Saturday, April 13, 2013

Library Wall Light & Blooming Orchid

Hello everyone!

I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far.  I wanted to share my new wall light that I ordered from Decor Steals.  It was supposed to be hard-wired, but my husband converted it to a plug in light so I could use it where ever I wanted.  One day, I would like to get it installed the right way though. 

I love the patina on it!  I hung it in my family room over a chest of drawers that didn't currently have a lamp on it.  

It just got hung up today, so I can't wait to see what it looks like at night!

Next, I wanted to share my orchid in bloom.  I'm so excited that it is blooming.  It has been dormant for almost a year!

This is the first live orchid I've ever owned.  I tried to do what everyone suggested in order to keep it alive.  I had heard they can be temperamental.

It now has 2 full blooms on it!  As you can see, there will be several more in the next few days.  It's in a blooming cycle right now.

I had it sitting on the floor in front of a window while it wasn't blooming.  It wasn't too pretty then.  I watered it very seldom and drained off the excess water each time.  I cut back the old stems and waited.   It worked!  I set it in a tureen on top of the chest in my foyer.  It gets good filtered light in here.

I can't wait for the rest of the buds to open up!  

Speaking of flowers............

I am suffering with allergies now.  So, this is now by new best friend.

It REALLY works for me!!!!  

I appreciate you stopping by.  Hope you have a great weekend!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Beautiful how long the blooms last! The light is great...I came so close to ordering one, now I'll have to wait to see if they offer it again.
    Enjoy..your home is lovely,

  2. LOVE that light!! Now I wish I had purchased it too! I have never been able to get an orchid to bloom again!

  3. That's a great looking light and I LOVE your orchid. You really have a green thumb to get it to bloom again. Yay Kelly!

  4. I looked at that light and thought about you and you did get it. Looks good and love the orchid.

  5. such a pretty light. looks great in that spot! I have killed 2 I gave up on those.

  6. Your new light looks fabulous hung over the chest. Your Orchid is beautiful too :o)

  7. The light is wonderful. I just signed up for decor steals and don't have the time yet to be on top of it. But, after seeing your light, I think I need to make time.

  8. The light is wonderful. I just signed up for decor steals and don't have the time yet to be on top of it. But, after seeing your light, I think I need to make time.

  9. Kelly!
    You didn't give up on that orchid, and now it's breathtaking! You must feel like it caregiver or nurse!

    I love that light in your beautiful home!

  10. Kelly,
    Oh I love that light. That is so great. What a great find.

  11. We can't live without zyrtec at our house.

    I can't believe you got the orchid to bloom again Lucky girl!

    The light is wonderful! I have so many places that need something like that. :)

  12. We take a zyrtec every single morning and Benedryl every night!

    Your orchid is beautiful. I have never even TRIED to grow one!

  13. Kelly, I love the light...
    Sorry to hear that your allergies are bad.
    take care

  14. YOU had a chest of drawers WITHOUT a lamp on it?! I am shocked! lol!
    Your new light looks terrific!! Love the vintage style and patina! It looks great in the spot you've hung it.
    That is wonderful that your orchid is blooming again! It is so pretty!! I have a little olive tree I'm struggling to keep alive, but it doesn't look so great right now so I keep in sitting at the base of one of my windows. :)

  15. LOVE that light kelly! you need to do a post on raising orchids...i've never attempted to have one but they are so pretty!

    isn't this weather gorgeous? we're heading to b'ham for that granddaughter's recital. i need a little break!

  16. Your new light is wonderful, but I love your Phalaenopsis Orchid. I used to have several orchids in our previous home because I had a sunroom with a large expanse of East-facing windows. They would all bloom at different times & were so lovely. I just recently bought one to try here, keeping my fingers crossed. It is a beautiful yellow Phalaenopsis with a magenta center. I wish us both good luck!


  17. LOVE that lamp Kelly! Looks great there too! Beautiful orchid!I suffer from allergies too!Although the weather is still cold here so not bad yet.

  18. Your orchid is just beautiful. I've never had any luck with those so you must have a green thumb! Love your light!


  19. That is the pretties orchid I have ever seen! I'm so glad you got it to bloom again. Hubby had one in his office and his secretary took care of it. When she left to take another job, it died!

    I love the new light! It looks perfect there! Love Decor Steals, too!


  20. Our outdoor furniture is covered in yellow pollen right now. Thankfully it doesn't seem to bother me too much. That is the most unusual orchid I've ever seen. Beautiful! I love Decor Steals too. That light looks perfect on the light colored wall.

  21. Luv the light.:-)
    The orchid is luvly as well. Mine ( a teeny one) is about to bloom as well. I am NOT good with plants, and murdered the pink version of yours a few years ago :-( But this little one I have had for 5 years and it's still alive, Yeah!!! Awaiting it's blooms.
    Enjoy yours...
    Hugs, Gee

  22. When Décor Steals came out with that lamp, I was so tempted to buy some to replace my hall lights. Wish now I did, it looks great. Congrats on your orchid!

  23. Great looking industrial light, Kelly! Good purchase!

  24. I don't know anything about orchids or allergy meds but I know a light I like when I see it!


  25. Love the light..It's perfect there..
    Good luck with the Orchid..It's beautiful..Been there..done that..;)

  26. Your new light fixture has a great look!! And your orchid is so beautiful, Kelly.
    Mary Alice

  27. Love the new light fixture!! sigh... Decore steals will be the death of me, so many wonderful treasures:)
    Love the orchid!! I always look at them in the store but have never bought one.

  28. Love the new light Kelly! I just bought my first orchard too.

  29. I love the light! How did your husband convert it so it didn't have to be hardwired?

    My first orchid lived for a long time, but I have consequently bought and killed several more. Have no idea what I did different with the first that it stuck around for so long :)

  30. That zyrtec looks all to familiar Kelly. LOVE your new light. It is perfect! Great patina like you said.

  31. Love your new light!!
    I have allergies I feel your pain. Allergy meds have been my best friend too.

  32. I love that lamp...and by the way the Lantern in the foyer and the wicker tray are so cool !!!!

  33. Great light Kelly! It looks perfect for your decorating style!

    Love the colors of that orchid.

  34. I love orchids but have yet to get one to rebloom. Great light!

  35. Love the new light fixture. I'd paint the cord the wall color and pull the cord straight down behind the framed art.

  36. I love how you used that light, I honestly never would have thought of using it that way.

  37. That light is SO fun, and I love where you hung it!

  38. Love, love the light looks perfect in that spot!...and congrats on the orchid...I had an orchid that I nursed back to finally bloomed beautifully again and my hubby accidentally swung his arm into it and broke off the stem!! whenever someone is admiring an orchid of mine, he always tells that story!

  39. Your house looks so fresh and pretty for spring! Love your new light fixture. Pollen is everywhere here too, and pecan tassels, one of my least favorite things about spring!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly