Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Clamp Lights

Hello everyone!
I'm sure you have seen these lights sold in hardware stores before.  Or, maybe you have even used them yourself in the garage or in a work shop.

They are inexpensive and meant to be used as task lighting.
However, I noticed that stores often use them on bookshelves to highlight their wares for sale.  And......I think they look a bit industrial. 
I decided to use them in my kitchen.
  At first, I used them to highlight my cabinets and for task lighting.


But later, I thought they would be pretty as accent lighting at night as well.

I just attached them to the curtain rod and hid the cord behind the drapes.  They are plugged into a switch box that I can turn on with my foot on the floor.
I love the beam of light they put out. 

It almost feels like a gallery in here with the lights streaming down on the walls.


  It has completely changed the look of my kitchen at night! 
So, now, I not only have task lighting in the cooking area, but accent lighting in the eating area.  The industrial look of these fits perfectly with the farmhouse feel of my kitchen too.  They're not too fancy and certainly not too expensive! 
I guess if I was Candice Olsen from HG TV, I would've had my electrician install "pot lights" in the ceiling.  But hey, that is not in the budget, so my little clamp lights will just have to do. Somehow, I don't feel like I'm making a sacrifice though. 
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~


  1. COOOOOOLLLL!!!! Love this idea. I have clamp lights that I used when we were on the road to display my woodworking.

  2. the first time i saw these was when kim featured your home and i saw one you had clamped to your armoire in the den...i just HAD to have one but haven't used it anywhere yet. they are very industrial looking and the price is very budget friendly!

    they look great in your kitchen kelly.

  3. What a really neat idea, Kelly! I love how they look and you can move them around and angle them. BTW, I love your kitchen, I don't remember having seen it on your blog.


  4. Kelly,
    Love this idea! We think alike!! I did not use this in my home but I came across one in my garage that my husband had and I thought Wow this would be great in my booth space it looks so industrial! And now to see it in your home too!I love where and how you have placed the lights in your home!

  5. Kelly, I'm so glad you posted this, lol! I was searching your blog a few days ago looking for these lights. I desperately need lighting in my dining area on the corner cabinet and was thinking about these. Love the way they look!

  6. I think it's a great idea Kelly, I just found some under cabinet lights a Costco the other day and they are so cool. I will be showing them off soon camera is broke that's why I haven't posted lately. Happy Fall


  7. Such a great idea, I just love pretty, soft lighting. I like that you can direct these and they're not shining down and glaring on something in the middle of the room. I could use these so many places in my house, because we don't have pot lights either. Love it!
    xo, andrea

  8. I think they look great! Smart idea!

  9. wow they are really cool. I could think of a few pleaces in my house for them! What do you have in your olive basket? is that dried or real? it looks so pretty!

  10. That looks GREAT! I love it! Love the idea of clamping them to curtain rods! XO, Pinky

  11. Cute idea! I love extra lighting!!

    Have a great night!


  12. What a good idea and use for those clamp lights! And they're cheap too. They do make your house look like a gallery - how cool is that?

  13. I love the idea of using them to highlight artwork on your walls.....very clever! We have a few in the garage that we used when doing the renovations on our house. I might have to drag a couple out and see what I can come up with?!? You are such an inspiration :O)

  14. What a great idea and I love the way they look!!

  15. The lights look fantastic - I know you'll really enjoy them with the days getting shorter.

  16. Love- Love -this idea! And they look great too. Another why didn't I think of that moment. Genius!

  17. this is such a smart idea Kelly~one that I could even use in my store to highlight things easily. It makes it cooler that its in a home~thus giving you that industrial chic touch!

  18. Now that is clever. I really like those lights in your home, they work well and look great.

  19. Such a great idea Kelly...love the look...and oh so useful too!!...

  20. I loved these when you used them on your cabinets and now on the curtain rod they look awesome as well. Your kitchen is so homey and welcoming. Such a good vibe and not easy to achieve. Your word art on the left of the window is very nice too!

  21. Kelly, The lights are a great look and so creative! I'll bet they really make a difference in the kitchen as task lighting.

  22. Clever and it looks good. Halloween is coming so one could also be mounted on a head band for a vintage doctor.


  23. You have nailed it! Lighting is the most often overlooked elements in interior design, and you have added that dimension perfectly. I like these lights for task lighting and for my plants in winter, although they usually die anyway under my care... I love your kitchen - breakfast area.

  24. I love the look!
    I meant to ask you before: where did you run the cord of the ones over your cabinets?

  25. love that look! I bet it casts a wonderful light at night, too!

  26. I love this idea, Kelly! I've seen these in several shops lately highlighting the decor, just as you have. I really love that look!

  27. Great idea! You're right, I have one in my garage. I'm thinking this could be an inexpensive alternative to outdoor lighting also.

  28. Loved them on your kitchen cabinets when I first saw them, and love them here too. Way cool!

  29. Kelly, what a clever idea for extra lighting in the kitchen. I would never have thought of this, but I am definitely pinning for further use.


  30. Hello Kelly, What a good idea. I use small uplighters placed on the floor, behind my large ferns, which create a nice mood, but I like the fact that these lights create a different feel in the evening. Best Wishes Daphne

  31. Love these! I love lighting. I have a many lamps and candles on timers around my house.
    I just love your house!

  32. This is a wonderful idea Kelly. I love how you've used these lights to spotlight different areas,

  33. They are gorgeous Kelly. I might have to steal your idea. J

  34. LOVE this! I have some of these lights, and just never thought to use them this way-genius! :)

  35. This is so clever, I LOVE it. Definitely an idea to copy!



Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly