Friday, February 8, 2013

Bedroom Changes

Hello everyone!

Well, I just couldn't help myself.  You remember when I moved my new European sham pillow out of my bedroom and into my foyer right?  As usual, one thing leads to another and I decided to make some changes to my bedroom.  I thought it was a bit busy.  I removed some items and replaced others.  

I still love a cottage style bedroom, but I didn't want it too cluttered or too dressy. So here is what it looks like now.

I removed the netting above the bed and utilized the ledge design of my headboard to lean floral paintings on.  I love this casual look.  The netting was a bit fussy and dressy. This immediately opened up the room.

While I was taking pictures, look who decided to come lay on my bed?  Little stinker!

Another thing I did was use the ruffled blanket I got at Ikea on the corner of the bed.  I love it here.  I hardly noticed it in the family room.

I also removed the matching lamps with the brown shades.  I instead used this black iron lamp and cream colored shade that I had in my basement.  I like the casual feel of not having matching lamps on each side now. I even removed the decorative plaques on the wall.

The dresser on the other side of the bed got a makeover too.  I changed the artwork hanging above it to something smaller and added some silk peonies.  Having no lamp on this side frees up space and gives it a lighter look. 

I'm enjoying the fresh lighter look.  I need to repaint this room.  I'm not sure if I will use this same color or not though.  It's a nice vintage cream color called Creamware from Restoration Hardware.  I'll have to give it some thought.  For now, I'm content with these easy, no cost changes.  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Very pretty Kelly. I like that it's not all matchy matchy. Love that ruffly blanket.

  2. Kelly,

    Love those floral paintings...they are just the perfect look! Beautiful room.

    Kelly @ Babiole de Windsor

  3. Beautiful!! Love the floral paintings!
    I haven't seen that blanket at Ikea..
    Very feminine...

  4. I love the white throw pillow on your bed! The paintings look really great on the ledge of your bed! Hmmm, I think you might need to go lamp shopping. You can never have enough right? lol!

  5. Your bedroom is lovely! It's nice and feminine without being fussy.

  6. Kelly your bedroom is so dainty. I love all the fl orals you uses in your decor. That white throw on the bed is absolutely gorgeous!

  7. I love the changes, Kelly. Sometimes it's the small things. I like how you arranged your nightstands, very sweet and pretty!


  8. Ahhh it looks so pretty and romantic!~ I love that blankie.

  9. Isn't it fun to make a few changes that really alter the feel of a room?

  10. Oh I love it so pretty and cozy. ..

  11. Kelly your changes are so pretty! LOVE those prints and your bedding too!What a cozy throw!

  12. Love the changes you made...your bedding is so pretty!!

  13. I love the way you placed the paintings on the ledge of the headboard...great idea Kelly!....the room looks so always has!...Love all the changes..including the little "dog pillow" :)
    Have a great weekend!

  14. I think a cute little doggie is the perfect bed accessory.


  15. I love your changes and your little dog is too cute! woof

  16. The changes are great! How fun to redo a room and not spend a penny!

  17. Nice changes..The little dog is a nice touch..

  18. Oh this is the prettiest room ever!! Without being too fussy, I know just what you mean. I love it Kelly! I especially loved the vignette with the small round clock. Love the propped floral paintings too. Excellent!!

  19. It looks great even without the new pillow....very cozy and so clean....that reminds me of having to clean mine...uhhhh never mind!

  20. Love that ruffled blanket casually tossed across the foot of your bed!! Everything looks great, Kelly!! blessings ~ tanna

  21. I love how a few changes give a whole new look and feel. Taking away the netting really opened up your room nicely as well. The whole room looks so pretty, Kelly!
    Mary Alice

  22. So pretty, Kelly and I love the new more casual feel.

  23. Such a delicate and calm room. You did a beautiful with the changes.


  24. Hi Kelly,
    Love those floral pictures, so nice to look at when our flowers are out of season...Very pretty! Beautiful frames!
    Love the ruffled throw on the bed certainly invites you in for a nap. Just like your little stinker! ;0)

  25. I love the bedding! I also like the color of the room...but I know sometime we just need a new color and a little bit of changing things around...

  26. So pretty and serene, Kelly! Great job :)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly