Thursday, October 17, 2013

Marines Bound

Hello everyone!
I've been out of commission for a while because we've been adjusting to the fact that our oldest son, Cody, is now Marines bound! We dropped him off for boot camp last Monday and won't see him again until after the new year. 
Here he is standing beside the van that took him to where he would load the bus to Parris Island, SC.

I treasure this picture now!

He arrived Tuesday night at Parris Island and gave me his "scripted" phone call of having arrived safely.  We were not allowed to have a conversation.  So, it was bittersweet.

Now, he is surrounded by images of this.

I know he is in his "element" though.  He has been preparing for this for awhile now.  I just hope that it is ending up being what he thought it would be.  I guess I'll find out once I receive the first letter from him.  We are not allowed to speak on the phone or send emails.  We can only communicate through old fashioned letter writing.  Remember that??  

We are looking forward to family day and his graduation so we can see images of this.

And to help us feel a bit connected to him when we're not getting letters or seeing him, we have THIS to look at now...........on my refrigerator!

That is his schedule.  It tells us what he will be doing each day.  

We've got A LOT of days to cross off before we will see him again!

If any of you have a child that went into boot camp, I would love to hear about your own experience.   

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. I'm sure you're very proud of your son, as you well should be!
    Mary Alice

  2. Wow Kelly, how awesome!! I know you will be so proud and what a big accomplishment for him!! I spent 15 years in the Air Force enlisted 5, and as an officer the last 10, so I know he will love every moment of it. That first phone call is the hardest, but it will get easier and you will treasure the letters. What an opportunity for him:-)

  3. Oh, I know you are missing him already. Great shot of him and he will come back a changed man.

  4. How bitter sweet . pride and a bit of sadness for you Mom.
    I remember waving bye to my brother as he left for Boot Camp. he came back looking so different form the boy I kissed goodbye. I was amazed!
    Praying time will fly until you get to see him again.
    Hugs, Gee

  5. Congrats, Marine Mom! This is an exciting time in your son's life, and it will be something he always remembers. I know from experience- I was in the Navy many years ago and boot camp was both hard and easy. I only cried once- when I called home to tell my mother I had arrived (it was 4 am her time and she sleepily answered the phone). My husband and I met at the Armed Forces School of Music where I was training to be a Navy trumpeter and he was training to be a Marine Corps saxophonist (you have a picture of the San Diego MCRD band at the end of your post- that was his duty station). If I could go back in time, I would have been a Marine too- there is just something special about Devil Dogs that they carry with them for the rest of their lives. OOO RAH!

  6. My brother is a marine...once a marine always a marine :-) It's like a brotherhood they are all connected and they all look out for each other. My brother was stationed in California at camp Pendleton. When he left it was really hard but it to was something he wanted to do. He came back with a new perspective on life and grew from a boy to a man in what seemed like over night. We went to see him graduate and it was such a proud moment in my Mother and my life. We seemed to be writing him everyday just because it made us feel connected or closer to him that and we didn't want him to be lonesome. He was kept very busy during boot camp and told us of being so dog tired at days end just to get up very early to start it all over again. He didn't really have time to be anything but focused on what he had to do. He did say boot camp was really hard....but he learned a lot and wouldn't trade it for the world. I hope this helps. Take care

  7. Kelly I know you are so proud of him...what a great photo! My cousins son enlisted in the Navy last year, he's the same age as your son. He loves it!

  8. I know how hard it is! We just went through this two years ago when our son joined the Navy. I think the worst for me was not only that first phone call, but a week later when I received a box from boot camp and inside was everything he was wearing the day he left, down to his socks. LOL I laugh now, but I cried for hours that day. He will be ok and do so well, you will see. Get ready for the changes! He will be a different person next time you see him. :)

  9. I hope the days fly by till you see him again, Kelly! It's hard to let go of our children and let them start down the path they choose, but you must be so proud!

  10. I know you are proud of him and I know you miss him. Those are both normal feelings. Time will fly, and next thing you know, you'll be sitting at Graduation. Bring LOTS of kleenex. Hang in there.

  11. I can only imagine how proud you must be of him. I hope that knowing what he does everyday and checking the days off...and getting letters will help to make it easier until you see again.

  12. Oh, dear Kelly!!! I feel your Mother's heart! Proud, sad, scared, excited - all at the same time!
    My neighbor 'son' is in the Marines and I went through this with his mom. She did much the same as you are doing. He made it through boot camp and I rejoiced to see the pics when they went to San Diego for his graduation. He served in Afghanistan for awhile but is now in CA. PLEASE keep us posted so we can join you in prayer and whatever way we can help. I sent comics and sports pages to Mark. Your son has grown up! I know you are proud and holding the one at home just a tiny bit tighter!!

  13. Well, bless your heart, just a hard thing to go through.

  14. Kelly...first of all we thank him so much for his service to our country....Yes, it is bittersweet...I hope that his experience meets all of his expectations....You must be so proud of him...we are....Hang in there Kelly...the days will go by quickly till you see him again in that beautiful uniform standing proud.

  15. Oh bless you and your family. I can't even imagine. One of my best friends just said good by to her son as he joined the Navy. After a time they were allowed to text and some simple communications like that. Maybe you will be too. We'll be thinking about you.

  16. Kelly,
    How proud you must be of Cody. He is truly a hero. I know you will miss him but what a great person he is and is still becoming. To give his commitment to to serving our country just shows what a beautiful person he is and what a wonderful job you did to raise him up to this part of his new journey. Kelly you are an awesome mom and what a beautiful person Cody is becoming.

  17. Oh gosh that has got to be so hard! Dropping him off and not having him around. He looks so young too! But I'm sure he'll do great! My brother joined the Marine Reserves and absolutely thrived during boot camp. They really turn boys into men! I will keep him in my prayers!

  18. We sent off a college graduate to the USMC in San Diego. A confident and proud man returned home.

    Thank your son for stepping up from me.

  19. Sending love, prayers and thank yous from the Pacific Northwest!

    Our men and women in uniform are our country's most precious gifts!

    Your blog friends are here with love, and support!

    The letters will be hand held treasures for years to come.

  20. My grandson Chandler, left for Marine Boot Camp in September. We are so proud of him and I wonder everyday what he is learning and doing. Sending you hugs because my daughter and I know some of the feelings you are experiencing.

  21. Kelly, I love that pic of Cody! So handsome!! Did I ever tell you we almost named our first born son Cody? I love that name. :) I know it's still very hard, but hopefully it's getting a little easier for you every day. I know you can't wait for that first letter. I'd probably just sit there reading it over and over. :) Take care, my friend!

  22. That picture of Cody is such a great one. He looks so happy and he is very handsome. I can't imagine how hard it is to handle this situation. We don't have children so I don't pretend to know. As you said he prepared for this and he must have wanted this. I will keep in my thoughts.


  23. Oh my Kelly..I'm sure you have very mixed feelings about this..I've seen many "kids" go through Parris Island in my life time..It was good for all of them...Quite an experience and the beginning of a great future..Be proud...

  24. You must feel so proud, yet miss him so much! I don't look forward to that day when my girls make their own way in the world.

  25. Bless your heart, Kelly! I've been right where you are with our son. I know you're so proud of him and he is a looker too! :) God bless him and protect hims as he starts his adventure.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  26. How proud you must be! I pray this will be an amazing adventure for him!

  27. Kelly - How proud you must be of your son. How I thank him for being willing and able to protect our country.

    I can't imagine how hard it is to go that long without seeing him but just think how proud you'll be when you do see him in that uniform.

    Congratulations on raising a fine young man.


  28. Oh, he's going to come home soon.
    It's so hard to see our baby's go off. You'll be proud of your handsome soldier boy when he marches in his uniform.

  29. Aww, Kelly, what a sweet picture! I'm sure you miss him so much; but that's exciting for him to be 'living his dream'! :)

  30. He looks so young....hard to believe! I am sure that it's so hard to have a child leave like that with no communication and knowing that his job is now going to be defending our country. You must be proud.

  31. I will keep you and him in my prayers. I appreciate his willingness to serve his country and for your sacrifice. You have reason to be extremely proud but I can only imagine how you feel.

  32. I cannot imagine not being able to speak to my child.I know you are missing him so much.And I be he misses you just as much too! What a great photo of him!You should be so proud of him :-)

  33. Oh my dear, I can imagine. What a great young Man though for making that choice. The New year will be here before you know it Kelly.

  34. Oh, Kelly, I know this must be hard. I felt a tug just looking at that photo of him. I don't know him, but, I know a mother's love for her son. I have two around his age. Your son is a brave young man. Just said a prayer for him. xoxo

  35. ouch Kelly, this must be so hard....what a handsome young men he is.....all the best to you and your Family.....

  36. Oh wow, Parris Islamd is only 10 minutes from where I live in Beaufort. I see the newly graduated Marines every Friday and have met so many of them. Best,of luck to him. We also have many that live in our neighborhood.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly