Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Halloween Decor

Hello everyone!
I thought I'd share a few pics of the faces that will be greeting the trick or treaters at my door this Halloween.  I didn't do too much this year.  It seems I do less and less each year!  ha!  Guess it's wearing me out as I get older. 
This sign greets the trick or treaters at my walkway.
Then, a few lighted jack-o-lanterns and a ghost (with sounds) will greet them around the corner.

And as they walk up the stairs, this pumpkin duo will be  waiting for them. The pumpkin inside the lantern lights up and flickers too.

Once they reach the door, this pumpkin will be carved and lit up.  We always have at least one hand carved pumpkin each year.

Do you detect a theme? 
I guess you could say, "Welcome to my Pumpkin Patch".  Ha!
This should be enough to make the trick or treaters feel welcome.  Not too much, not too little. 
I'm starting to buy bags of candy every time I go to the store too.  This saves me from having to make one giant purchase!  However, now it is lingering around the house.  Such temptation!
Now, I leave you with some night time shots.........

Trick or Treat!

Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~  
Linking to:  Wow-Us-Wednesdays 


  1. Yes, you are doing less than you use, too. I am glad I don't have to do Halloween at all anymore. I am sure the trick or treaters will love what you did. All they want is the candy anyway.

  2. Love it Kelly, I stopped decorating for Halloween when the kids got older but this year I did, I don't know what got into me.lol I don't carve pumpkins though:)

  3. You have just the perfect amount of scary stuff, Kelly! I LOVE the sign! And I'm wondering...what setting do you use on your camera to take such nice night pictures? Mine never turn out!

    I used to decorate for Halloween when my kids were little. Now I put my energy into doing fall decorations and call it a day! The kids are going to really appreciate what you did to add to their festivities!


  4. Your porch looks beautiful. I absolutely love the wreath on your door.

  5. Very cute Kelly, the kids are going to love it! I buy my bags of candy early too, but I don't dare open them because it would be gone!
    Love the night shots!

  6. Boo, Happy Halloween Kelly looks like you have everything ready to go.I want some of that candy. I can't buy
    until the day of cause I will eat it all.. and Tia is no better than I.


  7. your halloween decor is so cute! i'm skipping decorating this year because we are in the middle of remodeling our family room right now...i decided i didn't need more 'clutter' around the house right now. lol Enjoy your week! xoxo, tracie

  8. How cute Kelly! I don't decorate for Halloween anymore. Although, I've been having fun planning and making Halloween things for our grandsons' Birthday/Halloween party....Saturday is the big day!! Enjoy your day, Gail

  9. I am more of a fall decorator than an halloween decorator...and we don't even do the carved pumpkin as the knives can get out of control quickly with little ones like mine. Love the lantern!!

  10. looks cute! I don;t do all that much for Hallowwen, either. I save it all up for xmas =)

  11. Kelly it looks so cute! I will get some things out right before Halloween!

  12. Cute decorations, Kelly! I don't have any Halloween decor, since the girls are gone. The kids around here all kind of grew up together and are all grown up and gone off to college. So, I live thru great people like you...lol!!!

  13. Love Halloween decor. Kids or not, all should enjoy putting out the fun decorations. xo

  14. Your Halloween decorations are so cute! I bet your house is a big hit with all the kids in the neighborhood :o)

  15. I would be eating that candy! I love chocolate! Your pumpkins are awesome!

  16. Looks to me like you totally go all out for trick or treat! I don't do a thing but buy candy. My husband and the dog hand it out. :o) Everything is awesome and so festive...good job!

  17. You are a very brave girl buying all that candy already! I wait until the day before to buy it or I'll eat most of it before the little ghosts and goblins come a knockin'. :@

    You've created a welcome trail to your door.

  18. What a fun and festive place for your little Trick or Treat beggars will find when they come to your home.

    How delightful!

  19. I am partial to Butterfingers!! And Baby Ruths!

    Love your decor!

  20. Looks great Kelly! I did not do my usual either. I just did not have it in me this year. I did do more crafty fun stuff though. I bought my candy too early because I am eating most of it each day:)

  21. Looks great Kelly..I think people do more for Halloween than they do for Christmas these days..

  22. everything looks so cute, Kelly. I love the sign :)

  23. Love your pumpkin patch!!...Really looks great when lit....I have not bought one piece of candy yet...there is good reason for that...I would eat it too!

  24. Kelly, love your Halloween decor. My favorite are the signs and the lantern. I'm addicted to lanterns. Just cant't seem to pass them up. Don't you just love the faux lighted pumpkins? Do you have any of the battery operated candles? Your front door and porch are gorgeous!

  25. Cute Halloween decor! I don't care too much for the gory & scary, but pumpkins in all shapes & sizes & cut-outs, make me smile. Love your front door wreath, swag, ? -- I don't know what to call it, but it's gorgeous, Kelly!

  26. If I stop in for "a spell" will you put a good spell on me? Like appetite be gone? Otherwise, Mounds and Almond Joy's please.



  27. I'd like to invite you to join me at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week! http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/11/clever-chicks-blog-hop-8-and-rural.html

    I hope to see you there!
    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly