Sunday, November 20, 2011

Work in Progress

I don't have much to share today because I'm in the middle of a large paint project! I can't wait until it is finished because it has created quite a mess in my home.  Hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. 

Here is a sneak peek:

Not much to look at......yet!

So, to keep you from being completely bored while visiting me, here are a few Thanksgiving "funnies" I thought you might like.

Hope you all are enjoying getting ready for Thanksgiving.  It will be here soon!
I'll be back with some better pics soon.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Can't wait to see what you have been up to! Those comics are hysterical!!

  2. Kelly, these were funny! So cute! Now, what could you possibly be up to now? I can't wait to see!!!

  3. Looking forward to your next project reveal!

    Cute cartoons!

  4. I am a sucker for beadboard...cannot wait for the reveal. I laughed out loud at those comics!!

  5. Hi Kelly,

    Love the Thanksgiving humor...
    They would make great place cards.
    The work in progress looks great!
    All the Best,

  6. Oh Kelly I know how you feel. I'm in sort of a mess myself. Love your beadboard and the white paint. Doesn't get any better than that. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Oh, Kelly, I painted beadboard today, too! Hope you are making faster progress with finishing your project than I am!! I have too many going at once. Boo hiss! ;) Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to. blessings ~ Tanna

  8. Too funny! Good luck with your project - can't wait to see what it is.

  9. I have been doing some of what you have been doing. Thanksgiving chores and honey do's.

  10. I think turkey is like Prozac! sandie

  11. Can't wait to see what you're doing, but if it involves beadboard I already know I'll love it! Thanks for the laughs... Have a fabulous Thanksgiving :)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly