Thursday, November 15, 2012

More Arrivals on my Doorstep

Hello everyone!
The fog is starting to clear from my body as I feel better and better everyday.  Thank goodness!  It will definitely give me something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. 
As I mentioned in a post I did before I got sick, I had some things on order that hadn't yet arrived.  Well.......they're here!  One of them came in and I was too sick to even open the package when it arrived.  That n.e.v.e.r happens!  Here is what it was.
Of course, this is another Decor Steals purchase.  They seem to sell things that just speak to me!  What can I say?  This is called a Laurel Mirror.  It's made to look old and heavy (but of course, really it's not).  I hung it in my hallway that leads to the powder room.
Next, I received this vintage style kitchen stool.
It is the perfect height for my table.  So, I relocated the little burlap bench and placed this one here. It's great for my youngest son to sit down and do his homework on too. you see something on my light fixture above the table? 
Why...........could it be..............
Gobble Gobble!
This is my best"est" drawing of a turkey I could do.  (I am no artist!)
I drew this just for Bliss too! Read why here.
I know she will be sooooooo proud of me.
The leaves are falling fast around my house.  But rather than showing you mounds of ugly leaves all over the place,  I shot this pic through my dining room window earlier this week.  I thought it was so pretty!
Since I basically missed all of last week of Fall, I'm savoring what's left.  I drove for the first time in a week yesterday and couldn't believe how beautiful everything looked.  I just wish my town wouldn't bombard Christmas decorations on us so soon though.  I want to savor what's left of Fall since it is fleeting. 
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~




  1. I'm so glad you are finally starting to feel better. Just in time for Thanksgiving! Love both of your new purchases!

  2. I am so glad you are feeling better, Kelly! You can now enjoy the holidays-hopefully without another flare.

    Your mirror and stool are perfect for your house. And...wellll...that is SOME turkey!;>) xo Diana

  3. That mirror is great! Glad you are feeling better. When growing up, we used to draw turkeys by laying our hand on a piece of paper and tracing the hand. The fingers look like the turkey tail and the thumb becomes the head....

  4. Cute mirror, Kelly! Glad to hear you're getting back into the swing of things. Your little turkey drawing made me smile! Too cute!

  5. Hi Kelly! I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! Oh, that mirror is just gorgeous and it does look vintage. Your little stool is cute and I really love that tin basket on your table. Now I know you'll be getting your things ready for Thanksgiving soon.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Hello Kelly, I am so pleased you are up and about and feeling better.
    I adore your laurel mirror, even though you say it isn't heavy it certainly looks heavy and is a lovely addition to your home.
    Take care, Best Wishes Daphne

  7. Glad you are feeling better. Love the stool:)

  8. Love your quirky turkey, Kelly. Of course, I love the mirror too.

  9. Love that mirror Kelly! So glad your feeling yourself again!

  10. Love your new purchases!! It's so much fun to open up new packages when they arrive from the post office.
    Glad you are feeling better.

  11. Love all of your new treasures Kelly!So much fun when they arrive at your door! Beautiful fall colors outside.All the leaves are already gone around here.

  12. Pretty mirror. I find it kind of depressing to see Xmas stuff already.

  13. Awesome mirror Kelly, and the stool is wonderful as well. Glad you are feeling better and got to share your treasures .
    Thanks.. cute turkey too!!
    Cheers, Gee

  14. YAY! So glad you are continuing to feel better! Love your new finds and the view out your window is spectacular. I'm with you on the Christmas decorations! blessings ~ tanna

  15. My first reaction was OMG!!! But what I really want to say is that the turkey is nice, but what's more nice is that you are feeling better.


  16. so glad you're on the mend-sounds like you had an awful time of it. I'm afraid winter is here already, snow and all. It is pretty, though, and has me in the mood for Christmas. Love your new additions. I always love getting new packages in the mail, although I'm having to rein in my online shopping addiction lol.

  17. Opening packages healed you I just know it. The turkey is sweet.

  18. What fun packages to receive. Very pretty mirror and I love the stool. So glad you're feeling better for the holidays! It's a bummer being sick when everyone else is busy going here, there, and everywhere.
    Mary Alice

  19. It's good to see that you are better, (my son also has the same disease, so I really feel for you on that account). The mirror seems to be a wonderful consolation prize for that lost week.

  20. The mirror is gorgeous, it's found the perfect home. The stool is just perfect for crafting, too.
    Wishing you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

  21. Love all of our new treasures..the mirror is gorgeous and I am sure your son loves "his" new stool...I love the chalkboard paint fixture....sooo cute!...I am no artist either..I leave all the artwork to my granddaughter...
    Have a great weekend!!

  22. Love the mirror, love the table, love your decorating period! glad you are feeling better!! and love your the turkey..Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  23. Your new mirror is wonderful, Kelly.

    I love your turkey...gobble gobble.:-)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly