Wednesday, February 13, 2013

For Households with Boys

Hello everyone!

Today, it is dreary and rainy.  I don't have pretty pictures to share with you today.  Instead, I wanted to show you what my life has been reduced to.  LOL!

Yes...............this is it!

I warned you that there weren't pretty pictures on here today.  

If you have boys living in your house, you know exactly what this is and WHY I have this!  I have converted my toilet into a urinal.  Yep!  This snazzy little gizmo got delivered to my house over a week ago and I'm very happy with the results.  

When not in use, it looks like this.

So, we can still use the facilities like normal too.  

This is a pretty neat invention and was invented by a mother of boys herself!  

What led me to this discovery was the use of these.........ALL DAY LONG.

These became my newest and bestest (I know that's not a word) friend.  But, they were not the kind of friend I wanted.  So, now I have this for my newest and bestest friend.

And, if you have this same problem in your house, it can be your newest and bestest friend too!  

Click HERE if you want to purchase one of these.  

The website is called  There is even a video showing how it works.  

I actually thought of this invention myself (well sort of) and went online looking to see if anyone else had thought of it first and lo and behold there it was!  I heard the angels sing!  I bought it immediately.  When it arrived, I set it up and couldn't wait for my 11 yr old to come home and try it out.  He told me I couldn't watch him either.  LOL!  Anyway, the rest is history.  

I still have to use the wipes, but not near as often, but most of all my wood floors and sheet rock wall around the toilet are now singing my praises.  Really!  I hear them every day.  

I promise to have pretty pictures for you in my next post.  Just wanted to share my newest find for you that has made me smile lately.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. My sons are grown...we may still need that.

  2. Hmmmmm, does it work on husbands? Just kidding.

  3. OMGosh Kelly! What a neat (no pun intended)invention. Now if you can just get them to remember to pull up the shield before use.
    I've even seen little flushable targets..something to "aim" at. Don't know if that helps the situation or just a fun thing. Good luck..and hope you have a great Valentine's Day.

  4. I sure could have used this in the 80's and 90's.;)

  5. I am sure there are more comments swimming in our heads than what we are willing to put in print!!
    BRAVO!!!! I know just how you feel!! 'nuf said!

  6. I had 2 girls, but I do have a grandson. What a great invention! I'll have to tell my daughter about this.

  7. I raised 4 boys and I wish they had that around back then!

  8. OMG do I need a few of those!! One for his bathroom and one for the downstairs powder room. I am constantly wiping down the toilets with Clorox wipes!

  9. My Mom could have used this with two boys!What a great invention I will have to share this with my friends that have boys!

  10. I have 3 girls so I do not have this problem, but Kelly, it made me laugh. This is real life.

  11. Luckily I never had to deal with this particular problem with 2 girls in our house. BUT I had to deal with long hair....everywhere!!! I guess either way we get to clean up their messes. :)

  12. This is genius! The problem I have with my sons is that they don't always raise the seat, that's where my Lysol wipes come in. And I wish they would close the bathroom door all the way when they are in there, I sometimes see more than I care to! lol!


  13. funny!! And very smart! I always wondered how pee got on the walls. I guess it's the splatter! Always fun living with boys. :) Thanks for sharing!

  14. Ah men, and the things we women do to civilize them!

  15. WHY OH WHY did we not invent this? Even the tidiest and aim proficient of males make splatters mothers of girls just don't understand that it's not like boys aim for the walls, it just happens when you drop liquid from a certain height!


  16. Where was this 25 years ago? I sure could have used this...had three little boys...don't think I need to say more! Thanks for the morning giggle! ;)

  17. I never saw one of those..what a great idea..Happy Valentines Day, Kelly

  18. LOL....why can't I ever think of these inventions?

  19. thank for your imformation kichen home design i like your post and thank you

  20. What a great invention!!!...One of those, "why didn't I think of that" !!!...hope it makes your life easier Kelly!!!

  21. that toilet thing is halarious! It made me LOL.... But your house is amazing Its like i could move just right in!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly