Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Sunday!

Hello everyone!
Just thought I'd check in with you and wish you a happy Sunday.  I've been absent from my blog due to a very busy week and a nasty cold.  Lovely!  I have managed to do a few new projects though which I'll share later this week. 
As I was watering the plants on my front porch, I spied this little guy resting on the edge of my planter. 
Do you see him???

Isn't he cute?  He was just sitting there staring at me as I was pouring water into this flower basket.  So, I HAD to grab my camera before he got away.
Hope everyone has been enjoying their weekend.  And just in case you forgot....

Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~



  1. I hope you're feeling better! I have a little frog living in my hydrangea bush who comes out to great me everytime I water it. I love hearing the little fella in the evenings too!

  2. Kelly,

    Hope you are feeling better! I have camilions in my plants when I water them. Hope you are enjoying the cooler weather!

    I am still trying to get a photo of our hummingbirds that come to visit my bottlebrush and shrimp plant! They are quick little buggers!

  3. Hope you are on-the-mend, Kelly. I think cold are worse this time of year, because we are all already getting busy with all the hustle and bustle that goes with the season.

    Love that photo of the cat with the sentiment -- so true!


  4. Hope you are feeling better soon! Sadly the weekend seems to go by so fast.

  5. Feel better, Kelly. The little froggy looks like he's smiling for the camera.

  6. Sorry to read you're suffering with a dratted cold Kelly - hope you're soon recovered.
    I love your little visitor :o)
    Rosde H

  7. I hope you are feeling better! I had been sick too, and I am just so glad now I am over all that was a rough week.

  8. Happy Sunday to you too Kelly! Hope your feeling better!
    Love the cat photo LOL!

  9. Kelly hope you are feeling better soon! We are not sad tomorrow is Monday because we have a short week.Sort of a fall break!
    Cute frog photo! Funny cat photo!

  10. I know!! Tomorrow's Monday and I go back to work. Not a moan mind... just a comment. I work as a Social Worker for the Salvation Army for 3 months of the year. I do Holiday Assistance. We provide food and toys, clothes as well for the holidays to the needy. My job is to take and then process the applications for said help.
    Today is filled with cooking meals for this week as I am usually so emotionally drained when I return home in the evenings.
    Here's to a great rest of today.. and a wonderful week!!!
    Cheers, Gee

  11. I DO see him!!!
    Hope you are better soon! Pace yourself! You are in this for the long haul! We'll wait for you!

  12. I hope you feel better soon and thanks for the get well wishes from you on my blog! You are a sweetheart! Funny looking toad...our are brown and this one is sort of gray! A Southern toad?!! lol!

    Yes, tomorrow is Monday and my day is packed. Ugh!


  13. Cute little feller! My frogs never turned into princes. Or is it toads? Well, neither one. Good photo moment!

  14. Hi Kelly, hope you feel better and get some rest. Love the frog shot. xo, olive

  15. Kelly, I hope you feel better soon!! That's a great shot that you captured! Looking forward to all of your projects!

  16. I hope you feel better real soon. Great picture of the cute little frog.

  17. Hope you feel better. Brewing my own sort of sinus helll here too.


  18. Hi Kelly, Hope you feel better soon!

  19. He is so if my granddaughter was there, she would have him captured in a box in no is so cute....! Have a great week Kelly!

  20. I hate colds. Hope you are feeling better. That little frog is so cute it doesn't look real.


  21. Good Morning Kelly, I hope you are feeling a little better. What a wonderful photo opportunity, I think the frog was waiting to have his photo taken, he look very at peace with it! Enjoy your day. Best Wishes Daphne

  22. Get better soon, Kelly. There seems to be a lot going around these days.
    Mary Alice

  23. That little critter is the exact same color as your planter. Good eye... what a find!

  24. Is he a frog..or a toad??? Love the cat!!!

  25. Hope you're feeling better today. Your little frog/toad is so cute. I love finding them in the yard...much better than the garter snake I saw on Sat. that tried to bite me. I think the cats had injured it and when I bent to look at it, it jumped at me with it's mouth open to bite. Yikes! Scared the heck out of me. I'd much rather have found your little frog.
    Hugs and feel better soon,

  26. OMG!!! TOO CUTE!!! Here's to getting better... drink plenty of fluids, get plenty sleep, Hot toddys work. Sweat it out of you. Good old tea and honey....

  27. Hi Kelly..I hope you are on the mend..Love, love, love the bench..great color..


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly