Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let's belly up to the bar!

Hello everyone!

Do you remember when I said I had something new in the kitchen that my pine chest might be jealous of?  Well......this is it!

Do you see it?  It's that industrial looking, yet warm and comfortable swivel bar stool. Can you tell I really like it?  I can only show you one at the moment because its mate is in transit on the good ole Fed-ex truck.  I'm anxious for it to get here. 

I love it's iron legs and wooden seat. I called it warm because of its wooden seat. 

And that wooden seat, right there, swivels around!  Cool huh?  Plus, it is adjustable.  If you turn the seat round and round, the seat will raise to a bar height.  Right now, it is set at a counter height. I got it at World Market. 

Do you see my son sitting there?  He's playing his X-Box.  His latest obsession.  He will be sitting on these bar stools.

I know I just got the other metal bar stools in the Fall, but when I saw these, I realized this was a better match for my kitchen.  I decided to keep one of them  for use in the cooking area of the kitchen if I should need it.

So now I will be selling all of  my old  bar stools  at the consignment shop.  I have been doing quite well at the consignment shop lately.  Did you know that I have almost a $200 credit with them so far?  That is the result of cleaning out my basement of home decor and Christmas decorations that I wasn't using anymore.  I will use that money to pay for these new stools!  If you have a consignment shop near you, you should really consider using them!

Next, I will show you something that I purchased on Wuslu.  It's in my kitchen too. 

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~
I'm linking to the following:


  1. I do like your new stool. I am looking at the red ones like the ones you are selling. Not sure though. Right now I am having to buy things for the powder room. Yay!

  2. They've got great looking legs! I do like them better. I had a consignment shop in Texas I did quite a bit of business with. Really liked that place.

  3. Very cool and it swivels...Yea. Enjoy.....

  4. LOVE these, they look great with your kitchen decor!

  5. Hi Kelly! I think these stools look great with your decor. I may need to look into the consignment stores around here...lol!

  6. I love that Kelly! It is so perfect in there and I love that the height is adjustable. Great choice! :-)

  7. Love your new stool Kelly! I love consignment sales/shops! I have 6 boxes of Christmas decor I no longer use! I have been a purging Queen here lately!

  8. Love your new stool! It's perfect for your kitchen. Thanks for the idea of using consignment shops. I have some stuff that need to go! (I noticed your new rug!)

  9. Those are great looking stools Kelly and they go perfect in your kitchen!

  10. Great stool(s) and so versatile that they raise or lower. I love your kitchen, it just seems so warm and cozy.

  11. I have to tell you.....the title to this post had me RACING to your blog!
    Love the stools.
    Love MORE the pic of your son! I see that little foot he is sitting on!
    Hope he is feeling better this evening!

  12. Love the stools they look vintage, a great find! Thanks for sharing, Laura

  13. Very nice, I really like the mix of the warm wood with the rustic metal. Looks lovely in your kitchen :)

  14. love. love. love. the new stools!!!! perfect! blessings ~ tanna

  15. What a great find! They look wonderful in your kitchen!

  16. Your kitchen is beautiful! I love the mix of white with wicker & metals. Makes me want to paint my kitchen cabinets white! What an inspiration. The stools are great too.

  17. That is a great looking stool. I like it more than just all metal, you are right the wood warms it up! Like seeing the kiddo in the background~I would like to find a furniture consignment shop around here...I did find a clothing shop that I brought some of my nicer but no longer used things to.

  18. Love the stools, love the white, love it all!! Beautiful room..great job!

  19. Kelly.....geesh, I like the metal stools but the new ones are fabulous.....so pretty. I just love pictures of your kitchen. I really want to paint my cabinets white, but am a big chicken.....scared to begin. I also love your counter tops......granite? So pretty.

  20. Perfection Kelly! I love the new stool.

  21. I have been eyeing these stools for a while for my new kitchen counter.....Love the look!

  22. Your kitchen is fabulous, I love every detail!
    Happy 2012.

  23. I love your kitchen. Warm and cozy.....the bar stools are great.

  24. I am in love with that stool! My dad had one similar to that at our house. I wonder if he still has it?


    I am still drooling over that basket on top of the fridge!

  25. That is such an awesome stool! I love your kitchen to....is that a rug or a floorcloth!



  26. What a fabulous find....just perfect in your kitchen! I love that they are adjustable too :o)

  27. Hi Kelly,
    Love the industrial stools!!
    I do like your old ones though too!
    I have to say...How about that pot rack!! Awesome!
    All the Best,

  28. I have the exact stools...three of them, and love, love, love them.

  29. Love everything.... And your floors are to die for...

  30. The new barstools are lovely! I really adore the shape of the legs.

    Hope your kiddoes are feeling better. Sick kids is so not fun!

    You might not want to hear this, but temps here in our AZ desert have been in the 70's & 80's! I know, sorry! Try to stay warm!

  31. Love your new bar stool/s. They've got goooood lookin' legs, and they look really comfortable.

  32. Love your space on the net! I've been clicking away on my favorite blogs and found you! You can be sure I will be back. Love your kitchen and the bar stools are so cool. In your family, it looks like skillful feathering of the nest is in the genes.


  33. Have the stool too :) lol

    oh and i spied the nest pillow I have too in your header...

    just realized you are kim's sister... now I know why I feel at home here :)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly