Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dreaming of the Coast

Hello everyone!

It has been a long, gloomy and soggy week here.  There have been a few good days of sunshine, but it is never without the clouds or threat of rain.  Even if we do get sunny blue skies during the day, the night time brings storms so we wake to wet grass and humidity.  Luckily, though, the temps have cooled down a bit.  

So, I am dreaming of our upcoming vacation to the coast of Florida.  

I only hope the rain doesn't continue to follow us.

I am looking forward to eating seafood, lounging by the pool and walking on the beach.

We're even taking this little guy with us!

(See what he does to my pillows?  None of my pillows are safe from him.)

He has gone with us to Florida before, but never to a beach that allows dogs.  So, this will be his first trip to the beach and playing in the ocean.  We are very excited to be able to take him with us.

So we are using this week to prepare for our trip.  

I will try not to bore you with too many vacation photos when we return.  LOL!

Hope you all are having a great weekend so far.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Lucky you and have fun. I bet Max will have a blast.

  2. I hope you have a great vacation--and that the sun shines! Go, Max, go!

  3. Enjoy your beach vacation:) It has been a wet summer for us as well, wet and humid! Loving your pretty vignettes especially the bucket of white hydrangeas and your collection of gorgeous grain sack. Have a lovely evening! Hugs, Poppy

  4. All you girls who keep talking about rain are lucky. :) Actually we are finally getting a little here today for the first time in probably 6 weeks. We needed it desperately.

    I know you'll have a wonderful time at the beach. :)

  5. Hi Kelly,
    Little Max will love going to the ocean. What a lucky dog he is. Everytime I see Max I think of my granddog Charlie. He looks just like him. I love Boston's they are so sweet and smart. Enjoy getting ready for your trip. Woooo hooooo vacation.

  6. Lucky you girl...have a wonderful time and I hope the rain stays at bay for you. Enjoy that seafood, too. Yum!

  7. Sounds like a great trip! Have fun. Your photos are pretty.

  8. Hi Kelly! Oh, have a wonderful trip and you know how I love your little Boston and I'm sure he'll keep you laughing. Send some rain our way! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Have a great trip, Kelly. Hope the weather is beautiful.

  10. As a beach bum myself, I know the anticipation is always exciting and the beach even better. You will have a blast.

  11. Kelly, I'm so ready for the beach, but we won't go for about another month. I hope the rain doesn't follow you. Take lots of photos, so I can pretend I'm there. :)

  12. Have fun Kelly. We won't be bored with vacation pics. Enjoy your beach trip.

  13. that picture of Max is SO CUTE!! have fun at the beach and eating seafood

  14. Hahahha... My pillows suffer from the same treatment. Only Master Vic pulls mine off and lays with them ion the floor. :-)
    I am wishing you a super happy vacation time. You are coming my way... wooo hooo. May you have abundant sunshine.
    Hugs, Gee

  15. You are going to have a ball, and little Max, too! I would love a beach vacation right about now. We've had a lot of rain...a little different than yours. t tend oto cool things off. But we are expecting 90's this week. Grrrrr...

    Have a blast!


  16. Have a great time at the beach. We took our Springer with us once and it was fun. She didn't like the water....never did, but had fun running on the beach.

  17. Oh-Wish I could stow away and go along with you! Have fun preparing to go this week- xo Diana

  18. Max is so cute! My little yorkies are always taking my pillows off the sofa and chairs...and then laying on them.
    Have a great trip!!

  19. Take me with you. Please.

  20. Enjoy your vacation Kelly..Max will have a blast..

  21. We want to hear all about it! I LOVE vacation photos!
    It's cool and rainy here in Texas which is SO unusual for July! WE are REJOICING!!!!
    I used to take my kids to the beach every August. Now they are all grown up. The 'tide has turned' so to speak and now Summer is taking ME to the beach - in September. They have rented a HUGE beach house and invited lots of friends and family! I hope you enjoy every single minute of vacation preparation as well as the actual vacation and then relive it all over again through your blog posts!

  22. Have a very safe and enjoyable trip. Max is so cute, and I am sure he will love the adventure!!


  23. Sounds amazing! Have a fun, relaxing trip!! :)

  24. Have a wonderful time in Florida...say hello to my Sunshine State!

  25. Have a wonderful, sunny time! We took our dog to the beach on one vacation and she loved it! Yours will, too, I'm sure!

  26. Have a wonderful trip Kelly!

  27. That's exactly what our dog used our pillows for. hehe Have a wonderful trip!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly