Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Halloween Night

Hello everyone!
I hope all of you had a good day yesterday.  We were fortunate to have beautiful sunny skies yesterday and no rain for the trick-or-treaters.  However, the night was chilly though. 
My son dressed up as a "cool ghoul".  I guess that means a hip ghost.  Ha!
My husband took him out trick or treating with our neighbors.  I stayed home to answer the door and give out candy.  We didn't have near as many kids this year!  Guess that means our subdivision is aging.  Boo Hoo!  I remember when we had our first Halloween here and we nearly ran out of candy.  Not this time.  Now I'm going to be begging people to take it to work and give it out to friends! 
My son didn't want to draw a face on our pumpkin to be carved this year, so I opted for something totally different.
I was going for something like this........

I just wanted random holes cut out all around.  So I left instructions with my husband while I went to pick up a pizza for dinner.  (We don't cook on Halloween night!)
When I came home, he was feverishly cutting out a million holes in the pumpkin (unable to find his drill bit to make it easier).
This is what it ended up looking like!

Not exactly what I meant, but hey, he just did what I told him.  Ha!! I meant for them to be spaced out randomly around the whole pumpkin. Poor thing,  he was afraid he was going to be at this ALL night!
Now that I look at it, it looks like a bunch of bullet holes were shot in it! 
Max greeted all of the trick or treaters as they came up to the door.
By the way, yesterday was my 48th birthday too! 

So, after trick or treating, we celebrated that too.
My neighbor came by and surprised me with a beautiful hand made tea towel.  She is starting her own business (outside of her nursing career) making various custom linens.  She has a heavy duty embroidering machine and the flowers on this towel were done by her machine!  How neat is that? 
She is in the process of getting her website set-up.  As soon as she is open for business, I will pass along the info to you in case you're interested in her work. 
Well, Halloween is now but a memory for 2012.  Now, moving on to Thanksgiving!
Till next time........
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~





  1. Happy belated Birthday! Your son looks like a cool ghoul!

  2. Happy BIRTHDAY!! You are still a 'spring chicken!!!'

    Your front porch certainly looked welcoming!

    Now - on to Thanksgiving! Just as you said!

  3. Will is very scary looking. Poor Jimmy having to carve out holes. Yes a drill would have been faster, but also a mess. I like the way it turned out though. Mirror over the fireplace new or maybe I have seen it. See you tomorrow.

  4. Loved your pumpkins!!! And your porch entry looks great!!!
    Belated birthday wishes!!

  5. Fun, Fun!! Happy Birthday Kelly! Bet you loved that as a kid, having a Halloween Birthday. Your pumpkin still turned out great, I've learned it's best to show our hubby's what we have in mind, te he. but he did what he was told, and that's a big deal!!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday, Kelly! Looks like it was a festive night! Your son looks awesome...I miss those days. Your hubby was such a sweetie to carve those holes for you! It actually doesn't look bad. Had you not shown the others, we wouldn't have known! Ha!

  7. Happy Birthday Kelly!! Tell your son he made a very cool ghoul! What a sweet surprise from your neighbor, very pretty!

  8. Happy Birthday Kelly!What a pretty cake!And a beautiful tea towel too!Your son's costume looks great!We did not have many trick or treaters either!Good think I only bought plain chocolate bars.We eat those in our house.Everyday is chocolate day around here!

  9. Kelly...Happy Belated B-day...what a beautiful cake and lovely tea towel. I hope your friend has much success in her shop.

  10. Happy Birthday. What a day to have a birthday.
    Your son looks cute. Love the picture of the dog and the pumpkins glowing. So cute.
    Nice cake and a beautiful towel.

  11. Born on Halloween! Everybody having a party for you... Happy birthday! and seriously, I love that pumpkin! I did LOL when you said bullet holes :)

  12. Happy Belated Birthday Kelly! Such a pretty gift from your neighbor. Your sons costume looked great and so does your pumpkin!!

  13. Happy birthday! What a pretty cake. I like the holes in the pumpkin and the light in it.

  14. A belated Happy Birthday! Your Hallowe'en looked quite special!

  15. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Kelly! My friend's birthday is on Halloween, too.
    Your pumpkin looks pretty darned good for leaving a man alone with it with instructions and no pattern!;>)
    Blessings to you- xo Diana

  16. Looks like it was a fun time...


  17. Good Evening Kelly, Can I wish you a belated "Happy Birthday" for yesterday. Loved your cake and what a talented friend you have, the embroidered tea-towel is gorgeous.
    Your son was definitely a "Cool Dude". Best Wishes Daphne

  18. Happy Birthday, Kelly! My 38th Bday was on Oct 30, so I suppose we're scorpio sisters =) I love the pumpkin your hubby did...haha, it gave me a good laugh. My hubby tried a snow white pumpkin for my daughter, but the pumpkins had frozen outside, and when brought in went mushy. Snow white was a total fail, so he had to turn the pumpkin around and go for a good ole fashion jack o lantern look on the other side. Oh, I envy you in your warmer climate (although I don't envy you when it's hot out!)

  19. Happy Birthday Kelly!! What a gorgeous gift from your neighbour.
    A treasure.

  20. Happy, Happy Birthday Kelly! Sunshine whats that? We have had nothing but rain here in Pa. since last Sunday.LOL Oh well, I guess it is going for winter isn't it? Thanksgiving this month eeek!
    I love the dishtowel and the pumpkin is adorable, my hubs would have did the same thing!

  21. Happy Birthday, Kelly. I'm really sorry, but I did have to laugh at your holy pumpkin. Dear husbands!! We had about 175 kids (so cute and well mannered), that is quite a bit down from usual but Buddy still had a lot of fun greeting and trying to get his head into the candy bags..Happy Thursday..Judy

  22. Hi Kelly! Happy Birthday, young one! ;) Your cool ghoul looks a little out of place in your gorgeous living room! :) Aw, your hubby was so nice to help with your pumpkin! :)
    Hope you had a great evening.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  23. Belated Happy Birthday Kelly. You are the same age as my eldest daughter.:-)

    Your hip ghost is cute!

    We had Halloween with the g'kids. There weren't as many kids in their neighborhood this year. We always get together on Halloween. We have a quick meal...veggies and dip, chips and eldest daughter made a roast and shredded it for sandwiches this year. It is a challenge getting the little ones to have a bite to eat before going out, they are so excited about trick or treat!

  24. Happy Birthday ..ghost is adorable...

  25. Love the pumpkins on your front porch...they looked great!!
    Pretty towel...I wonder if your neighbor's embroidery machine is like mine. I have a small professional one and it weighs 85 pounds.
    Happy Birthday!!

  26. Hi Kelly, Happy Birthday! Everything looks wonderful, including the pumpkin!

  27. Hi Kelly, Happy Birthday! Everything looks wonderful, including the pumpkin!

  28. Happy Belated Birthday, Kelly!!! Mine is in a few more days... don't really care to think about them anymore! LOL! Your Cool Ghoul was too cute! blessings ~ tanna

  29. Happy happy birthday, Kelly. I love the pumpkin. I bet it was the only one like it in your neighborhood. Well, anywhere. Your son's costume was great :)


  30. Happy Birthday Kelly!!...
    Love your son's costume...and the pumpkin?...My hubby would have done somewhat the same thing...with the holes evenly spaced apart, all in a randomness either....but the best part is that they would gladly do it for we live with the outcome :)....I think it looks great!!!...

  31. Well, he tried, Kelly! : ) Happy Birthday! My birthday is also on Halloween! I was 49 this year. My son came to surprise me for a visit for my birthday for the weekend and was supposed to leave Monday morning. He got stuck here until yesterday morning because of the storm back in NY.

  32. Happy 48th, you don't look a day over 40 (honestly if you would of told me you were in your 30's I'd of believed that too).

    As far as the pumpkin.... ok your ?????? made me laugh out loud.


  33. A belated Happy Birthday! You are still a Spring Chicken! LOL

    I think your pumpkin is pretty cute -- I certainly couldn't do that without a drill.

  34. Happy birthday, Kelly! Dear child! Just remember, there is always someone out there, older than you! No names mentioned here, of course! Your baby is adorable! I mean scary!

  35. How special Kelly. Happy Birthday! Love your pumpkin. Very cute!

  36. Well Happy belated Kelly. Looks like your Halloween was fun too. I like your pumpkin too:)

  37. Happy birthday! Obviously you had some serious fun! Great pumpkins, and the ghoul is awesome!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly