Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby it's Cold Outside

I don't know about how it is where you live, but here where I live, it's freezing!  We have been hit with an Arctic blast and trying to keep warm by the fire.

My kids have been sick with a nasty virus that is very contagious, so they have been home everyday, inside the house, everyday.  Did I say everyday? 

We need another computer since my kids have been home everyday!  That is one reason I haven't posted lately. The kids have been hogging them!  ha!  The holidays have been winding down and the kids will return to school on Thursday, if they can.  (God willing!)

So, I will continue to sit by the fire and dream of warmer weather and healthy kids again.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly~


  1. I would be cuddled up by the fire too if I had such a warm and cozy room!!!
    Sorry to hear your kids are sick...hope they are better very SOON :o)

  2. I just love your fireplace and your blog. I also have a fireplace and use it often. However, I live in the Sunshine state and it just got cold here two days ago. LOL So I am happy to use my fireplace, FINALLY!!! I also have a blog and you listed on my blog list. Stop by for a visit it's at www.angelstearoom.blogspot.com.

  3. Your home does look cozy! It is FREEZING here too Kelly, crazy cold it hurts! Hope the boys are recouping.

  4. Oh it looks so inviting in there Kelly! I'll take a blanket and cuddle up once the kids go off to school. Love the mantle! Looks so great with the feathers in the urns flanking the dog.

  5. The fire looks cozy and inviting! We had snow flurries last night and it is windy and about 28 degrees now.

    Hope your kids feel better soon!

  6. That first picture looks like a shot right out of a home decor book! It's been cold here in NY too the last couple of days but I love it. Hope the kiddos feel better soon.

  7. Bless your heart!! This is hard when it is cold AND the kids are sick! When my last two were young my mother sent me a card - which I STILL have! - with a mother kangeroo on the front. It said -
    "Don't you just hate it when the kids have to stay IN to play?" -
    with all these baby kangeroos climbing in and out and hanging onto her pouch!
    Those were the days! Hope yours feel better soon!

  8. Hi Kelly,
    Love these photos!
    I love how dark the second one is, very, very, cozy!
    Hang in there...
    Glad to hear they are up and around!
    All the Best,

  9. I hope your kids make a speedy recovery. Stay warm. I live in Illinois, and we're a bit chilly right now. Our temperature is suppose to rise though. It's been fluctuating like crazy here.

  10. Looks so cozy and inviting...I wish I had a fireplace to warm up by. It got a bit cold here too...but I don't mind so much...it reminds me of home :) Hope your boys are better soon...it sounds awful!

  11. Happy New Year, Kelly! How inviting your home looks!! Very cozy! Hope that virus moves out of your house pretty soon!!

  12. Oh, my that fire looks yummy since our heat is not working correctly. It has been a very bad day. Heat and wifi was out when I got up. Ugh!!!!

  13. Cold here too in Pa. a real winter blast, wasn't fun driving home from work yesterday evening.
    Your place looks so cozy and warm, hope your kids are doing better!

  14. I too am sitting by a big fire in my wood stove. So hope your kiddos get well. We each have a laptop here. CC just got herself a Mac book pro for college. We all sit around like nerds with them...hehe.

  15. What a beautiful spot, Kelly, and I hope you all get well soon!
    Thanks for popping in today.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. I am jealous of your fire place. I have one, but it's unusable until I have a new sleeve put in...Your home is so inviting! Lucky you! It must be a pleasure getting snowed in at your house! Hope the kids feel better soon.

  17. Kelly, your home looks so warm and inviting! Just beautiful! I hope everybody is feeling better already.

  18. Your fireplace is beautiful Kelly. It's pretty chilly here as well.

  19. Oh, my gosh, Kelly. That last photo is just so beautiful almost takes my breath away. I LOVE that room. Just want to curl up on that stool in front of the fire and enjoy! Hope your kiddos are better SOON! blessings ~ Tanna

  20. Kelly, that fireplace - that hearth - it's so very beautiful. I hope that when all the patients were in bed you were able to nestle in beside the fire with a cup of tea and a lovely book.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly