Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Good Sunday

Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a nice weekend.  Ours was good.  We finally had beautiful weather.  It was sunny and mild today after a threat of snow just a few days ago.  The weather has been so fickle lately!

I woke up and had my favorite Starbucks coffee (Breakfast Blend).

Then I tried this new cereal from Special K.  I gave it two thumbs up!

Then I made some homemade chocolate chip cookies for the game later.

We watched the ATL Falcons play the SF 49er's.  We came so close to winning, but in the end the 49er's won.  Arrgghh!  

Then I made a chicken potpie for dinner.

This is a favorite of ours.  Doesn't it look good?

It is such an easy recipe too!

1 can cream of potato soup
1 can Veg-all (drained)
2 cups cooked diced chicken (~ 1 lb)
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp pepper
2 9" deep dish frozen pie crusts (thawed)
1 egg (slightly beaten)

Combine all the ingredients together and spoon into pie crust.  Cover with top crust and crimp together with a fork.  Slip top crust and brush with egg.  Bake at 375 degrees for 40 min.


Hope you will give it a try.

Wishing you a great week ahead!  Tomorrow school is out for the MLK holiday.  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. I've made this before. It IS YUMMY!

  2. Oh, my goodness! I need to go out and buy the pie crusts!..This looks so good! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sounds like you had a relaxing day with your family :o) I'll have to try your looks delicious!

  4. Hmm.. that sounds yum Kelly!! The cookies and the pot pie :-)
    That seems like an easy recipe.. much easier than mine for sure. Will have to take note and try this one next time. Lately I am all about the easy!
    Thanks for sharing.. sorry about your team:-/
    Hugs, Gee

  5. Mmm..that looks delish. Actually everything, breakfast cookies and dinner. I am coming over to your house.

  6. Sounds like a lovely day! The weather was wonderful here too. I should have gone out and taken a walk, but while my little one napped I curled up with a good book instead. :)

  7. Sounds like you had a great day! The pot pit looks great and a great comfort food too! Now I am watching the second football game too!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday Kelly. Your pie looks yummy!

  9. Sounds like a perfect relaxing Sunday!!

  10. Oh my! the chicken pot pie looks de-li-cious!! Ryan was bummed about the game...but life goes on. Now, if my favorite soccer team loses, life...will still go on too. Hope the chocolate chips helped.

  11. Hi Kelly! Sounds like you've had a great day! Wish I had a pot pie! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. I want to come over to your house on the weekends. Cookies . . . football . . . and chicken pot pie . . .I'm IN!!!! sounds like a weekend well spent.

  13. What a perfect Sunday - and that pot pie looks delicious!

  14. YUM!!! That looks so good, Kelly! And, so do the cookies! ;) thanks for sharing this recipe; I'll be giving it a try. blessings ~ tanna

  15. I will have to look for that special special k. We get the strawberry and then the chocolate one all the time.

  16. My favourite...chicken pot pie!! Oh my!!
    Trying to keep warm here...
    Going to make chicken soup for lunch..

  17. Looks like the perfect day of food to me especially with those cookies added in ;)

  18. Sounds like a great day!

  19. Thanks for the recipe..Sure looks good...

  20. Thank you for the recipe! I think I WILL make this later in the week. LD LOVES Chicken Pot Pie!!
    Sorry about the game - we were rooting for them but it didn't help!!

  21. Looks like you had a great day, other than the Falcons losing...The pot pie looks wonderful..what a great dish for a winter's night!!

  22. Now, that's a perfectly peaceful day. Even though your team didn't win! :-)

  23. Boy, I could of sat on your couch, watched the game, had coffee, chocolate cereal, home made cookies and awesome looking pot pie. I was in the wrong house!


  24. I need to try your chicken pot pie recipe--it sounds wonderful!

  25. Wow, that chicken pot pie looks delicious. Thank you for the recipe.

    Sorry about the game but your day sounds nice.

  26. I haven't eaten much in the past 2 days, and that chicken pot pie is looking yummy!

  27. Looks like you had a nice cozy Sunday. Mmmmmm, chicken pot pie! Your recipe is a bit different from mine, I usually use Cream of Mushroom soup. I haven't tried it with an egg. I bet that helps hold everything together. It's been 8-12 degrees the past couple of days here in Michigan. I'm sitting by the fire as I type on the I-pad happily catching-up with blog reading!

  28. Thank you for sharing. I'll be making this TONIGHT!

    ~ Lisa ~


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly