Monday, December 31, 2012

What Will the New Year Bring?

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
Today is the last day of 2012 and it has me wondering what the new year will bring. 
 I'm hoping it will bring us some fun snow to play in!  Time will tell.  After all, I DO live in the south, ya know. 
We took down our Christmas decorations inside yesterday.  Still have to tackle the outside though.  I have left a few pops of red color up in the house so it will feel a little more cozy for the cold months ahead.  I still love my grey and white color scheme, but decided a few pops of red would be welcome right now. 
The paper whites are staying put. 
And, an amaryllis along with some vintage red books.
My coffee table has an old coffee sack with some red printing on it.
This old galvanized tub in my foyer is sporting some bunting that I made out of twine and upholstery webbing.

And the pine chest in the foyer got a little red too.  An old table runner I ordered over the holidays has been used in several places already! The chair beside the chest got a new look with a pillow turned on it's end and tied up like a sack. 

Do you like to change things up just a bit after you take down your Christmas decorations too?  I know I do.  It gives it a fresh feel and look. 
I wish all of you a safe and happy New Years Eve tonight.  See you in 2013!
Thanks for stopping by .
~ Kelly ~


  1. I love the red with your grey and white and yes, I always change things up after taking down the decorations:)
    Have a wonderful New Years!

  2. Kelly your home looks nice and cozy for the winter months.I still have not taken any Christmas decor down we will leave it up until my daughter heads back to school then the changes begin :-) !
    Happy New year!

  3. after having red in my home for many years i got rid of most of it when i started going for a lighter look but i have to admit my heart goes pitter patter when i see some red and i love how yours is just "enough". i have two red pillows i used on my front porch bench during christmas and think i will bring them in the den and use with my faux grain sack pillow.

    can you tell me where you got the round rattan tray on your coffee table? i've looked all over for one and found a similar one at a flea market which i am currently using in the dining room but i want a round one...

    thanks kelly and Happy New Year!

  4. I love the touches of red you added to take away the winter blahs!!! Your little bunting is so cute and I love the little grainsack pillow with tie too! Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!!!!

  5. Happy New Year to you Kelly and family. I wish the very best for the best year ever for you! I do like to change things up after Christmas in our home. Just not sure what direction I am everything is in limbo now.

  6. I like the new changes with a touch of red. Happy New Year!!

  7. I always make a few changes after the decorations come down. Love your added touches of red. I have red on the brain lately.


  8. I, too, like to change things up after Christmas. Our winters are long and the days are short, so some pops of color are a necessity for me. Your house looks cozy with small red accents all around. Happy New Year!

  9. Red is always my go to accent color. I love it all year. Your changes look great. Jeff and I picked up our inside decorations today. It feels so good. Happy New Year to you and yours. Thanks for being a great blog friend.

  10. Happy new year to you Kelly, You want snow your welcome to come up here I am already sick of it... Trade me homes for the winter...LOL...


  11. Hi Kelly,
    Happy New Year to you and your family! May the new year ring in loud & clear for you!!
    Love the collection of red books & your bunting!
    All the Best,

  12. I'm keeping some red in the camper as well. Just makes winter a little more cheerful I think. Everything is down here and packed and loaded in the truck for our trip home tomorrow. I'm excited to get to see my house again. Only the second Christmas EVER - or at least in the 47 years I've lived there that it did not get all dressed up for Christmas! NEXT year!!

  13. Happy New Year Kelly!! Your home always looks great!! Love the touches of red!

  14. Beautiful as always Kelly! I enjoyed your Christmas Eve photos, too.

    Happy New Year!

  15. So nice to know you this year Kelly! You have much to be proud of in your new blog and all your creative endeavors~happy new year!

  16. Happy New Year, Kelly! Your house always looks so pretty - and I agree that the pop of red is just what you need right now, to get you through until colour returns to nature.

  17. Just love your nice clean home and those amaryllis are a perfect Red!! Wishing you a happy happy new year!!

  18. Oh, Kelly, I do love some red! You have just the right amount spread out through the house!

    Even though Christmas is wonderful, doesn't it feel refreshing to clean out the "clutter" of it and simplify for the new year?

    Happy New Year!

  19. It has been fun getting to know you this year Kelly. I am wishing you the best 2013 ever!

  20. Kelly, Everything is beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful 2013.
    xx, Sherry

  21. Hi Kelly! Your touches of red are very warm paired with the whites and grays...the perfect accent for the winter months. Happy New Year to you and your sweet family.Jane

  22. It all looks fresh and new. I am working on taking down the decorations but it's a slow process. I tend to get distracted! Wishing you nothing but good things in 2013 Kelly! Happy New Year...Ann

  23. Kelly, I love the touches of red in your home! So pretty! I wish you all the best in 2013! Happy New Year!

  24. Yes...I like to change things up after I take down the Christmas decorations.
    I love the touches of red that you have added for winter.
    We have about 9 or 10 inches of snow here. Wish I could send some of it your that you all could play in the snow!
    Happy New Year!

  25. You've really changed over from Christmas to winter perfectly! I like the small touches of red that you've left. Still a little bit of festive Christmas spirit, but totally not Christmas decor (does that make sense? lol) I hope you have a happy new year! I want snow too!

  26. It has been great following your blog and I can't wait to see 2013. Happy New Year!!


  27. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Kelly your home always looks amazing to me.
    But I'm like you the house looks so empty after everything gets put away.
    I kept out some pine cones and my red and white dishes in the kitchen stay up for awhile longer....
    Before you know it, it will be valentines and we will need the red then.....

  28. Everything looks great Kelly...I love rearranging things after I put away the Christmas decorations..I really love your pops of red!....Happy New Year!....

  29. Happy New Year Kelly! I'll be taking down my holiday decorations in a couple of days. Didn't do a lot of decorating so it shouldn't take long. You can have some of our snow. We got a couple of 6 inch snow days here in the past week. Love your nice calm color scheme and it looks great with little pops of color. I'm really liking burlap and grain sack material with the red stripe. Hmmmmm.......wonder where I could find some material like that to make a pillow. It will be fun to see all the new projects you come up with for 2013!

  30. Oh, Kelly! I usually have my decorations down before the new year arrives... but, not this time. We had more family to travel to visit and now, I've decided that the decorations may make it to Epiphany. ;) Your home looks wonderful. I love the pops of red! Wishing you all the best in 2013. blessings ~ tanna

  31. your home is looking gorgeous, and I love the touches of red you left. While I took down the Christmas decor, my home is so bare right now. With my new design project coming up with Holly Mathis, I decided to leave it bare as it will be changing again soon enough!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly