Friday, June 21, 2013

Don't Do What I Did!

Hello everyone!

There is something missing from this room.  Can you spot it?


What about now?

Or now.

Did you guess?

If you guessed there is no rug in here, you would be right!!!

And why is there no rug in here (you ask)?

Because, when I noticed my dog created a hole in the sea grass (from playing tug of war with my husband) I picked it up to move it around and was horrified to see adhesive from the back of the rug stuck to my floors!  I should've taken a picture of it.  It was awful.  

So, out came the harsh chemicals after plain scraping and soapy water did not work.

It took me over 3 hours to remove the residue left behind from that rug!  I had to spray WD-40 on the floor and then scrape the gunk off as much as possible (careful not to scratch my floors).  Then after cleaning that up, there was a fine residue everywhere still left behind.  Basic scraping would not remove it.  So, Goof Off came to my rescue.  It is a powerful solvent meant to remove sticky stuff.  I was worried my floors would be ruined by it, but the residue left behind was already ruining it, so I didn't have much to lose.  

Voila!  everything came off!  It didn't take the finish off my floors either., I don't even want a rug in there anymore.  I actually like it better without one too.  It was a blessing in disguise I guess.

So.....where is the rug that caused all of this trouble in the first place?

Did I mention today was trash pick-up day?

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a great weekend.

~ Kelly ~


  1. I had one of those rubber backed rugs do that to my great room floor, too and I have not gotten it up. The print of it shows some past the rug I have in there now. I guess I should try what you did to get it up.

  2. Oh no! Wow- that's REALLLLY good to know - checking my rugs now.

    Good be Gone rules. It's just lemon oil pretty much, doesn't hurt floors at all.

    Glad you were able to save your floors, wow, three hours, no kidding?

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. YIKES!! That had to be scary. So glad you were able to get it up.

  4. glad it all came up. I guess the rubber backing kind of melted. The only place I have a couple of rugs is in our bedroom, since we have stained concrete floor.

  5. I've been so scared to put a rug down on my wood floors. :) The reason I'm paranoid is because we used to have white linoleum floors in our bathrooms and I had one of those bath mats with the non-slip backing on it in there. And within just a few weeks, it turned the floor underneath it yellow. Nothing would get it off. You couldn't see it because the rug covered it, but I knew it was there. :) We've since replaced those floors and now I have a rug pad underneath the bath mats. A friend of mine had the same experience as you with her rug. She seemed to think part of the problem is our high humidity here. I don't know what caused it, but it's scared me into not putting rugs down. So glad you fixed it. I would have been freaking out! LOL!

  6. Oh my!!! I cannot stand the smell of the rubber backing so I guess I am lucky in that aspect. I am glad you got it up Kelly...
    Like the fresh new rugless look.
    :-) Hugs, Gee

  7. It is always easier to clean without one too!

  8. So glad that it didn't ruin your hardwood floors. We are in process of taking carpet up and there is hardwood floors underneath. Now I'm thinking that maybe I don't want a big rug in our living room or under the dining room table.

  9. Wow, that is just crazy!!! I have had my rugs for years and have never had any issues with the rubber backing doing that. I shudder to think how much dusting I would have to do if I didn't have rugs down. My floors are pretty dark and show absolutely everything.....including paw prints! LOL

  10. I haven't heard of that happening. I have throw rugs with that...but I picked one up yesterday to wash and it was fine. So glad you were able to make the repairs. We have a big indoor outdoor rug in our great room and it is fine, but there is no rubber on it. Maybe something like that would work.

  11. Oh no! So glad you were able to correct the problem! Makes me not feel bad that I can't afford a pretty blue rug like in your sister's sun room. But I guess the all wool or all cotton with no backing would be okay?? Your floors are really nice though.

  12. Oh no!! So glad you were able to restore your floors. They are beautiful and look good without a rug, especially for the summer.
    Mary Alice

  13. My seagrass rug doesn't have a backing but everything would seep down to my hardwood floor and it was n-a-s-t-y! so i ordered a heavy duty rug pad to put under does not have a rubber backing (thank goodness) but is heavy enough to stay in place and catch some of that dirt.

    happy you got up the residue but what a workout!

  14. That's awful! I'm glad that you were able to get it off the floor! Have a nice weekend!

  15. I'm glad you got all the goo off your hardwood floors. I hope nobody was out "picking" trash this morning. They'll have an unpleasant surprise if they use the rug, that's for sure!

  16. Maybe that's a good thing!! It brought it to your attention. Thanks for sharing. Never buy a rubber backed rug.

  17. I have never had a rug do that. But I can't have one because my dogs tear them up. I'm so glad your floors weren't ruined!

  18. It looks better without the rug. I love Goof Off. Sometimes you have to bust out the big guns.

  19. You redeemed it!!! Good for you! I have been wanting one of those rugs - but for our gazebo. We plan on getting one soon and I hope it doesn't mold being outside.
    Love seeing your pretty room! Rug or no rug - it is still OH SO PRETTY!!!

  20. you are lucky it all came off.....this is why we have tile floors now...we used to have wood floors and 2 giant dogs...after 5 years in the house the floor was looking horrible especially right by the sliding glass door . Also when we lifted the rugs the floor around it was lighter from the sun...but I have to say your wood floors always look brand new in all the pictures so obviously you are taking much better care of them then I could....

  21. So glad you were able to clean that up. Your floor is very pretty, and I like it better without the rug!

  22. I was looking to see what you knocked over and broke, that would of been easier to clean up than the rug backing. Those of us who have had the misfortune of that happening know what a pain it is. Glad your floor didn't suffer.


  23. I bet that was a scary moment. I'm glad the residue all came off. I am debating the rug/no rug question in my dining room.

  24. Thank goodness your floors weren't ruined! I have a jute rug from Ikea that is reversible. The only problem is it is filthy! Every time I lift it up there is tons of dirt on the floor.

  25. Glad your floors are OK...I missed the rug right away..Who knows why??

  26. Oh no! What a mess, but glad you finally got it cleaned up. Thanks for the tip on Goof Off. Now I'm headed to the entry to see if my sea grass rug has stuck to the floor. I hope not.

  27. Ugh, how awful, Kelly. So glad you were able to get it up without ruining your floor. I would have tossed that baby in the trash, too :)

  28. Kelly I kept expecting something to be broken, I was looking and looking. That sounds like a nightmare. So glad you got it taken care of with no damage to your floors. Sorry I haven't answered until now but we moved, etc., via my blog, and I am just starting to try and catch up.


  29. So glad that you were able to remove the residue from the rug!...I was warned not to use carpets with heavy rubber backing by my wood floor guy...I guess he was right!..

  30. Wow-good thing that came off your floor! I would've been worried, too. Your room looks great, though! :)

  31. The room actually looks beautiful without the rug! I am so glad it came up... I think I'd better go check underneath mine now. :-)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly