Friday, August 3, 2012

Come See My Guest Post!

Hello everyone!

I am guest posting over at my sister's blog today.  She is starting a weekly series called, My Favorite Room.  She asked me to feature my favorite room to get this series started!  So, of course, I couldn't say no!  I hope you will pop over and check it out and say Hi!  Here is a sneak peak.......

Click here to go see it!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Your living room is beautiful Kelly! Thanx for sharing it with us.

  2. Gorgeous, Kelly! I just visited Kim's blog. Your home is always so pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  3. that's what I call tag team! I actually just saw it on Kim's :)

  4. that was a great post, Kelly, your family room is one of my favorites, too!!!

  5. Hi Kelly: I just left a message on Kim's blog but I'll tell you again. Just beautiful You are really swaying me to use more white everytime I see something you have done. I am still in amazement that you two are sisters. Not because of your talents or anything but just because you get to 'know' individuals and don't even think of that being a connection. Happy Friday..Judy

  6. Kelly,
    Congratulations on your feature!!! I am off the check it out!

  7. Hey Kelly- I just love your family room that I saw at Kims and looking forward to following your blog.

  8. Congratulations on having your beautiful family room featured!!! I'm off to check it out now :o)

  9. I love to see both Kim's spaces and yours! Clearly, good taste and talent run in the family. Love your feature!

  10. What a beautiful room! Love your stacks of books!

  11. Just took the tour over at Kim's. Love this room Kelly, it's my favorite too!!

  12. Well I know I'm gonna like what you post, so of course heading over to SSS.


  13. Hi Kelly..I just checked out Kims post..I love your family room and the white...I have no white furniture so I'm way behind..Oh well. somebody has to be..

  14. Hi Kelly! Oh, congratulations! I did see Kim's post with your beautiful home featured. It was wonderful! :) You two sisters rock at decorating.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Kelly,

    I can't wait to see what your favorite room is! I'm heading over right now!


  16. Hi Kelly,
    Love your family room!!! We have the same lamp sitting on your entry table. Did you buy it at Hobby Lobby? I did. Its just the cutest lamp ever. My lamp is in my office.
    I am your newest follower.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly