Monday, December 26, 2011

Post Christmas Message

Hello Everyone!

Ah yes!  Christmas is over.

The presents have been opened.

Just look at their smiling faces.

Even our dog, Max, got his favorite toy!

Let me just tell you what a joy it has been having him roll that football all over the house in a panting frenzy!  Ha!

The stockings have been emptied.

The cookies have been eaten.

But now.........what I really need is this:

And what I really want is this:

But, what I'm really going to get is this:

How was your Christmas?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. How touching! It always brings so much joy to see happy faces on Christmas morning. Looks like your family had a wonderful Christmas. I hope you had time to enjoy your champagne. Our Christmas was very quiet, as my husband, our 3 dogs and myself were alone. We had a very relaxing morning..It was over-due, because of all of the entertaining we have done. Now, it's on to Happy New Year!

  2. Hilarious Kelly! I am with ya my friend. UGH, I am about to burst. The boys looked like they had a fun! Enjoy the day of cleaning..doing that myself!

  3. Too funny Kelly!! Looks like you all enjoyed you Christmas:) I popped a few tums myself last night LOL! Today I'm NOT EATING!!

  4. Kelly Mya and LB have already ripped every one of their toy up.... Looks like you all had a wonderful time... Now the clean up begins... I am doing now

  5. Yep, I think I can say amen to that! I don't want to eat anything but cereal. Well, maybe that one last slice of pumpkin pie! :) Glad you had a great Christmas! I miss having little ones around at this time of the year!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Loved this! Oh, I know the feeling, and today it is time to tidy up (although hubby is a great help too.) Thanks for stopping by and for your kind wishes.

  7. I hear ya, the dog with the football looks hilarious!! relax and enjoy your week, xo

  8. That was pretty funny Kelly! YOu are a comedian I think!! Looks like a great Christmas!

  9. LOL, what a sweet post! Looks like your kiddos had a wonderful Christmas! And, I truly feel your pain with the Christmas clean up. I look forward to seeing your great posts in the new year!

  10. That is a very sweet post! LOL! I think I need Tums and a vacuum too, but all I am doing is shopping!

  11. Glad the kiddos had fun. We had such a fun breakfast yesterday with family and friends. No rush or hurry and it was full of joy and I am not cleaning anything yet except the kitchen of course.

  12. The kids look so happy. Your football star is a riot. Looks like you all had a blast. I'm right there with you on the food hangover. I think I almost matched my two teen sons bite for bite. Not good. lol

  13. I know what you mean! Whew! <y house is a hot mess right now! So glad my hub goes back to work tomorrow so I can clean in peace! lol~ ;)

  14. LOL!! Great fun post, Kelly!! Max cracks me up at how much he is loving his present!! I know just what you mean about the needing, the wanting and what actually had to happen! My tree is down and decorations back in the basement(at least here--the kids will be heading back to VA from the Weekender today and I'll still have THAT Christmas to take down!). But, at least I got this one back in order yesterday while they were at Jerry's family. Whew! Hope we get to enjoy our champagne by the weekend!! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  15. Ah, the reality of Christmas. :)
    Cute photos of your boys opening presents.
    I know I could use some Tums after Christmas dinner and I'll be happy to share you bottle of bubbly. Have fun cleaning.

  16. Hi Kelly,

    These photos look like the leftovers of a great & happy time!
    So happy you had a great Christmas with your family!
    All the Best,

  17. Oh yes, my vacuum has been used a lot for two days.

  18. hahhhaaa....meeee, too, Kelly.

  19. Looks like you had a great Christmas Kelly...Gotta love the after Christmas clean up! I have yet to take down my stuff...not ready to venture into that yet lol. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  20. What a great posting! Had to laugh at your little dog! This posting about Christmas made me smile.



Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly