Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ticking Stripes and Plaid

Hello everyone!

Hope your week is going well so far.  It has been so cloudy and rainy here for the last several days.  I miss the sunshine!  The house has been dark and dreary as a result.  

I did manage to get a few pics of the new pillows and throw that I received recently though.  I bought these at Pottery Barn during their winter clearance so everything was 50% off and free shipping!  

I have recently fallen IN LOVE with brown and white ticking stripes!  So, when I saw these European shams for sale, I knew just where they would go.

I like the fact that they fill up the entire back side of the chairs.  I placed one in this chair by the fireplace and  in the other chair on the opposite side of the room.  

It just says farmhouse to me!  It also blends perfectly with the white and burlap already in the room.

Here is a close-up of the stripes.

These pillows blend in nicely with the smaller ones on my sofa too.

I also purchased this plaid fringed throw.  It is so soft and the colors work perfectly in here too.  We use our throws every day. No kidding!  I have this one and a thick charcoal grey one that gets a lot of use in the winter.  

So, since it's raining and cold out, we may just have to use these throws tonight and build us a fire!  

Oh..........and do any of you watch American Idol?  The first show of the season is coming on tonight!  Yay! Can't wait to see it. 

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Your new pillows look great Kelly! I have that same throw from PB in red, I love it! Can't wait for American Idol but that means I have to DVR Chicago Fire.

  2. Great pillows. I love ticking stripes too.

  3. Kelly your pillow covers would look great anywhere....Very versatile.
    I have an antique wool throw very similar.

  4. i'm soooo tired of all this rain and gloomy weather, i'm ready for some sunshine too!

    you can't go wrong with ticking and brown and white is so pretty...they look great in your room.

    we're supposed to get snow in north alabama tomorrow...what the heck, it was almost 80 degrees over the weekend...i'll be glad when spring gets here!

  5. Hello Kelly,
    Pretty pillows shams and the throw looks so cozy.
    We have been very warm , unseasonably so even for Florida, so no cozy fires for me :-(
    (hugs) Gee

  6. Your new pillows are beautiful....I too just adore ticking!!! Love the plaid throw too :o)

  7. Love the plaid throw Kelly and the ticking pillows, makes your room look so cozy!

  8. I bought the same throw. I love it.
    Love brown and white ticking too. It is usually hard to find. So glad you did.
    Let's Add Sprinkles

  9. Your room is so pretty and the ticking stripe covers look great. I love love ticking stripe. Love your cabinet with the ironstone pieces too.

  10. Those shams look great with your burlap pillows. Great buy!!


  11. I love ticking and your new shams look great. I really love that throw! Yes, I watch Idol. Not sure about the new judges this year though....

  12. MORE PILLOWS Kelly???? lol!! :)
    I do love the brown ticking too! It really is a lovely farmhouse cottage look. Perfect for winter!

  13. Love your new pillows and throw. Still warm here and I am sick of the rain.

  14. All three are a great additon to your room. In my book you can never go wrong with ticking stripe and plaid. It's too perfect.

  15. Hi Kelly. You never can have too many pillows or throws. They have been coming in handy already this winter. Yeah, AI. Love it but sort of get tired of the crazies but it is fun to watch from the beginning to see if you can spot the final winner. I picked PP last year the first time I saw him..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  16. Your ticking pillows make a great new addition to your room.

    After 76-77 for days I think I am ready for cooler temps. I have daffadills blooming already!

    I love to view your great stoneware collection. It looks fabulous in your cabinet.

  17. Kelly, love your new goodies!! You make everything look so warm and cozy! Looking forward to AI, too!

  18. Cute! I just found your tickled! Can't wait to follow along and see what else you have in store!

  19. Hope you are all snuggled up in that beautiful throw in front of a roaring fire!! ;) Love the ticking, too. blessings ~ tanna

  20. we have had rain and ice! would be nice to sit down with a warm and cozy throw! REally like the brown in your pillow covers.

  21. Love your ticking shams and your new throw. I'm sitting here with a cozy throw on my lap and my little yorkie, Zoey, is enjoying it too...while we watch American Idol.

  22. Funny you posted this. I found a down filled brown and white ticking striped pillow at the Goodwill for $4. It had an "E" monogram on it so I bought it anyway and just turned it around. Love the brown stripe!

    It's been pretty cloudy and dreary here too. Hard for me to get good pictures for the blog!

  23. Did I miss this sale?! I love the pillows and throw. In fact, my kitchen curtains are the same brown ticking stripe.

    We are actually having a lot of sun but it is bitter cold...20's. Lots of quilts on the bed at night!


  24. That looks so cosy and warm - I love this look.

  25. Good Morning Kelly, I could light a fire and curl up in your chair and read my book.....of course with your lovely throw draped around me. Have a lovely day, Best Wishes Daphne

  26. Love the pillows and ticking stripe, it works with any decor. I also love the armoire in the picture, is that ironstone, I see, very pretty.


  27. Your pillows are perfect for your room. They add so much warmth and comfort. You and Kim have such an eye for great pillows. Not my forte, so I'm trying to learn from both of you.
    Mary Alice

  28. I love ticking stripes too. I found the PB blue and white shams and Q duvet at a yard sale for ten dollars. I use it in my guest room.

  29. The brown really warms up your space and coordinates nicely with your cow picture over the mantel. I'm covered in 2 afghans right now. We're in a deep freeze in MN and our old drafty house has lots of fresh air leaking in. :@

  30. Great Euro shams Kelly...I have the same ones...bought them when I bought the Winter Birds bedding at PB...It looks great on your chair!!! the throw too...Just got my rewards from PB and gift cards from my off to PB soon to hopefully take advantage of some great deals as yours!!!

  31. I love that new pillow, and try as I might NOT to watch American Idol, the kids always do and I find myself being sucked in.


  32. Love your new pillows...what a great deal! I love your style...I'm a new follower:)

  33. A nice cozy fire sounds good to me, but here in California we have something called "spare the air days," which seems to be just about every day recently. We cannot burn indoors or out because of the air quality. It has been unseasonably gold here the past few weeks, in the 20s at night,but still really cold during the day even with the sun out. It's not like I live in LA or anything, I live in northern CA, but they are real strict about the air quality.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hi Kelly,
    Love your new pillows!
    Just beautiful! They go so well with your style! Have a great weekend!
    All the Best,

  36. Great pillows Kelly! LOVE that throw too!

  37. The brown ticking looks wonderful. I've been eyeing a bolt of this fabric on eBay for a few weeks. I may just have to buy it. :o) Way to go on hitting the sale too!

  38. Great additions to your lovely home! :-)

  39. I love ticking, especially as a second pattern in a room with florals or toile. These look very pretty on your chairs, too. Love your new throw. I've got them all over, too, and we do use ours as well. Nothing better than pulling one over you when there's a bit of a chill!

  40. The plaid throw combined with the ticking looks wonderful, Kelly


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly