Friday, July 5, 2013

New Pillows and a Makeover

Hello everyone!

This has been the ugliest week (weather wise) around here.  It has rained, and rained, and rained.  The ground is soggy, the sky is cloudy and I'm anxious for the sun to start shining again!  It really put a damper on our 4th of July celebration too.  Oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain because it really is insignificant compared to other problems in the world huh?  

I've tried to make the best of it around the house though.  One thing I wanted to share with you are a couple of new pillows that I purchased recently.  (Y'all KNOW I don't have enough pillows right????)

The first one is from Flax and Spindle.  It is a blog/online store all in one.  I recently discovered it and fell in love with this pillow cover.

It fits a standard pillow and is intended to lie horizontal, but I liked it propped up like this better.  It is made with vintage burlap and stamped with black letters.  I have no idea what it even says!  LOL!  I should probably Google it or something.

NOTE:  Just translated it and found out it means, "Care in Service". 


I love how it ties across the opening.

My next pillow is from Joss and Main.  I believe it is being offered right now too! It's made to look like grain sack. I can't tell you how well made this pillow is!  I really love it.

Regarding the makeover I did, I used this dark wooden container that looks like an old fashioned well bucket and painted it white.

So, now it looks like this.

I intentionally left it streaky looking so it wouldn't look too perfect. One coat is all I used.

I decided to place a bunch of baby's breath flowers in it and place it on my mantel.

I'm loving the white on white look with the texture of the small flowers. 

So, that about wraps up what I've been doing during this rainy week at my house. I'll share more fun finds with you once the sun decides to make an appearance again. 

Hope you all have a great weekend!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Loving your new pillows! I'm not positive, but I think your burlap pillow says, "Beware of the dentist." Strange, I know, but maybe it was a tooth fairy pillow for Paul Bunyan.

  2. love these! you can never have enough pillows!!

  3. the large pillow case makes a great impact. Love that you put it vertically. It said something about "supervised service" it's German (I am not fluent in German, if you wonder)...maybe it was inspired from a hospital linen. The crosses on each side look like hospital symbols we use in Europe.

  4. The burlap pillow is so unusual..and interesting, but I love the grain sack one. The bucket looks really nice painted white with the babies breath.
    I'm like tired or this rain. I can't even get inspired to do anything. Yuk on the rain, but I guess it's better than triple digit temps.

  5. Wonderful new pillows! Are the stripes on the J&M pillow blue or gray?
    Your bucket looks great painted! You just reminded me that I have a bucket I've been meaning to paint...I'd better get to it!

  6. I am addicted to pillows too =) I sure wish Joss and Main delivered to Canada. Sorry about your weather for the 4th-it's starting to get rainy here too.

  7. A rainy day is a sure bet I'll be rearranging something. Love the bucket with baby's breath!

  8. Yup!! I can relate. We have had grey and stormy days. I mean stormy!!! Limbs being broken and flung by the wind... nasty. Today we had a morning of sunshine and an afternoon of , yes... storms. But... can be worst as you say.
    I am luving the painted bucket of babies breath!!! Oh yes please. The pillows are adorable... but the bucket * biting finger* , is beautiful.
    Hoping for a sunny weekend for us both.
    Hugs, Gee

  9. It all looks great!I am a sucker for pillows. We've had a lot of rain up here in the northeast, too, but fortunately July 4 and today have been sunny! Hope it clears up soon for you.

  10. love the painted bucket. wow. unbelievable how much it changed it.

  11. Love your new pillows and the bucket too!!
    It has rained here for the last few days too.

  12. I hope you know what a FAVORITE you are to me!!! No matter how busy I get with the quads and Quadville - I ALWAYS look up your posts!!!
    You brighten up ANY day!!

  13. I love the way your pillows look and that old bucket is GREAT. We finally got a couple of dry days-thank goodness. I used to have a lot of babies breath...think I need to get some again- I love the airy look of it. Blessings- xo Diana

  14. Cute bucket!! Love all sorts of pillows. You can never have enough.

  15. Love the pillows, love that bucket!

    Rainy days help us to focus, I think. At least that's what I tell myself!!!


  16. Oh my, that large pillow is a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!!!! Your little bucket with its new white"coat" looks great, always so fun to see what a little paint can do. Have a terrific weekend! Jane

  17. Love your new pillows and your little bucket too! It looks great filled with baby's breath! Send the rain to us....we need it desperately!!! LOL

  18. Sorry it has been rainy, it has been hot and humid here. Love what you did with that bucket and the pillows are very pretty!


  19. The new pillows are cute and I really like the bucket with the blooms.

  20. Love that first pillow, Kelly. Well actually I love them both and the bucket of babies breath. xo Laura

  21. Love that pillow with the ties! Looks like it's sold out. Too bad. :)
    I've got some burlap...think I'll have to make one.

  22. Kelly I love that tall pillow with the ties.It looks like a it!Your sweet bucket turned out perfectly too! Sorry you are having so much rain! Hope the sun shines there soon!

  23. What a lovely post:) I like your blog.

    If you want to see an amazing Swedish hotel..check out my blog:)

    Have a great week dear

    LOVE Maria from

  24. Great bucket...I remember my dad laughing at my sister and I when we came home with what we thought was an antique wooden turned out to be the bucket portion of an ice cream maker...I can still hear him laughing ...that was just before he passed away and I always think of him when I see an old wooden bucket...

  25. I want that grain sack pillow...being german and all...haha...I'll take good care of your laundry as long as the sack is for keep?


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly