Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Quirky Silverware Bouquet

Hello everyone!

One day, after moving some things around the house and "robbing" one room to fill another, I was left with an empty galvanized container.  I still wanted to use it though.  It once had a plant in it, and rather than finding another one to fill it, I decided to do something a little crazy.

I filled it with dry beans and stuck some silverware in it.  It now looks like a silverware bouquet.  These were silver plated serving pieces that were stored in the dining room. 

Crazy right?  I thought it would fit in nicely with all of my other dishes on display.


So simple. I used what I already had on hand and I like the added texture that the beans give it.

So, that is why I call it my quirky silverware bouquet.  I wonder if this will start a trend.  Hmmm.........

Have you ever done anything crazy like this before?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~

I'm linking to:  Potpourri Party


  1. That's a cute idea!
    I had to laugh at your comment on our thoughts on moving from Pondside! I am still working full time, so it's definitely not old age, but time - or lack of it! Since my husband's illness there is just too much for me to manage while I work.

  2. I don't think that is quirky at all... I think it is plain genius...LOVE IT!

  3. How funny! Your creation is on the quirky side, but quirky cute!

    I have just become a friend and follower!

  4. that is cute! you could even use coffee beans for an extra flavor :)

  5. I think it's a cute idea, Kelly! Now, your family may look at you funny, but you can just explain that it's the new current trend. : )

  6. Kelly, I LOVE it! I must be quirky too:):) XO, Pinky

  7. Very clever! I LOVE using things in unexpected ways! YOU are the QUEEN Bee of doing just that!!

  8. Nice! Love the way it looks in your kitchen.

  9. Cute idea! I think it is a cute little piece of whimsical fun.

    Did I ever do anything crazy like this before? Does marrying MyHero after dating for 30 days count as crazy? xo Diana

  10. Kelly,
    That is so cute!!!!

  11. Great idea and it does look like a bouquet!

  12. Hi Kelly! Oh, I think you may have started a trend! I think this is so cute! It looks great in your kitchen.
    Have a great evening.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. LOVE this bouquet!! Perfect!! and, it won't wilt! ;)

  14. LOVE this bouquet!! Perfect!! and, it won't wilt! ;)

  15. It is quirky and you can make soup when you tire of it!


  16. That's wild..You come up with the quirkiest ideas...I hope the beans don't hurt the silver..Don't know...

  17. Just takes one person to start a new trend. Kudos for your quirky idea.

  18. I love is quirkily adorable!!....Super get the "quirky decor award" !!
    Have a great weekend!!

  19. Oh I am sure I have had some crazy ideas in my time...but I don't think this one applies....I so love those white beans and have used them to fill up jars before.

  20. This is a wonderful crazy idea! Would be neat to use on a casual buffet for the silverware!

  21. I have a couple of utensil bouquets to show off some colorful utensils.

    I like the tin with the number. I am into numbers so I think I will take a tin tomorrow and number it.

    thanks for the inspiration.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly