Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Outdoor Candle Sconce

Hello everyone!

I noticed, the other day, that the candle sconce in my kitchen wasn't really "working for me anymore".  You know that feeling?  So, I decided to find another place for it.  I could easily have stored it in my basement (along with all the other cast-offs), but felt compelled to use it somewhere instead.  I think I found the perfect place.

Here it is in my kitchen.

And here is where it ended up instead.

I used to have this black iron decorative piece here.

There was nothing wrong with that.  I just decided I liked the sconce there better.

I have a battery operated candle in there right now, but could easily see a real candle burning at night too.  It would be pretty.  Except, I would be checking on it every 5 minutes for safety reasons.  Ha!

Anyway, it's just a tiny change that I like for the moment. 

By the way, do you notice one fern is bigger than the other?  That's because ferns like shade.  The one on the left gets less sun, so it is thriving!  The one on the right is next to the porch railing and gets blasted with late afternoon sun. It is doing well, but I'm sure he's a little jealous of his brother right now.  Ha!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. HI Kelly! Oh, I love your little sconce where you've hung it! You always do the most wonderful things to your home which is so beautiful.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a great idea, Kelly! The sconce looks wonderful there; and your ferns look amazing. I just emptied out some geranium pots out back this morning. Can't wait to plant some pansies!

  4. Great switch Kelly! Your porch looks so pretty!

  5. looks great on your beautiful and welcoming entry.

  6. That's a great sconce, Kelly! I like it there. What happened to the black scrolly piece now? : ) Your ferns looks great. I bought two this year. One survived. I think because it is also in shade ~ I have it in an urn by our front door which has an overhang.

  7. Love your sconce hung on the porch....it looks perfect in that spot!!! What a great idea to use a battery powered candle too!

  8. Your sconce looks like it was made for that spot! Just perfect. I'm also really really super jealous of your ferns. They're huge! My dream houseplants, for sure!

  9. Rotate those ferns sweetie. The front door looks very southern with the ferns and of course it is. I had a fern inside and it was dying. Took it outside and it looks awesome. Your scone looks good outside too-I lost track with the ferns:] hugs, Olive

  10. Kelly,
    Your lantern looked great in the kitchen but WOW I love it right next to your door.Looks like it belongs there! Your ferns are growing beautifully!! We have too much sun for those.

  11. the lantern/sconce looks great outdoor! I agree about the candle burning in there...the battery operated one is a better solution

  12. The sconce looks great..I like it better..You could switch the ferns and give the other one some shade :)I have ferns by my front door as well..They seem to stay nice all summer..Other things don't last as long.

  13. You can switch the ferns every few weeks and they will even out:) I love the sconce where you put it. Now, where is the iron piece????:):) XO, pinky

  14. Oh yeah, I like it on the outside much, much better. I'm trying to figure out a way to steal those check drapes from you....if they come up missing you know where to find them!

    I'm trying to talk hubby into taking me over to Ikea this week...I've got to get over there soon.

    I have two Kimberly Queen ferns on my front porch and they get the perfect amount of shade...I buy them in early spring and by late fall they are huge. I can't seem to grow Boston ferns but I gotta have my ferns on the porch every year.

  15. I like that out there. Oh, boy do I know what you mean about something just not feeling right. That always leads to changes.

  16. Luv it!! Looks great right there.
    It's the little things innit?? :-)
    Cheers, Gee

  17. Why don't you switch the ferns and let the other one have some shade for a while?
    Love the sconce outside....

  18. I love the sconce! it looks perfect here and I really think your porch is beautiful! Actually, I don't think I have ever seen a part of your home that I didn't love!

    Thanks for the tips on the ferns. Mine get dappled sunlight and do pretty well. It's when I have to bring them in for the winter that I give them a lot of sun. Happy Tuesday!


  19. Hi Kelly, Your sconce looks like it was made for that spot. Perfect! Both your ferns look pretty lush to me.
    Mary Alice

  20. Like your wee sconce. I too would keep a battery candle in it. Too worried about fire. Love those ferns.

  21. Love that outside! It looks great on the wall there- Ummmmm...maybe you should switch those ferns back and forth so they don't have that jealousy factor to deal with?;>) xo Diana

  22. If you had a candle on the timer it would be great in the outdoor sconce...its perfect to have it there and with a glowing light, it would look so welcoming and intimate.

  23. That's one thing I can't destroy is a Boston fern.LOL Love the light where you have it now, sometimes a change can be so uplifting:)

  24. Every day I walk by something in my house that isn't doing it for me anymore!


  25. I love those kind of lanterns. That looks really nice there Kelly!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly