Thursday, December 29, 2011

How much do I love thee?

Let me count the ways..............

Now that Christmas is over and the house is back in order, I am having a  love affair with my new pine chest.

I now have a place to put a lamp in the foyer and light a candle too. 

I love her even more with the soft glow of candlelight at night.

She's the first thing I see when I enter my home and the last thing I see before heading upstairs to bed at night.

In fact, we're still getting acquainted.  I haven't yet decided what to fill the drawers with yet. I am just waiting for a storage need to come along and I'll be set.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying her new look and so thankful I brought her home! 

However, I hope she doesn't get too jealous, because now she has some stiff competition in the kitchen.  I'll be showing that to you soon.

Have you had a love affair with anything in your home lately?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 

Linking to the following:


  1. I love that chest too. The word 'patina' was made for it!
    I have a pine chest in my front hall, and I use it for storing table linens.

  2. Beautiful dresser! Love the extra storage from these little dressers.

  3. Kelly, thanks for the tour, I'm happy to see everything is back to normal for you; I won't be able to do anything until Saturday. HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  4. You are so funny. What is in your kitchen, hmmmm? Yes, I am having a love affair with my new thing delivered today. Shhhh.

  5. What a cute and cozy little spot you've created, Kelly! I wish I had more storage. She's a beauty!

  6. It has great patina and having a lamp there is functional too. I love my new mirror on our stone fireplace.

  7. Hmm, besides my husband {wink}! Seriously, no wonder you love her. I recognized the beauty the first time you showed her to us (and was a wee bit envious.) I'm sure you will come up with storage uses, but in a hallway we always need more scarf/mitten etc storage. Or how about new candles or out of season linens. I do have a really old sideboard that we use as a tv stand that I was thinking of painting. But lately (and after seeing yours) I am leaning towards trying to strip it to natural wood and see what it looks like. New hardware of course.

  8. I love pine too. You have a great piece. I can see why you're swooning.

  9. Oh, I'd be admiring that thing everytime I passed by too, Kelly!! It is a jewel!! blessings ~ Tanna

  10. Gosh that looks great in there! I can see why you love it!! It is perfect and having a lamp in the hallway is so nice, isn't it? Of course I don't have any room for such amenities myself, but in the past I think a table with a lamp and pretty accessories does wonders for an entrance space.

  11. Love your pine chest and it does look great in candle light.

    I haven't bought anything in a long, long time!

  12. Oh Kelly your new chest looks beautiful in her new home, the night shots are gorgeous!! I have a piece in my garage that I am in love with but haven't started working on yet:) Soon very soon!! Happy New Year! Martina

  13. That is a very nice pine chest, and great accessories!!! Do you find yourself walking by many times each day just to take a peek at it??? I am having that same love affair with the console I bought for my hallway....makes me smile every time I walk by....hugs...cleo

  14. Oh How I love thee too Kelly! Love the candle light pictures too. You are going to have some fun with that piece all year long. I am sure you will find some great things to store in it as well...that is the best part, MORE storage. Happy New year!

  15. Don't you just love that feeling? I think your piece is beautiful and deserves a name. Especially since the two of you are so close! LOL!

  16. Kelly, I have a similar pine chest and I love it too! Yours is wonderful and looks so pretty in the foyer. Happy New Year!

  17. Yes, yes, I can feel the love ... Can't wait to see what the kitchen brings ...

  18. Hi Kelly, thanks for visiting my blog and mentioning my small trees. I have loved them. I'm loving your pine chest in your foyer, too. You have a lovely foyer/entry! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  19. What a pretty chest ... you found the perfect spot for it, too!

  20. Hi Kelly! Yep, I'd be in love too with your gorgeous chest! That doesn't sound right, does it? :) Well, you've got her dressed up so pretty and now you've got me wanting to know what's in the kitchen!
    Happy New Year and here's to another year of blogging in 2012!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. How in the world did I miss that Kim is your sister? Just love her blog and participate in her link party as often as I can!

  22. That chest is perfect and I love the large hurricane, and vignette. I've been looking for pine pieces for a couple of years, and as you know, there aren't many out there. Thanks for sharing, and I'll just keep drooling over yours. :)
    Hugs and Happy New Year!!

  23. So pretty Kelly...the perfect spot for it too. I love your floors...they make me jealous! lol

  24. Beautiful!! Thank you for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday! :)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly