Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happenings Around Here

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  We spent some time shopping for flowers, cooking out, visiting family members and watching a movie.

One unexpected thing happened to us the other night though.  We found out we have a birds nest in our garage.  My husband came inside, and along with him, so did the momma bird!

After flying around the main part of the house, she flew into our foyer.

She landed on the chandelier chain.  There's only one problem with that though.  It's way up there!

We have a two story foyer and she was at the highest point of our house!

So what to do???

Grab a long duster.

That didn't work though.  All she did was fly back and forth to the window and chandelier chain!

Can you tell what kind of bird she is?  We don't know.

My oldest son finally decided to use his brothers Nerf gun to shoot styrofoam bullets near it to scare it off.  

It worked! 

She flew out our front door.

We're having to leave our garage door open (partly) when we're gone so she can get to her nest.  

Gosh, the things we do for nature!

But all was not lost on the bird.

My husband cooked out filet mignon on our grill for my Mother's Day dinner.

Our meal was as good as a restaurant's!

We had filet mignon,  baked potato, baby Bella mushrooms with vidalia onion, spring green salad, and rosemary and olive oil rolls.


The secret to a great steak???  Get it cut fresh at a meat market.  Do not get it from a grocery store!  

I finally got flowers to plant in my planters on the front porch. I took some pics of the nursery, we go to every year, to share.  You won't believe this nursery!  It's pretty impressive.  I'll share those pics soon.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Glad you got the bird out of your home.

    Nothing is better than cooking on charcoal too, we have the same grill. My favorite steaks are filets too!

  2. Funny with the bird. Glad she went out. Glad you had a good meal today. Me not so much. I still need to go get flowers. Maybe next week. Getting cold tonight again. This is crazy weather for May. You bought the steaks at a meat market. I need to do that too. Plus we need a new grill and I am really leaning towards a charcoal one like you have.

  3. AAAhhh, it's a little Jenny Wren or House Wren. They always build nests in the most awkward places. On the light fixture in the enrty way... the shrubs near the garage... They tend to return year after year to the same nesting place :-) We have had them fly into the house many times.
    Your meal looks yummy :-)
    We were all tired from the wedding yesterday and dinner today was a small affair. I just wanted a nice quiet now key day.
    Hugs, Gee

  4. That meal looks awesome!!! YUM!!
    I know what you mean about doing things for nature. Birds have built a nest inside a space by a rafter. After nesting season that hole needs to be closed up!
    We are STILL planning on getting our flowers from the nursery. We keep putting it off. Two weeks now. There is a WONDERFUL nursery in Fort Worth so since I'll be there anyway Friday we may just get them then!

  5. yep, she's a wren. I love their little voices. they sort of sound like crickets. Your steaks look so yummy. We had a big gas grill that we gave to the kids today. we never used it, because I could always taste the "gas". I love a charcoaled steak. I'm so glad to have that honkin' monstrosity off the deck! Hope your Mother's Day was lovely.

  6. Glad you were able to mama bird out of your house.
    We've had a bird in the house before too. And a snake in our dining room...a squirrel that came in thru our fireplace and decided to hide under the sofa...and a mama raccoon that made her den in the chimney and she had 5 babies. We made the local paper when the wildlife trapper came to remove the raccoon family.
    Hope nothing else ever gets in our house again!!

  7. Just found your blog. I am your newest follower. I am so glad the bird got back outside. Happy Mother's Day.

  8. How sweet.... except for the mess that can be made in the house. Yikes!

    OK... my daughter who is an avid birder and competes (yes, there really are birding competitions!) says it is a Carolina Wren.

  9. I just happened upon your blog…and I'm enjoying your posts! Happy that your bird found her way outside. We have a robin's nest just outside our door, and I feel so bad every time we open it and disturb the mama bird.

  10. Your dinner looks yummy... we had steak too!
    So glad that bird flew out... I felt so bad for her...

  11. Your menu sounds wonderful. I might have to reproduce that some time this week.

    At our last house I used to leave the back door standing open when the weather was nice. We got birds in the house several times. They would usually fly back out. Once or twice I had to catch one and put it out. They are so cute.

  12. I love birds, but I wouldn't want one in my home pooping on everything!lol
    I'm glad you were able to get her out! We had a bat stuck in out garage once and it's the only time I've heard my husband scream like a girl!
    I'm glad you had a happy mother's day!

  13. Dinner looks wonderful..I'm pretty sure the bird is a Wren..We have them here..

  14. May I have a dollop of sour cream on my baked tater please? Mmmmmm..


  15. Your dinner looks yummy! Glad you were able to get the bird out of the house.

  16. Crazy story with the bird and you are right, what we do for nature. I am glad you had a great meal and enjoyed your day.


  17. Kelly, Im glad the bird made it out!! that was too funny..
    and boy oh boy that meal looks so delicious... lucky you...

  18. YUM ... that's one delicious looking meal! And, so glad that Mama Bird may her way out of your house! Happy week.

  19. Kelly,
    That Mom's Day Meal looked so yummy. What a sweet little bird. Glad she is safe and outdoors again. I am like you I would be leaving the garage door open too for her to come in and out of her nest!!!!!! You are a great person to do that for her.

  20. oh my! Glad she flew out of there!! What a wonderful meal. Can't go wrong with steak and potato

  21. We had a bird fall through the chimney and into the fireplace once when I was growing up. LOL! I can't believe how high up she was on your chandelier. (love your ceiling in that room, by the way.) We just had some baby doves born in a nest in our rain gutter. Oh how I love vidalia onions and mushrooms! I could almost eat an entire plate of just the onions. :) Your dinner looks delicious. Now my stomach is growling. Ha!

  22. We used to get birds in our garage attic. I would leave a trail of Cheerios out to the driveway, and eventually the birds would find their way out.

    Delicious looking meal!

  23. I had an experience of a bird flying into the house...I left my patio door open and it flew into the dining room...I was cringing as it was flying around my crystal and to top it off, I was babysitting my lab granddog and he was going crazy chasing the finally flew out and no broken crystal!...I have bird nests in every hanging fern on my porches!...What a great Mother's Day feast!!

  24. We had a wren make a nest in a flower pot on the back porch. I worried about those little babies because we had a cat!!. I still have that little nest and I show it to my kids at school. So happy you got her out safe. What a sweet Mother's Day!.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly