bright jolts of color in the front are lovely! My daughter is using some of the 'new' colors as well. My favorite pic (other than THE clock!) is your front door wreath! Made me smile from ear to ear - it just LOOKS so happy!!

  9. Kelly your look turned out beautiful! I love the grey and love how you left the detailed parts white. The outside of your house looks great, can't wait to see what you do inside!! Martina

  10. Oh, it's gorgeous, Kelly! I don't have enough stuff to decorate outside this year. Maybe things will be further along and I can next year.

  11. Hi Kelly! Oh, my Lord! Your clock is gorgeous and I love the paint color you've used!
    Your door wreath is so colorful and fun and I love all those pretty colors. You're on a roll! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,

  12. I agree, the clock is gorgeous!!! I also love the ornaments hanging on your front porch - too cute!!! Very whimsical and happy!

    Can't wait to see the rest of your decorations :-)

  13. That is a beautiful gray. Love your porch and windows. Very festive. Blessings, Barb

  14. That is a lovely shade of grey on your beautiful clock. What fun ornament colours too. So festive and I bet they look great from a distance, too.

  15. Hi Kelly,
    Your clock she looks so elegant with her new colours!
    What a beautiful clock...
    Love the wreath on the front door!
    Can't wait to come in and see what you have done on the inside!
    Have fun!
    All the Best,

  16. First of all let me just say, I love your porch and all the colorful ornaments you've placed around it. It looks so festive! I like using neutrals too, but may try your idea of using color outside. Thank you for the inspiration!
    Your clock turned out nicely as looks right at home!

  17. Love the clock, it looks beautiful. I really like gray with white details. Great job!

  18. The white added to the clock finishes it to perfection.

  19. Kelly - that clock is so pretty! Love the style! :)

    xoxo laurie

  20. Kelly, hi! Visiting from Hooked on Home Decor and sharing that awesome Liebster award with ya! New follower! I'd love it if you'd stop by! -
    BTW, love the mirror in your last post! How'd you get it to look so "earthy"? (I mean that in the best possible way - it's lovely!)
    - Lori

  21. I love all the big ornaments! So much fun! Happy Decorating!

  22. Love the clock in her new dress. Your outdoor decor always looks good.

  23. Love the clock...gorgeous! I can't wait to see your house all decked out too :o)

  24. "She" is a real beauty sporting her new grey colour!! Nice job.

    LOVE the giant ornaments hanging from your front porch!! Your house is one of the "treats" we all look for when driving around looking at decorations! blessings ~ tanna

  25. Your clock is gorgeous Kelly!

    I finished the front porch this morning and posted it. Didn't do very much. I think it's okay though. It is a tad chilly here! I didn't stay outside very long.

  26. I love that style of clock, and your paint job is very pretty! I've been on the look out for a clock like that also =)

  27. I just love your wreath on your front door. And those hanging ornaments on the porch are so festive. The girls made wreaths too last weekend, and they had so much fun making them.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  28. Hi Kelly! Thank you so much for liking my little vignette! I do love my piano and call it my gift! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  29. Love the touch of grey Kelly. You really are coming along with your Christmas decor. Beautiful touches.

  30. I need a big clock like that. Or a stuffed bear. One or the other, I'm not sure which....LOL


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly