Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm Back!

Hello everyone!

I am back from vacation now and thought I would share my vacation photos with you this week.  You knew I would, didn't you?  We had a great time, great weather, good food and a few surprises along the way. 

The first surprise occurred the moment we got to our condo when we started unpacking.  Somehow, my camera got wet and stopped working!  Not a good thing to happen the first day of vacation! So, we put it in some rice to dry out and it eventually started working again, but not before my husband decided to buy a new one!  We didn't think it would ever be the same.  So, now it is a back-up camera.  My new camera is much nicer and I got to try it out at our first destination on our trip........Salt Water Cowboy's.  It's a seafood restaurant on the marshland.  We usually love the food there, but were a bit disappointed this time around.  The restaurant is very charming though. Here are some pictures using my camera! 


Isn't this restaurant just charming?!  By the way, these pictures have not been edited at all.  They are straight out of the camera.

I took this picture of my husband and sons in front of the restaurant sign.

Now, let's go inside.  The inside was charming too!

Have you ever seen pictures hung on the ceiling before?  Me neither!

 The walls were clad in wood planks painted white.  The ceiling was a dark grey metal with painted white timbers used as beams.  The chairs were all willow.  Look at the view we had while we ate.

Not too shabby huh?  I think my new camera is a keeper.  I'm looking forward to using it at home now.  For those that are interested, it is a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX20V.  It's a step up from my last Sony camera.  It functions similarly, so it's not too difficult to figure out. It takes amazing video too!

So, over the next week, I'll share more vacation photos.  We went to the beach everyday, swam in the pool, went out to eat, shopped in St. Augustine, toured Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum, took a ghost trolley tour, toured the old fort on the Mantanzas River and visited the lighthouse on the island. 

Now, I'm catching up on piles of laundry and kissing my dog, Max, whom we left behind and I missed like crazy!! 

Looking forward to getting reunited with all of you too.  We had a weak Wi-Fi connection at the condo, so I could only visit everyone sporadically.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly, your photos are lovely, sounds like you had a wonderful time with family.

    How was St. Augustine? That is one place on my vacation list along with Key West.

    Welcome back.

  2. Looks like a quaint place! I love your view. Have fun with your new camera!

  3. Kelly, these photos are absolutely phenomenal! Great camera!

  4. I can see why you love that restaurant it's so charming! I loved those pics on the ceiling, I've never seen that either.

    Can't wait to see all your vacation photos and welcome back!

  5. Love your pics. That location was so pretty and peaceful. The restaurant was charming. So glad you had a good time.

    I didn't get to call with a lot going on here but hope to soon.

    It's fun to go but great to get back home too.

  6. Welcome back, Kelly. What a beautiful setting. Great photos. Yes, I'd say that camera is a keeper.

  7. Kelly,
    Beautiful photos.Too bad about your camera but now you have an even better camera.Always good to have a backup.

  8. Welcome back Kelly. Your salt water marsh images are beautiful.

  9. your new camera is taking great pictures! Glad you had a nice trip =)

  10. It's great to get away. But there's no place like home, there's no place like home.
    Can't wait to see all the pictures.
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. What a gorgeous restaurant! I think it must have been featured in a TV series as it is very, very familiar.
    Welcome back from that great holiday!

  12. I ate at the Salt Water Cowboy 10 years ago. I didn't put the name to memory but have always always wondered what the name of that restaurant was. Thanks for posting this. Now I know. At the time I ate there the food was fantastic. Carol

  13. Welcome back to real life. The new camera takes great shots. I need a new smaller camera to take in my purse for outings.

  14. looks like you had a great time...and got a new camera out of this trip! have fun doing laundry and kissing Max

  15. Kelly, it looks and sounds like you had a great time. The photos from your new camera are great!!

  16. So glad you had such a wonderful time. That restaurant looked like a really fun place. I love the pictures on the ceiling.


  17. Welcome back! It looks like you had a wonderful time. Your pictures are amazing...great new camera. And the restaurant how cute! Vacations are great but it is always nice to come back home.

  18. The photos were great...what kind of camera did your husband buy? Now the pictures on the ceiling will be the new blog decorating trend, ya think?

  19. What great photos..Welcome back Kelly..glad you had a fun time. Great camera...I would love to upgrade my camera..$$$$

  20. Your picture areSO clear and beautiful. I wrote down the camera cause I would like a new one too. Is it big to carry around? Were you near St. Augustine? My SIL lives in Welaka which is about 20 mins. from St. A. WELCOME HOME!!! XO, Pinky

  21. Welcome home, now tell us about some of the food that wasn't a disappointment!


  22. I love love Salt Water Cowboys! We live in Tx. but my uncle ownes 2 condos in Mantanzas, and we stay there when we go. You went to my old stomping grounds, and I loved seeing your pics. We love St. Augustine, and love beach hopping when we go. Glad you had fun!

  23. HI Kelly! Welcome home and congratulations on your new camera. Now get to washing all of that dirty laundry and then rest up a bit. Oh, it's summer, you can't :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. LOVE your new camera Kelly. Great times, great pics. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Welcome back home. Salt Water Cowboy's looks like the neatest place. So scenic. Too bad the food wasn't up to par.
    Your new camera takes great photos. Thanks for telling us the kind it is.

  26. pictures on the ceiling.....interesting! these are great photos! so happy for your wonderful vacation!

  27. Welcome home Kelly....That area is beautiful....We love visiting that area...So glad you had a great time!!
    AND, they have the greatest outlet mall there!!! :)
    Love, love your pictures...

  28. Kelly,

    So glad you had so much fun! Welcome back! That restaurant looks amazing (and don't get me started on your photography :)


  29. Lovely as soon as I seen the old house between the tree's I thought St. Augustine, FLorida the oldest city of Florida.. I never been but lived in Florida many years.. I just loved your photos.. Your vacation looked so perfect and relaxing.. I am one of your newest followers.. thanks for sharing.. Hugs, Cindy


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly