Sunday, November 18, 2012

Winter Whites

Hello everyone!
I have been doing some planning for my Christmas decor this year.  I think I'm going with a Nordic Swedish vibe in my decorating this year.  It will include lots of greenery accented with white and a few pops of bright red. I've got my tree, mantel and outdoor decorations all planned out and ready to go.  Now, I'm getting excited! 
In the quest to get things purchased and "in the spirit" for all things Nordic, I did a little shopping at "Tar-jay" this weekend.  I came home with a few goodies to get me started.
I found this darling kitchen rug.  I had to pull up the burlap one because it kept getting dirty and it isn't meant to be washed very frequently.  So, after I cleaned it (once again) it's now draped over a basket.
This one works much better.  It's even padded so it feels squishy under foot. 
Then, I had another dilemma.  Remember the long grain sack pillow I made for my sofa?  Well, my hubby just wasn't comfortable with it.  It wasn't squishy enough and was too obtrusive for sitting down.  I've decided that style pillow works best on a bed for decoration or...................
a bench in the foyer!  I just happen to have one of those. 

This works much better.

Also, during my trip to "Tar-jay", I found this adorable sweater pillow with pom-poms.
So, it now takes place of the large obtrusive grain sack pillow (that I loved here) on the sofa.  Now, my man is happy once again.  He's got movable squishy pillows.  All is right with the world once more.  Can I get an "Amen"? 

Right around the same aisle that this darling little pillow was on, I spied this "too cute to stay on the shelf and must come home with me" faux paper whites arrangement.
Oh yeah!  Don't you agree it is perfect?
I love real paper whites, but they always get so long and lanky and start falling over. So, these will last all winter without worry and even into next year!  Hee Hee.
And one last little change in here that I did and haven't shared yet is this little Florentine table that was in my basement.  You do remember that I have a basement that I shop from don't you?
I've been seeing them pop up all over blog land lately, and I've had a set of them down in my basement for years!  I decided to bring just one of these up and see if I liked it.  And.....I do! 
So, these are a few of my "winter whites" that I've added to my home recently.  I'm really looking forward to getting started with my Christmas decorating after Thanksgiving.  I'll share my "Swedish Christmas" with you then.
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~





  1. Hello Kelly. I too spent the day (weekend) planning my Christmas decor. I am changing a lot. Going for a Natural Christmas. Well that's the plan anyway. Hahahahaaa.
    The last few years I decorated 'Christmas with a Tuscan flair' and I just got tired of the bright colours and this year we painted the walls shades of creams and whites with a sagey green accent wall. I am pumped for the change.
    Your home is always so warm and inviting. I am ready for next week.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers, Gee

  2. Kelly, everything is beautiful! I love it!

  3. i can totally relate with the husband/pillow problem...i have quite a few pillows i like to use on my sofa but every night when he settles in on the sofa, they all end up on the floor and he has his old, squishy ones he uses! so every morning after he leaves i put my 'pretty' pillows back on and it looks good for the day!

    you are way ahead of me on the christmas decorating...i still have out my fall/thanksgiving stuff and will until next weekend. it seems the older i get the less in the mood i am for going "all out"....i'll leave that to ya'll younger ladies!

    hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving with all of your loved ones!

  4. I like your plans for Christmas decorating, Kelly. You are almost there since you have so much white already. It's going to be beautiful. You are making me want to go to Target! And I promised myself I wouldn't buy anything for the house or myself until after Christmas!! The sweater pillow is beyond cute and the pillow you made looks perfect on the bench. What is with men? My guy will not sleep on a pillow with lace and all my good pillows on the sofa and chairs land on the floor. I wish I had room for a large basket to put them in when I see him coming! lol!

    Love those tables and yes, I have seen them popping up. Can I come and shop your basement?!


  5. Kelly, you are off to a great start and those things can stay out after Christmas too.

  6. Can't wait to see your Nordic Christmas decor. I am waiting!!! Nice finds at "tar-jay".

  7. I am so looking forward to seeing your Christmas decor! Love all of yor new finds! I may have to go get those faux paperwhites myself. They are really pretty! Your "new" table looks beautiful!!

  8. I think I'd like to grow your kind of paperwhites! I couldn't find any real ones, but yours look real enough to me. And the sweater pillow looks very comfy, indeed. I think a trip to Target is in order!

  9. Nice new things and glad the man is happy once more with the pillow changes.

  10. Love the sweater pillow and you paper whites. I have a problem with the scent of real paper whites...your faux one would be perfect for me.

  11. Love your new rug and pillow....very pretty! However.....your nesting table is absolutely divine!!!! To think you had that beauty stashed away in your basement?!?!?! Can't wait to see all your Christmas decorations too!

  12. Kelly looking forward seeing what you are doing.I am planning on something very similar.I want a much simpler look this year.LOVE your new finds!Looks pretty as always!

  13. I love your little Florentine table and your paper whites, Kelly. I am glad you found a place for your beautiful pillow and the sweater one that replaced it is darling- xo diana

  14. What I would give to get a tour of your basement!!!!!

    It all looks just as lovely as it can be! Your menfolk must be a LOT cleaner, neater and tidier than my guy! I would NEVER be able to use WHITE anywhere NEAR Louis Dean!

  15. Everyone is crazy about the paper whites so last year I grew some and I couldn't stand the smell of I think I'll visit Target this week for ones like yours! I love the pillow and the rug!

  16. Kelly I LOVE that little table and the new "goods"!! Can't wait to see your home all dressed up for Christmas!

  17. Kelly, I love every thing you purchased. I know your Christmas decor will be gorgeous.

  18. can't wait to see how you decorate! I know it will be wonderful!

  19. what would we do to make our man happy...change the pillows...great changes, and i really like those paper flowers from Target

  20. Hi Kelly! Love your cute rug. I need a new one in my kitchen! Now I'm excited to think about how you're going to decorate. I know it will be beautiful.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  21. I love all the beautiful white in your home. Cant wait to see your Christmas decor. Love the slipcovers you have on your furniture. Did you make them?

  22. Hi Kelly, Your home is so beautiful and I love the changes!
    I'm looking forward to Christmas!

  23. Kelly that pillow looks like it was MADE for that little bench!! I've been thinking about knitting some pillow covers... so far, haven't but you've inspired me to think about it again! LOL! I'm lovin' the white theme. blessings ~ tanna

  24. Love the Tar-Jay pillow...I can relate with the pillows...if there are pillows on the sofa or chair..they have to be comfy and "squishy"...the grain sack can be a bit scratchy...well at least the one that I bought is!...Looks like you will be creating a beautiful "White Christmas" in your home!!....Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!

  25. Hi Kelly, Love the changes you've been making. Your grain sack pillow was definitely made for that bench. Perfect! Love your florentine table next to the chair. Making me rethink about selling mine! :-)
    Mary Alice

  26. Gotta keep the men happy! Like where your pillow is now.. I love how it all looks can't wait to see the greenery..

  27. Hi Kelly! Glad you are feeling well enough to get out to "Tarjay".

    I will be going there tomorrow in search of the paperwhites. I love love them! I am liking the Nordic look more and more also.

    Happy Thanksgiving
    Sincerely, Jeannette

  28. Kelly, I gather that you are feeling much better these days!! You are a busy little bee! Love the paperwhites; and all of your pillow changes are perfect! Can't believe you had that table sitting in the basement...really?!

  29. I think this is the year for neutral and natural. That's what I'm planning and it seems you are already off to a great start. Love the pom pom pillow! Hoping you have a lovely Thanksgiving day...enjoy!

  30. I think whatever you use for your Christmas decorations is going to look so pretty with the white backdrop of the room.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  31. I always love seeing your home! The white is just amazing... although I don't know how it stays so pristine - I have a nine year old boy, so brown leather works best for us right now!

    I may have told you this before, but I am just in love with the framed dog painting. It is precious!!

    Happy Thanksgiving from Buttercup Bliss!

  32. My home is non-stop color, which I truly love; but I can definitely appreciate the simplistic beauty of all the white. It is kind of a quiet and simple elegance that is just stunning.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly