Sunday, July 22, 2012

Having Fun at the Beach

Hello everyone!

 More vacation pics to share........

We went to Crescent Beach, Florida.  This is a great beach!  It's very family oriented.  Cars are allowed to drive on the beach near the back and pets are also welcome.  We didn't bring our dog because the condo wouldn't allow them for renters.  Next year, we may look for a different one since dogs are allowed on the beach and we saw quite a few playing in the waves.  It made me miss mine even more! 

Here is my crew getting all set-up on the beach.

My husband bought a boogie board to play in the waves.  It's supposed to be for the kids.  Hmmmmm............

Guess he had to test it out first. 

Yep!  It rides good.  Guess the kids can have it for a little while now.  Ha!

The kids, however, were digging in the sand trying to bury each other.

Why do boys have such a fascination for doing that?!

Will tried feeding these little guys too, until a flock of them started invading us soon after.

This is the view from the beach looking back at our condo.  There are sand dunes blocking it from the beach.

We also enjoyed using the pool.  Our room overlooked the pool.

My son, Will, is like a little fish.  He LOVES the pool!

In my next post, I'll share some of the sights of St. Augustine. 

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly,
    What a beautiful beach! I have not been there before.Florida yes but not there.What fun memories for you and your family.Can't wait to see the rest of your trip!

  2. Looks like fun was had by all.
    Beautiful resort.

  3. I love FL. I love the beach. Great times. Great pics.

  4. I am wondering if it was cooler in Fl. then it was here:):) What a heat wave we have had. Your pics look like you ALL had a great vacation. Add some pics of YOU too! Can't wait to see the pics of St. Augustine. XO, pinky

  5. I want to go to the beach and smell the salt air. Looks like y'all had so much fun.

  6. Okay, I'm ready to pack my bags! What a great family time.
    Mary Alice

  7. boys (as in grown men) will always be boys! fun vacation! we are going to the beach in 2 weeks!!!!!

  8. Love that you are having such a fun time at Crescent City...and I LOVE St. Augustine. Matter of fact, if I retire to FL it will probably be St. Augustine- xo Diana

  9. It looks like you found a great place for a holiday. I'd have been in that pool too!

  10. Boys and water!!! They just love it!! Both the young and the older. LOL! =D

  11. Looks like you are having so much fun. I am really missing the beach. When I lived near the ocean I took it for granted. Now, I would love a walk on the beach :)

  12. Looks like a nice beach to enjoy with your family. I am glad that you enjoyed your time. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Kelly....always loved to go to Crescent Beach...Was so used to the beaches in South Florida, but was blown away by the white sandy beaches at Crescent..and more blown away by being able to drive your car on the beach!...So glad your family had a wonderful time...
    Off to take my granddaughter to the beach today!!

  14. The water looks beautiful! Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation.

  15. How much sun screen did you go through?


  16. Welcome home Kelly! We just recently got back from a weeks vacation at the beach with our children and grandchildren and I felt like I needed another vacation when I got home...LOL!

  17. I'm with Will..As I got older, I preferred the sand..clean water...I love to walk on the beach at the waters edge though...Looks like everyone was having a good time...

  18. What a view from your hotel room! I like to walk on the beach but honestly I prefer the pool to swim. Much less mess! Looks like you had a wonderful time. It's so nice to get away and have your family all to yourself. Have a good week...Ann

  19. It's beautiful there! I can tell you had a great time. Your family makes you proud I am sure.

    Hope you are having a great day.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly