Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Sweet Muffin Recipe

Hello Everyone!

Yesterday, I had such a good day.  I started out making these delicious muffins in the morning. 

I will give you the recipe, don't worry! 

Then, we got dressed and went to see the movie, Mission Impossible.  What a fun movie!!  I highly recommend it if you haven't already seen it.  It was jam packed with action, cool spy tricks and beautiful scenery from around the world. Go see it on the big screen before it comes out on video!  Then we went out to eat at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants.  We came home and collapsed.  It was a long fun day.

However, it all changed this morning, when my youngest son woke up with a fever!  So....looks like we'll be spending a different kind of day at home today. 

The recipe is for Blueberry Muffins with Lemon-Cream Cheese Glaze. I found it in this magazine.

I knew as soon as I saw it, that I was going to have to make them!

I did alter the recipe just a bit.  I cheated and used a muffin mix instead of making them from scratch.  The part of the recipe that I made was the glaze.  So, I'm only including the recipe for the glaze.

Here is what I did:

I made muffins from this mix.

 Then I got out my glaze ingredients.

powdered sugar, cream cheese, lemon, vanilla

I beat the cream cheese with lemon zest, lemon juice and vanilla.

Then I added the powdered sugar.

Once your muffins are baked, you can spread the glaze on them like a frosting.

The recipe made a lot more glaze than I needed.  I have refrigerated it to use on muffins in the future. 

Here is the official recipe from the magazine:

Lemon-Cream Cheese Glaze

1 (3 oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
1 tsp lemon zest
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups sifted powdered sugar

Beat cream cheese at med. speed with an electric mixer until creamy.  Add lemon zest and next 2 ingredients; beat until smooth.  Gradually add powdered sugar, beating until smooth.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~
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  1. Oh, my GOODNESS, these look good!! Wish I had one this morning with my coffee!!

    I have not been to the movies lately so perhaps I can catch one this next week. I usually wait for them to reach the local Starplex where I can watch them for fifty cents on Tuesdays!

    I love hearing about your family life. Even these 'sick days' will be memories to treasure in coming years.

    Everyone is gone and my house is quiet. I miss having kids at home.
    Enjoy every moment with yours!

  2. I love muffin mixes. I think they are just as good as scratch...and so much easier. Hope your boy is feeling better soon. Happy New Year Kelly!

  3. These muffins and the glaze look yummy and your day sounds like fun. Hope you son gets well quickly.

  4. That looks good! I`ll bet that glaze would help staunch a fever!

  5. Yummy! Your muffins look better than the ones in the magazine. I'll have to give them a try.
    Happy New Year!

  6. Hope your son is okay, and gets well soon. The muffins look delish.

  7. Those look yummy you little cheater. I will look for that recipe in my magazine.

  8. Those muffins sure look YUMMY Kelly! Hope your little man feels better soon! My oldest is fighting off something, she's been in bed all day.

  9. mmmm, looks yummy! I am so ready to eat something other than turkey leftovers!

  10. Sometimes you just have to take a shortcut but the results are the same. They look yummy. ♥O

  11. These look so delicious!!! I will have to try them soon :-) Hope your son feels better soon. My little one has been sick for about 6 days. It has been hard to kick this crud.....

    Glad you had fun at the movie - we went to see Arthur Christmas. It was a hoot!

  12. I LOVE lemon and cream cheese!! Whew, these sound delicious! Hope your youngest is feeling much better by this time tonight. blessings to you and yours, Kelly ~ tanna
    ps thank you for your kind words today. :)

  13. O, Mercy Me, honey. I fix these all the time and they are as good as most homemade. We love them. NOW, I am going to make your frosting next sounds just wonderful.
    xoxo bj
    P.S. I am such a SEMI HOMEMADE girl that I am thrilled when I find others, too. :)))

  14. While out buying myself flowers today, I meandered down the aisles and picked up some muffin mixes myself. Just seems like muffin weather!

  15. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! What a great recipe, thanks for sharing Kelly!

  16. Mmmm.. those looks sooo yummy...
    NO! I'm NOT going to make them. I have to lose the weight I gained over the, gee, they look really good and blueberries and lemons are good for you, aren't they? Maybe I'll start my "diet" tomorrow. :)
    Thanks a lot Kelly!

  17. Gracias, recientemente he estado buscando información sobre este tema durante años y el tuyo es lo mejor que he descubierto.
    hasta ahora. Pero, ¿qué pasa con la conclusión? Eres tú
    positivo en lo que respecta a la fuente? 안전토토사이트


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly