Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve Dinner

Hello everyone!
Are you all as "pooped" as I am????  I am still recovering from a whirlwind of Christmas activities with the family. 
I wanted to share a few pics of the Christmas Eve dinner get together I threw at my place. We take turns hosting it every year and this year was my turn.  My husband took the pics, but I'm afraid a lot of them were unusable.  He is not used to the new camera (like I am) LOL! However, I'm grateful for these pics as I was too busy to take them.  So, here is what I was able to scrounge up for you to see. 

In this pic, you can see my sister's family gathered in the family room.
My sister's husband, aka "Mr. Savvy" and her son in-law, Eric.

 My son, Cody, and sister's grandson, Joshua.
 My niece, Jennifer and her boyfriend, Joe.

Here we are at one of the tables set up in the sitting room. Clockwise - Me, my mom, my sister, and my step dad.
A snapshot of the food in the kitchen.
 I served honey baked ham and rolls. Everyone else brought a side dish.  They brought potato salad, deviled eggs, green beans, macaroni and cheese and sweet potato casserole.  We also had a lot of desserts which included a chocolate ganache cake, apple crumb cheesecake and lemon bars.  There was plenty of wine, champagne and sodas to drink as well. 
We got up early the next morning to open Christmas presents.  Then I made homemade waffles and sausage for breakfast.
Hope you all had a nice Christmas with your family and are still relaxing these last few days of 2012! 
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Now that looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Looks like a fun time Kelly!!! Your husband did a great job on these photos except for only getting the back of your sisters head LOL!My husband has been cutting the tops of our heads off in photos lately I don't know what is up with that HA!

  3. Oh this was nice~!I feel like I know your family since Kim and Mr. Savvy came to see me in Boston two months looked fantastic the way you had all the cute tables set up for a Christmas Cafe! Merry Christmas Kelly!

  4. Hi, Kelly

    This seem like you all had a great time. The food looks yummy! Have a great week.



  5. merry xmas and happy new year kelly!

  6. At least you got some pictures. Ryan brings the camera, but we manage to leave it in the suitcase most of the times...

  7. Sounds like a wonderful evening Kelly!
    I know how you feel, I'm pooped too! Stayed in my pjs all day today LOL!

  8. Looks yummy and fun. Merry Christmas... a day late. Kim, I agree. I like the back of my head much better these days. Lori

  9. Kelly- It looks like you had a happy family Christmas- the best kind. I love that you had some things I don't usually associate with Christmas like potato salad and mac and cheese. What a fun feast! xo Diana

  10. perfect family get together. thank goodness for Honeybaked!! we keep it more casual too. Happy New Year, Kelly!!

  11. It is great to get together with family and friends, and yours looked like a fun time. We had 23 at my sister's home for dinner on Christmas Eve followed by Mass, and 16 for dinner at our place on Christmas day. Lots of great food and way too many desserts :)

  12. Glad you and your family enjoyed a nice holiday together. Happy New Year!

  13. looks like lots of fun and good food! we ended up not going to the beach because of the weather forecast plus i'm coming down with a we've spent the day today in front of the fire and i made chicken tortilla soup for supper. i'll have taylor tomorrow for some gift returns and we're going to try out a new restaurant...i love it when the twins are out of school, i get to spend lots of time with them. saturday we'll go to b'ham to son's house for christmas with them.

    stay warm my friend!

  14. Looks like a fun time was had by all. Merry, Merry! xo

  15. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas.

  16. Looks like a lot of fun, Kelly! Wishing you a Happy New Year, as well!!!

  17. I loved seeing the pics of the family....your mom and step dad look so happy...the food looked great....Hope you are having a great rest and enjoying your family!!

  18. Your husband did a great job taking pictures! My indoor photos of family are not at all post worthy. Looks like a wonderful family celebration!

  19. Hi Kelly, Your home looks so lovely! Glad you had a great Christmas & hope you get some rest.

  20. Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas, Kelly. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I am pooped, too :)

  21. Now, that's a gathering I'd love to have joined!! LOL! Wishing you and yours the best of all that 2013 has to offer, Kelly!! blessings ~ tanna

  22. Fun to see you and your sisters families all together. It looked like a wonderful time!

  23. Do you rent yourself out to cook in the morning for other folks? Because I'm buying if you do!


  24. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas with your family..Happy New Year..

  25. It is so nice to see a house look like it is in a magazine, yet there is family, a TV on, food covering the counters... REAL, like all of us live! Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures!

  26. Nothing better than Christmas with family. Looks like everyone had a nice time.

  27. Kelly, I enjoyed your Christmas Eve family dinner. Thank you for sharing your family memories.

  28. Kelly that looked like you had a wonderful time! I like the idea that everyone brought a dish.
    Gave you time to socialize.

  29. Hi Kelly,
    Your home looks so warm and cozy with all of your family together for Christmas Eve! Love your red & white colour theme this year!
    Have a Happy New Year in 2013!!
    All the Best,

  30. I am a bit slow in catching up but I DO follow your every post!! It was a lovely Christmas for you and yours and you have PROOF!! Great pics showing a lovely family!

    Now - Happy New Year to you and yours!

  31. Looks like a grand time was had by all! Wishing you a very happy and blessed new year!

  32. Looks like a fun time! Our Christmas was good but definitely different. Wishing you a beautiful 2013!

  33. I wish Kim had turned around:) Your Mom looks wonderful and so do you!! Since Kim is blonde I had always pictured you blonde too. Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and blessed new year! XO, Pinky


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly