Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Family Room Reveal!

Hopefully, you're not tired of seeing this room.  I know I have already shown it several times, so I'm not going to go in detail over anything I've already posted. I spent most of my weekend and this week repainting my family room, bead board and trim.  I decided to go with the same color that I used in my kitchen and foyer.  It is called Linen White by Benjamin Moore.  I'm very happy with the results.  I also painted my armoire that houses our TV (does anyone still use these anymore?). 

That was my 360 degree panoramic tour!  Ha!

I painted the armoire to look something like the one on Deserae's blog, Peeking through the Sunflowers.  I have always loved her style, but when I saw her painted armoire, I thought I could try that.  Her armoire is  intricately carved and much more substantial than mine.  So, mine isn't in the same league, but I tried her tutorial and came up with this.

It's difficult to get a good picture because of the clouds today.  I used Fawn Brindle by Sherwin Williams on it and then dry brushed it with white.  I may go over it with a dark wax later.  It's a nice touch of grey for my room.

Since my walls were painted white, I decided to paint my urns grey on my mantel.

It's hard to see the color difference in this picture, but trust's grey! 

I have bead board around the perimeter of this room including a hallway that leads to the kitchen. 

So, as you can see, I was wearing white paint for several days!  Glad that I'm finally finished before Christmas decorating begins.  That was my goal. 

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow and gets some rest before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season begins!

~ Kelly ~

I'm linking to the following:


  1. Kelly I love it, and I admit I am a color person! I especially love the brown accents and the green plants with the creamy color. I use an armoire because I do not want to see my TV. Yours looks great. The whole room is beautiful! Can't wait to see your Christmas decor!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. Kelly...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! This is truly a gorgeous room! You did a wonderful job on the armoire! Love the color! And all of the accessories just bring it to life! I'm excited to see your holiday decor! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. It looks great, Kelly. I can't wait to see it all in person. Oh, I feel a visit coming on!!

  4. i really!!!! love this room!!! the colors are perfect!!!!

  5. Kelly this room always looked so pretty but I love the new lighter and brighter look! Great job and Happy Thanksgiving! Martina

  6. Wow,wow,wow!!! Your armoire turned out so amazing..... and the room looks stunning in the new lighter color! Happy Thanksgiving :o)

  7. It looks very bright, yet cozy! I use an armoire for our tv. In fact, I just posted about my Great Room this week and it shows our new armoire =)

  8. I love this room! You will have to do a before and after pic side by side to show the big result!! It really looks good, and I love the dark brown mantel..also that last pic, what a great shot. What is that chandy I spy???

  9. Kelly, it is beautiful and the armoire is wonderful lightened up. Happy Thanksgiving ♥ Olive

  10. I love, love, love your style. Can I borrow, indefinitely, your furniture?! I could stay in that room all day.

  11. It all looks amazing! What a feeling it must be to have it complete before the Holidays :-)

  12. Beautiful job, Kelly! I love the way the light slants in on the furniture too. You have such a cozy style.

  13. I love absolutely EVERYTHING about this room. So beautiful with all the textures and the play with light and dark. I'm really feeling the beautiful pheasant feathers in the urn.

    What a beautiful space to enjoy the upcoming cozy.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


  14. It is lovely! AND peaceful. I feel like I was just in there walking around. I am falling in love with gray. It is a colr I have NEVER used before and I am gearing up to redo my hall and into the dining room with GRAY! LOVED the way your armoire turned out.....I think it is PERFECT!

  15. Hi Kelly,

    What a great makeover on the armoire, a really nice texture!
    Love the lighter paint colour, a great backdrop for all of your warmer tones...
    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
    All the Best,

  16. Hi Kelly. Your armoire looks great! I love your room and all the unique details. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Hi Kelly
    I loved seeing your beautiful family room. Your amoire looks wonderful painted. We still have one in our room for the TV. We also have a small one at the lake in one of the guest rooms. One of my girls has dibs on it, if we ever decide we don't want it.

    Hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving. Since our kids were here over the weekend, we are happily decorating for Christmas today.

  18. Kelly, ALL of your paint jobs look great!! You have been really busy! Love your work on the amoire. Looks great! Hope you all had a great Thanksgving! blessings ~ tanna

  19. It was a treat visiting your blog... and I love your home. Everything is just perfect! You've done a great job!

  20. It looks beautiful, Kelly. The new paint colour is gorgeous - a great backdrop for whatever you wish to do.

  21. Wow, Kelly ... it looks gorgeous! I love the paint color in there and your newly painted armoire looks incredible! You chose the perfect color for it ... love the technique you did, as well! Beautiful job ... this would be my favorite space!

  22. Wow. This is so pretty, and I love the white. I've always been a person who loved bold colors, but lately I find myself longing for a room like this one. So soothing, white, but warm, too. You have a lovely home. I am now a follower!

  23. Boy that looks gorgeous Kelly! I can feel a magazine calling on you soon. You took some awesome views and shots, even on a cloudy day. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving:) Sounds like y'all did.

  24. Hi Kelly! Oh, your room is so gorgeous! Love your paint job on all of your pieces. Can't wait to see it all decked out for Christmas!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Kelly, everything looks so pretty and blends so well together! I am still loving that doggie picture! Nice job!

  26. PERFECT, Kelly. I love love love a creamy white on walls and ceilings...then absolutely everything else pops. You did a wonderful job and I can't wait to see a Christmas tree and decorations in that pretty room.
    xoxo bj

  27. It looks so nice Kelly! I love how the color change lightens up the room...and the armoire turned out lovely! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

    All the best,
    Rachel :)

  28. Hi Kelly! Just love your style! I've awarded you the Liebster Blog Award. It's meant to honor up and coming new bloggers. Here's a link to my post to explain what you should do next.

  29. What a gorgeous room!! I love the entire space! One day I am going to find a dog picture that I can afford. I saw a few recently at an antique store in Mobile and they were all way out of my league! I love all of yours! Great job on the armoire too!!

  30. Hi Kelly!

    I'm visiting you from Hooked on Home Decor, where we both received an award from Kelly.

    Love your blog--your room is gorgeous and I love all the natural elements.

    I'm your newest follower!

    Creating Wonderful Spaces

  31. Kelly this room is absolutely stunning!! It truly looks like something out of a magazine and I just love it. :-) Thank you so much for sharing this at Inspiration Friday this week!

  32. This is a gorgeous, cozy, comfy room, love all your touches!! the feathers on the mantle are a real favorite of mine! xoxo

  33. Kelly, Your living room is gorgeous and I love the new paint color of the armoire. I love everything about this room.

  34. Kelly... it looks incredible! The room is beautiful, and the armoire looks gorgeous with the new paint technique. Man oh man... you have been busy!! I keep looking around at all my paint projects, but I'm just not motivated enough to get going on them. Maybe that will be my New Year's resolution :)

  35. Hi again Kelly,

    I was here yesterday so sorry it didn't sink in this morning when I read your email! But, in looking on through your posts I had to comment on this room. I really love the feel you have created here and I love your soft touches created with your chosen color scheme!

    Anxiously awaiting for the Tree....

  36. Gorgeous! Can you pretty please come to my house!!?!!! Your floors are pretty, too! We are suppose to be getting some new flooring starting next year. I can't wait! The boys have ruined the carpet in the living room.

  37. I love your room, it's beautiful!

  38. Wow! I love this room and your style. I just love phesant feathers too. I'm your newest follower. I'll be back often...


  39. Love this clean crisp style! Did you have the slipcovers made? I'm wanting to slipcover my dining room chairs and am curious! Well done!

  40. Beautiful! It has such 'old world charm!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly