Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Day in Pictures

Hello everyone!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.  It was such a busy week, last week, that I have enjoyed getting some rest!

I went outside to see what I could find to pick in our garden.  Found a lot of goodies today!

A few of the tomatoes will need to go in the window to continue ripening.

While outside in the garden, my dog, Max, was playing with his football.

Isn't he hilarious? This is his favorite thing in the world!
 Here he is panting after playing so hard.

We love to watch him play. He will play until he exhausts himself.

I captured the sun streaming in the windows and took a few close-up pictures around the house.  Trying to learn more about the settings on my new camera.

Fern on coffee table

Vignette in sitting room

Flowers on dining table

So what have you been doing this weekend? 
Hope you found time to rest and relax.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Kelly,
    Awwww Max is cute!!! Your garden did very well this year!
    I am trying to play catch up! We have been busy,busy,busy and only three more days left until my daughter heads back! The count down begins!Not happy about it.I will miss her!

  2. Your dog Max is such a character!!! Such a cute pic of him with his football :o)
    Wow, your garden did really well..everything looks so delcious!
    What kind of camera did you get? I need to learn how to use more settings on mine too! Don't ask me how long I have had it now!!!! LOL
    Have a great week!

    PS. Beautiful vingettes too!

  3. Kelly- Great pictures with your new camera. What kind did you get? I need a new camera so bad...but hate to spend a lot on one when I don't know how well I will ever learn to use it. Your dog is hysterical. xo Diana

  4. Lovely photos! I added a few plants to our home recently. Yours are very pretty. Our boys had a beef cattle show with their club today ending in a big bbq with all the families. Lots of fresh air and fun.

  5. Yummy goodies from your garden, Kelly. The photos are beautiful, and Max, what can I say. Cute.

  6. You still have nice tomatoes coming in. Ours are through. All we have left coming in now and then is okra. You know what Max looks like he is doing. He is one crazy dog!

  7. Max is a cutie! Lol Kim's comment is sorta what I was he getting a bit amorous with his football? =)

  8. Hi Kelly! Oh, I'm in love with little Max! Bostons have such personality! We had a little girl Boston for 15 years. She played ball too! :)
    Oh, you're taking some lovely snaps with your new camera!
    Be a sweetie,Shelia :)

  9. Everything looks so pretty. Love the fern and flowers too. XO, Pinky

  10. looks like a good weekend to me! nice job on the maters!

  11. Great photos! I'm taking the Shoot Fly Shoot online course to help me with my camera. I'm not quite done yet, but I think I'm finally starting to "get" it. Have fun with yours!

  12. Those tomatoes caught my eye. Nothing like a fresh tomato.

    Lovely photos.

  13. Oh Kelly...those tomatoes look awesome!...Love all our pics from the football playing Max to the gorgeous iron urn...Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

  14. Lovely pictures..That little Bulldog personality just never stops..

  15. Pretty pictures! We did a little house hunting this weekend. We actually just did drive-bys, looking over different areas and neighborhoods.

  16. Naughty Kelly.... you leave those tomatoes on that vine till they are ripe next time!

    ~Mother Nature~

  17. Kelly, I pull my tomatoes before they are totally ripe too. One year we had a squirrel eating them, so I started pulling them when they look like yours. I like your vignettes with the ferns..also the feathers in the vase. Bob brought in another hawk feather he found in the yard. One more and I'll have a "collection". That Max is so funny with his football. Go Max!

  18. Hi Kelly,
    What a nice harvest from your garden! The tomatoes look so perfect on the window. Max looks like he is having some great fun playing ball. Your new camera takes beautiful pictures!
    All the Best,

  19. Max is a real character..that is about all I can say. He put a smile on my face.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly