Friday, October 11, 2013

Touches of Fall Outside

Hello everyone!

The weather here has been so nice lately.  I decided to go outside and snap a few pics to share with you of my Fall decor on my porch.  However, I must warn you, if you're looking for a lot of "cute" scarecrows, jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and witches, you will not find them here.  Nor will you find anything very creative that will inspire you to go and craft something of your own.  Nope......sorry.  Not here this year.  

Instead, I am embracing a "less is more" approach.  I have just a few pumpkins scattered about and some pansies on my front porch.  We will carve the pumpkins on Halloween night though.  We still have a lot of summer greenery around, so there isn't much Fall color happening in my front yard either.
So, if I haven't sent you running yet, here is the view of my house from across the street.  

You can hardly see the house through all of the leaves still on the trees.  In November, it will be almost bare though.

It was very sunny this day and hard to get pictures without the sun glaring.  Notice our crepe myrtles have already been pruned.  I know it is early, but we never did it at all last year and paid the price this year with very few blooms.  

Here are the pansies on my front porch.

We usually have mild winters so they may still be around in a few months!

As you can see, my ferns are still doing well.

Our Fall color doesn't really peak until later in the month.  Also, it is still warm during the day. So, I can sit out here and enjoy the mild temps for a while longer.

Huh?  How did that get out here?  Ok, I lied.  Maybe there is ONE cute jack-o-lantern on the porch! 


I hope that I didn't disappoint you.  I know there are many in blog land that are going all out with their Fall decor.  I'm just wanting less this year.  Maybe when the trees start turning pretty colors, I'll feel like doing more.  LOL!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Your porch looks so pretty! I love the pansies you added to your planters. I sure wish we could have them here!!! I like the less is more look this year! LOL
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I do miss my Atlanta Falls. It is supposed to be 90 here today. Ugh! Your Fall decor is wonderful. TGIF! xo

  3. I love your beautiful home and porch such a lovely curb appeal! your fall decor is perfect! I don't do scarecrows it.
    Have a blessed fall day~

  4. Kelly, I think it's wonderful, I haven't been able to do much due to all the construction work around here, hopefully get out some pumpkins this weekend!

  5. I haven't even done my stoop yet. Simple is a good thing.

  6. I'm with you...simple and real items are better. Your porch and outdoor area is too pretty to be cluttered up with stuff. :)

  7. I like the less is more look too. Your home is beautiful! I love all the wooded areas around it. So pretty. Your front porch looks like the perfect spot to enjoy a glass of sweet tea and catch up on magazines. :)

  8. Your porch looks great, Kelly. I don't have any cute things out, either. I have pansies, too, and my stoop looks more like Spring than Fall. I bought a big spider to hang on the front light..not that we ever get any Trick or Treaters. I haven't pruned my crepes yet, guess I'll wait til Dec. or Jan. We really need to have the big ones done. Cute pumpkin on your porch, and your ferns are looking great. Have a great weekend.

  9. i'm definitely a less is more kinda girl this year...I put a few faux pumpkins and garland in my windowbox and a wreath on the door, that's about it! unfortunately I let my Kimberly queen ferns start to die and they're shedding terribly!

    I've always loved the outside of your home and even without a lot of decorations out there this year, it still looks good!

    we're going out of town tomorrow for our anniversary....I can't wait!

  10. I was gonna leave until I saw the one lone pumpkin ! :) Have a great weekend.

  11. You see this weekend is our Canadian thanksgiving so we decorate to the hilt!! Love the simple look.

  12. Your home is lovely in its setting, Kelly. The pretty stone stairs and a pumpkin are all you need! It still looks like summer there!

  13. Kelly,
    The say less is more is a great saying and you doing a simple fall porch says beautiful. I love what you did. Your porch alone is just gorgeous.

  14. Beautiful! Pansies are one of my favorite flowers! Your full lush ferns are gorgeous too!

  15. the pictures with the view from the street look great. I love the pop of color (aka pumpkins) here and there.

  16. Your porch is so pretty!! And I love simple Fall decorating just as much as going all out. Inside my home...I only decorated the corner fireplace and two other small places in the living room.

  17. I love your less is more approach. It's the simple things that are most beautiful in my opinion. Your home is lovely. xo Laura

  18. Looks great Kelly..You still have time to "embellish" if you want to..

  19. It think it your porch is beautiful! I love the simple touches that you have placed throughout. To me, less is more is the perfect approach!

  20. Your porch looks delightful. Your plants still look great. Especially your pansies. I love those flowers. They make me smile.


  21. I think the outside of your home looks beautiful! If it makes you feel better, I don't have ANY fall outdoor decor! :)

  22. Hi Kelly! I love your beautiful home and I love your simple Fallen touches. Works for me. Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. This mild fall has kept my flowers blooming a lot longer too. I always love pansies because they are so low maintenance and so pretty. Your porch and yard look beautiful...even without the scarecrows! :-)
    Mary Alice

  24. I like the simple approach! It looks just right!

  25. Your house is beautiful. I love pansies and the ones on the deck are beautiful. I do not go all out for any holiday. I like simple too. Plus all my money is in my kiddo.

  26. Those cute jack-o-lanterns somehow find a way to sneak on our porches this time of year, don't they, Kelly?! I don't think I've ever seen a picture of the entire outside of your home ... it's gorgeous, with your porch being my fave! Enjoy your days out there ... I know you're looking forward to your trees turning ... I would be, too! Happy Fall!

  27. Kelly,

    Your house is beautiful It doesn't need any decorations. I think that the simply approach allows the house to shine. Wow what I would give to have a porch like yours. Enjoy your day


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly