Thursday, February 14, 2013

Form and Function in the Kitchen

Hello everyone!

Have you ever had something in your kitchen that looked pretty, but didn't "serve" you well?  That is what happened in my kitchen.  I decided a change was needed.  You see, I have a laundry room off my kitchen.  It is not very big though.  In order to get the best use out of it, I need to be able to open the door wide.  So, the little display of pillows on an ottoman that I had behind the door was no longer serving me well when I needed to access the laundry room.  And, I need to access it A LOT!  

So, I removed what was pretty and left the floor space empty to allow the door to open wide.  I hung my over sized breadboards on the wall instead.  That seemed to allow both form and function of the area.

I like how it opens up the kitchen by doing this too.  It was a blessing in disguise that I made this change. 

Another change I made was to move my large mixer out from under the cabinets to an open area.  

I like how it looks here AND it is easier to use!  

Now on to some just plain ole fun stuff.  I ordered this rustic twine from Luckett's online shop.  I had been wanting some of this twine with the old style scissors.  This one is huge too!  

I don't think the picture does it justice.

Also, I nabbed this dairy slab from Williams-Sonoma while on sale too.  My sweet friend, Des, from Peeking Thru The Sunflowers ordered one for herself and thought I might like one too.  

Fromage means "fresh cheese" in french.  

Lastly, I decided to hang my vintage grain sack and table runner out of this tall basket.  It actually used to be a laundry basket! I love using baskets everywhere.  They are so versatile.

So..........there you have it!  Just a few changes that helped to serve me better in the kitchen and add style at the same time.

Oh!  And one more thing........

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Beautiful changes, Kelly. I love the from age slab. Great purchase.

  2. Great changes Kelly, I LOVE the dairy slab!! Happy Valentine's Day! That last shot is so pretty!

  3. love all the changes you made but anything you do looks good!

    happy valentines day kelly!!

  4. Your kitchen is beautiful and very welcoming. Your ottoman reminds me something that popped in my head yesterday...I started thinking about things that we live with in the house but they bug having to work your way around an ottoman with an arm full of laundry. It's amazing how changing those things makes life better. :)

  5. Good Morning Kelly, Isn't it amazing how one simple change can bring about a much better look.
    I have my mixer on my kitchen work surface as if it was stored in a cupboard I do not think I would use if as often. Anything I use regularly is on my work surface.
    I do love your beautiful kitchen.
    Enjoy your day.
    Best Wishes

  6. LOVE your bread boards hung on the wall...what a great idea to open up the space! Your new cheese slab looks fabulous too! I always love seeing what you are up to :o)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Beautiful the cutting boards hanging there on the wall. I keep my mixer out too. Love the rustic twine with the scissors. I have those scissors too.
    Happy Valentine's Day

  8. Those boards look great hanging on the wall. Love your Fromage tray!

  9. You have such a dreamy kitchen! Happy Valentine's Day to your and your family!
    xo, Andrea

  10. SO pretty, Kelly! I love how hanging the bread boards opens the space and makes them look like work of art! The whole room is wonderful!

  11. Hi Kelly, I adore the breadboards on the wall. I have one huge one leaning on my wall scratching my paint that I should hang. If I had a Kitchen Aid mixer it would be on the counter as yours is now. You can get hurt lifting that heavy mixer you know. I have seen the Fromage board at the Williams Sonoma Outlet but I always have sensory overload when I am there. It all looks splendid-make it work for you. xo, olive

  12. Love the large breadboards! Nice changes!
    Happy Valentine's Day!!

  13. I am a function above form kind of girl... but, you aced both!! Happy Valentine's Day, Kelly! blessings ~ tanna

  14. Lovely post.. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  15. I haven't been to your blog for a while due to my computer with all my links taking a death spiral. Your house sure looks different than it used to!

    I went back to 2012 april and the brown mantle looks so wrong now compared to your new look -- which I love. Saved me cuz I was going towards dark browns, but now thinking of using SW's Fawn Bridle. So thanks for the info.

  16. Nice changes, Kelly. Happy Valentines's Day!

  17. I love your kitchen and nook Kelly...the boards really pop on the wall...great job

  18. I think your kitchen changes are fabulous, Kelly. Happy Valentine's Day.

  19. Happy Valentine's Day, Kelly. I like your new fromage platter. Your flowers are exceptional. They must be your valentine. Great florist. I love the lily of the valley in the arrangement.

  20. Hi Kelly,
    So very beautiful! Love those bread boards on the wall. Nice fire & pretty flowers too!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you & the Mr.
    All the Best,

  21. Happy Valentines Day to you Kelly. I love your simple changes. We bought our home last Sept. So brain is still spinning on what to do....will be working on my kitchen soon with hubbys help. You insipired me to get going with it. Kitchens should be inviting to the "cook" as well. Blessings, Nest in Peace, Karen

  22. Nice changes Kelly. Luv the over-sized bread boards hanging on the wall.
    And yes, Happy Valentine's day to you and yours :-)
    Hugs, Gee

  23. if you ever decide you don't want the breadboards know who to re-gift it to...your Italian niece...aka me :) those are SO SO COOL!!

  24. The warm wood of the bread boards is the perfect accent next to your black doors and really opens up the space, too.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  25. thank for your imformation kichen home design i like your post and thank you

  26. all of your changes and really heart those large bread boards on the wall!!...Change is definitely good!!!...Have a great weekend!!

  27. Pretty changes Kelly, but what caught my eye was the lovely big checked curtains (brown?) behind the basket. Where did u get them


  28. I can say this with certainty... if my laundry was close to my kitchen two things would be happening; more laundry would be getting done and the laundry room would be looking better if I could see it more often. Both would be a good thing.


  29. Oh how I wish I had a laundry room off my kitchen. Mine is in the basement and I just hate it. Love the breadboards on the wall. Hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful!

  30. Hi, Kelly, Hope you had an nice Valentine's Day! I always like to see your kitchen. White is my favorite color for a kitchen and appliances, even though my stove is black..well the one before it was harvest gold, so what can I say? :)
    The wall with your bread boards looks so nice and I'm sure you wonder why you didn't make the change sooner.(I do the same thing. :))
    Great changes!

  31. Love the change of hanging your breadboards. I can see how that makes the space so much functional. It's funny how we often want the "look" and "function" becomes secondary. I'm definitely guilty of that.
    Mary Alice

  32. Kelly,
    I love your kitchen so warm and cozy. Your pictures are beautiful.

  33. It looked lovely before but the changes are so nice too! I guess there will be some baking going on now that the mixer is out of the closet!

  34. I love the dairy slab. I have never seen one before and I love the look. All your changes are great.

  35. Great Changes Kelly!Oh I love the cheese dish!Looks perfect on your counter.And I also LOVE that twine and scissors too!
    Hope you had a wonderful Valentines day!

  36. I enjoyed that picture journey but really it was amazing and may be I decorate my new Homes for Rent.

  37. What a beautiful kitchen! You are definitely an inspiration for me while I try to style my own home. Thanks for sharing..
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    Affordable Kitchen Remodel


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly