Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Summer Days

Hello everyone!

It's been quiet around here.  Not much new happening.  We've been enjoying the lazy days of summer and trying to stay cool in the process.  

Last weekend, we spent some time visiting friends at a campground on the lake.  It was a lot of fun.  We cooked out and made smores over a camp fire.  My oldest son even kayaked.  One couple brought their birds with them.  (They were camping there as well.)  We all got a chance to let it rest on our shoulder.  Her name was Angel and was very friendly!

As you can see I was a bit hesitant having it on my shoulder!  I'm not really a "bird" person. 

We all got the chance to hold him.

These pics were taken with my husbands iPhone so they aren't the best.  Sorry!

We've been spending time at the pool.

And eating out at our favorite Mexican restaurant.

We've caught a few good movies.

Man of Steel

World War Z

And............sleeping late. 

This is what I see most mornings, when I wake up.  No kidding!

 And take a look at what we saw in our neighbors yard the other morning.

That was an unexpected surprise!  We don't see a lot of deer in my subdivision.  She darted in those woods right after we took this picture.

So, how has summer been treating you so far? 

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly~


  1. Hi Kelly - it sounds like your summer is off to a god start!

  2. What luvly pictures Kelly. So relaxed and happy :-) The best kinds!!Pretty bird.
    Lazy, fun and relaxation is the vibe of this summer for me and mine... So far it's been sweet.
    I got a good giggle at the little face peeking out from the covers... hahahahhaaa. Too cute.
    Lotsa hugs,

  3. sounds like the perfect summer. you have a dog to wake up with, I have a megasized-furry cat!

  4. Everybody loves angel. I have been enjoying every second of summer. Hard to believe my kids go back august 2nd

  5. Looks like your summer is going well. Angel is a cute bird. But that dog sleeping is so cute and funny. Don't they act just like humans. I know our furry kids do. My summer has been wild and crazy but fun.

  6. Sounds like the makings of a perfect summer! And I LOVE your dog picture! We see deer in my neighborhood all the time, but no matter how many times they visit, we always jump up and grab the camera! Now, if they'd only stop eating our bushes and flowers...

  7. Aw, I'm really partial to Bostons, and that photo is precious. You should frame it. I've been staying in, trying to beat the heat.

  8. Sounds like you're off to a relaxing and fun summer. Love the pics of the family!!
    Mary Alice

  9. I wish we had a pool to go to...but then again, our children are young enough that they are pretty content to splash in their kiddie pool. I love the picture with Max...I hope he doesn't have bad breath lol

  10. Kelly- It sounds like you are having a wonderful summer. What a fun post. I had a friend's bird that took a shine to me-he would crawl up under my hair in the back and put his beak by my ear and make kissing noises. So funny. Enjoy every moment there- xo Diana

  11. I remember the lazy days of summer when our girls were little. Those are the best memories! It looks like you're having fun this summer, and that last photo of the deer looks like a scene from a fairytale movie!

  12. Kelly,
    This was a cute post and it looks like you are really enjoying the summer. My daughter has a boston terrier too and sleeps just like yours does right under the covers!!! They are adorable little creatures.

  13. What great summer days!...My sister-in-law has a similar bird and also very friendly...Don't they live to be like 100 years old?...Have a great day out for those pesky flower eating deer!!

  14. I loved summer when my kids were younger...and all I see out my back window is squirrels! Ugh. Haven't been to a movie since Les Mis. Thanks for the idea!

  15. Sounds like the perfect weeked to me Kelly. You looked a little nervous over the bird on shoulder thing LOL. Those movies sounds good. My son is taking a potential new GF tomorrow to see world war Z. Enjoy...not much here lots of company these days.

  16. So perfect Kelly, I'd be a little nervous too with Angel on my shoulder, I'd be afraid I'd be pecked!
    Been in the pool and just enjoying the summer days like you!
    I was wondering where you got your lights in the kitchen, you mentioned that you bought them at a hardware store, was it Lowe's or Home Depot?
    Have a great weekend coming up:)

  17. It looks like you are having the perfect summer days so far. Love the picture of the dog. They are adorable when they are laying in bed like a human.


  18. My summer has been pretty dry and way too hot for my liking..Looking forward to fall..That's what's good about the seasons...Love the deer..Happy summer to you..

  19. So far so good. It seems like winter drags on forever and summer flies by!

  20. Sounds like a good ole lazy-dazy summer for your and your family. The best kind.

    Enjoy the summer with your family.


  21. Kelly, You look like you really didn't want the bird on your shoulder! I would be the same way. Sounds like a great Summer so far.

  22. Great start to a warm summer. My grandaughter comes next week for the summer. Got lots of projects lined up.
    Keeping very busy with the new puppy.

  23. ah your dog is killing me...sooooo sweet...zzzzzzzzzz

  24. Such cute pics! All the handsome men in your family :) You crack me up with that bird. Nice to see y'all enjoying your summer family time, isn't it great?!! We are loving being outside and floating in our pool, it's 103 out right now but the pool is still 85! Good to catch up with you,
    xo, Andrea

  25. Sounds like you are having a great summer! Hanging out on the lake sounds so nice! You've got some great looking kids! Glad they are having fun!

  26. I don't think I'd ever own a bird, but I'd love the experience of holding a friendly one.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly