Thursday, October 25, 2012

Magazine Frenzy

Hello everyone!
If you're like me,  then you look forward to all the new specialty magazines that fill the shelves this time of year. 
I wanted to share the ones that have come home with me recently, and some of my favorite pages.
First, is my all time favorite, Cottage Style.  I never miss this one!
To my surprise, there were some wonderful blogger's homes featured in here! 

In fact, she's giving away a copy of Cottage Style Magazine too, so head over to her blog for a chance to win!

Her beautiful back porch made the cover too!
Then, of course, there are all the wonderful holiday magazines that I liked.
Southern Lady Holidays

 I loved these pages.......

Southern Accents Christmas


 Christmas Cottage

Christmas Ideas

Several blogger's homes were featured in this one too! 
So, if you're thinking about what to do this weekend, and you want to get some great inspiration for the upcoming holiday season, go grab some of these great reads!  The Christmas Ideas Magazine has some very fun and easy Christmas craft tutorials too.  You could get started now and have these decorations ready just in time to use them! 
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~



  1. Yep it is a frenzy for me too. :) I don't have the new Cottage Style. Getting on an airplane tomorrow so I'd better run out and find it today. :)

  2. Holiday Ideas? oh boy, thanks for the tip--I better go out and see what my local bookstore has in the magazine rack before they are all gone!

  3. I have a huge stack of new magazines by my bedside, 3 of which you show here =) I spent $60 at two stores on mag's! I didn't really realize it until I added it up, but they are so expensive here in Canada (the Cottage Style etc is $15 each). They are worth it though as I keep them year after year (the Xmas ones at least) and reread them each year.

  4. I can't resist these magazines either, Kelly. There is always so much beautiful inspiration.
    Mary Alice

  5. I need to get some of those and I just got the Country Home one and you will like it, too.

  6. They all look tempting but if I had to choose just one it would be the holiday Cottage!

  7. Oh! Magazine heaven! I have the Christmas Ideas one and I loved peeking into the homes of some of the blogs I follow. I think I spent over an hour poring over it! I have to get the Cottage Living one, that looks good!


  8. I have {one} of those. I'm trying to really cut back on the magazines. I LOVE THEM.. worship them but when I started adding up how much I was spending ... I gasped. It's hard, I need a 12 step program!

  9. I love them Kelly, such great ideas in them but their price is a killer! Thanks goodness for the internet because that's really where I get my inspiration. I think I might pick up the County Home one though, I always did like that one!

  10. I can see one of your rooms on those magazines!

  11. just had to come back and tell you that I just got back from Walmart, and yes, bought Cottage Style and another one, Country Home (it's fab!). One was $15.99, one was $12.99. Somebody stop me, I'm out of control!

  12. The Christmas Cottage magazine came home with me, and I just wanted to move right in and call Christmas DONE!!! Wonderful!! Sally

  13. Good Evening Kelly, I love Christmas time and I especially love the magazines which hit the shelves during November. I love the inspirational ideas inside the magazines... oh dear, I think I will have to visit W.H. Smiths and see what they have on their shelves. I hope you made a cup of coffee and put your feet up when you were reading your magazines. I find that is the best way to enjoy them. Best Wishes Daphne

  14. I just sorta breezed right by Fall. I was just thumbing through a few Christmas mags. It'll be here before we know it.

  15. What time is our support group meeting?

    Proud member of Magazines Anonymous. Christmas magazines are my downfall. :@

  16. Kelly nothing like sitting down in a quiet spot to devour a decorating magazine! I am not into digital magazines at all.Give me the real deal and I am one happy gal! So excited to see so many bloggers featured too!

  17. I have the Christmas Cottage one and I picked up the newest Country Home, but I haven't seen the new Cottage Style around here yet...will be looking for it. It is my favorite one too.

  18. Oh i'm so jealous LOL! We don't get all those magazines down here. Does anyone know if you can get them online and where?

    Jane in NZ

  19. I am a magazine junkie too...desperately in need of therapy!!....I have a few of these too, but need to buy a couple that look great...Thanks for the "reviews"....

  20. I get tons of magazines too. I love when the holiday ones start to show up.


  21. It is fun to see photos and look at blogs on line, no doubt, but you are right there is something very special about holding that magazine in my hand and thumbing through the pages.


  22. Oh my gosh Kelly this makes me want to head straight to Walmart! I've started to see all the magazines in the grocery check out too. Definitely hours of fun. Happy Friday!

  23. Those look like some great magazines! I might have to pick up one or two of them!

  24. Kelly,

    You know that Christmas magazines are my FAVORITE! I love that wreath on the front cover!

    Have a great day rock star!

  25. I love all the holiday magazines, Kelly. It is so fun to get new ideas for Christmas. Are there ever too many Christmas decorations?


  26. Hi Kelly,
    I have a couple of these magazines too! The Christmas Cottage cover, isn't it just so country? Would love to go for a sleigh ride.
    Enjoy them and have a great weekend!
    All the Best,

  27. OMG!!! So much wonderful inspiration!!! We don't have anywhere to buy magazines like this around here anymore! Sometimes I get lucky and find one at the grocery store but the selection is really limited usually.....
    Have a great weekend :o)

  28. Don't even get me started on the Magazines.... Love them all

  29. I am such a magazine freak myself. However, I have been trying to show some restraint this year. For instance, that Southern Accents one -- I am pretty sure I have it from the first time. Where, is an excellent question!

    And if I forgot to thank you, I just got the Jeanne d'Arc Living issue we talked about -- love it -- in just a few days it is dog-eared!

  30. The other day Judy and I were out at the grocery store and we couldn't find any neat magazines like these!

  31. I just picked up the Cottage Style last night and have the Christmas Ideas and a new Country Home. Lots of inspiration but I agree with Andrea, they aren't inexpensive at $13-$15 here.

  32. How ironic you should post this. I just picked up about 5 new Christmas magazines tonight. I had already bought Christmas Cottage and Christmas Ideas, but the others just hopped in my cart. I consider them my Christmas gift to me! I also picked up one by Southern Living and Matthew Mead's Holiday which are also good...not that you need a bad influence, right? Happy reading.

  33. I love that I'm not the only magazine addict around! I'm in good company! :)

  34. Although I dearly love all the blog inspiration out there, I still have a place in my heart for magazines - especially the holiday ones.Thanks for sharing...but now I gotta go to the store and buy me some magazines! :) Jane

  35. Yes Kelly.. I'm a magazine junkie. I pick up all the Christmas ones. I especially like Cottage Christmas.Love the front page.

  36. there are so many great ones this year! the Christmas Cottage with the sleigh on front is my favorite!

  37. These are all great. I have Cottage Style but will have to look for a few of the others too.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly