Sunday, November 25, 2012

Snippets of Christmas

Hello everyone!
I've started decking the halls around my house for Christmas and thought I'd share a few snippets for you.  I'll do the full reveal in another post.  Still working on the staircase and dining room.  Also, a few tweaks to the Christmas tree.  Almost done!


Are you decorating for Christmas yet? 
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~




  1. Kelly your home is looking beautiful! Love those little touches of red and silver mixed with your greens! Oh and I want that olive bucket <3 !!!

  2. Love seeing your snippets of Christmas ... they're all beautiful, and I look forward to seeing more!

  3. Looking so pretty, Kelly. Most of my decorating gets done this weekend. Thank goodness my daughter was home to help!
    Mary Alice

  4. I loved seeing all your snippets of Christmas-beautiful touches!
    I smiled over your stocking because if I can find another old sweater that is exactly what I plan to make with it.
    Take care,

  5. It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!!
    I love that crown!!!!
    Done!! Done!! Done!!!

  6. I am done. Love your sneak peek. I cannot wait until the reveal. Great style. xo

  7. Love the snippets, Kelly. Especially that mantel shot. Very pretty.

  8. Looking very pretty, can't wait for the full reveal! Looks like your going with a Swedish theme this year, love it! I've spent the weekend decorating too. I got the artificial trees up but were waiting until next weekend to get the real tree for our family room.

  9. Lookin good!
    I also started decorating today but this year it's going to be toned down. All the kids are off in other directions and it's just me and the Mr. No big tree either, just a small one on the table...
    All the storage boxes were put back under the stairs..
    Great shots

  10. loving the snippets. I am hoping to have mine finished this week. Have a good one!

  11. Kelly, I love the snippets that I see! You're on a roll! I'm excited to see it all!

  12. Sweet little snippets and I love the sweater stocking. Just so comfy. I love the mixture of silver, white and green, very calming. Beautiful. God bless.


  13. Oh Kelly, it is all looking so beautiful! Loving all the wonderful grays and silvers! I couldn't resist those little gray deer from Target either. They are so cute! I haven't found a place to put them though.

  14. WOW you are way ahead of me Kelly! I can't wait to see it all together.

  15. There's no decorating going on here yet - maybe next weekend. Your place is looking very pretty - at least in the glimpses you've given. I look forward to seeing the big picture!

  16. I sure am!!! I worked for almost 12 hours today doing just that!!! Tomorrow will be the TREE!!!! XO

  17. Stunning! I love the white stocking with the cuttings and the silver on white...oh so beautiful! I wish I had a little bit of you around here!

  18. Kelly- It all looks beautiful and I can't wait to see more. I started inside today and it will take me one more full day to get the bulk of it done- xo Diana

  19. Wow, It's all looking so festive and ready for the holidays. Can't wait to see the reveal.

  20. Yes I am!! As much as I can until I get home to take some of my decorations from the attic and bring down here to the camper.

    Your photos are SO beautiful!!! What a great eye for the camera you have!!

  21. Kelly, every little detail looks just perfect!! NO, I haven't started yet! LOL! I already feel behind for the season! blessings ~ tanna

  22. Wow, Kelly! There you go again, doing that "simplistic elegance" kind of decorating that you do so well! It looks beautiful and can't wait to see more.

  23. Kelly looking good as always.


  24. Hi Kelly! Oh, everything looks so pretty! I love it all and the snap of your kitchen counter is so sweet.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Everything looks so pretty so far, I can't wait to see everything finished and put together. Looking forward to it.


  26. Looking beautiful for Christmas Kelly. Oh yes, we had everything just about done before Thanksgiving because CC was home from her University. She is homesick and it made her feel better I think. xo, olive

  27. Love your natural touches! You're inspiring me to get going on the Christmas decor. Mine is still in that "messy" mode!
    Heather -

  28. Everything is looking beautiful, Kelly! I am slowly getting things done here. Not doing as much this year.

  29. Pretty snippets! I haven't done much yet. Don't want to get tired of it too soon.

  30. I love your Christmas snippets! Love the white knitted stocking and the dough bowl filled with fresh greenery ,pine cones, and ornaments. Everything catches my eye.

  31. So many good peeks! I came over here to see if I could steal any ideas :)
    xo, Andrea

  32. Kelly, all these sneak peeks... :-) It's lovely already. Love the cherub with a crown. And kitchen, and the stocking. And... I'll stop now.

  33. Love the Cherub..Things are looking very festive..I'm doing very little this year...I didn't move many decorations...

  34. I've been scrolling through your blog and I am so in love with your style! Love the white. And did I spy an olive bucket in there? I want one of those so bad! Everything is so lovely - you rock!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly