Sunday, November 17, 2013

Weekend Detour / Planting Paperwhites

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone in the mid west is doing OK.  I know you are all getting some  bad storms right now.  It has been ugly and rainy here all weekend long too.

It has also been very warm!  So strange for this time of year after we've been having such cold temps.  

The worst part of my weekend was being sick!  I caught a terrible stomach bug on Thursday that hit me hard for about 24 hrs.  Luckily, I'm much better now.  

I lived on this stuff for a  little while.

I graduated to something better this morning.  Scrambled eggs and grits!  (I sneaked in a smidgen of butter. shh)

But the weekend was not a total loss (unless you're counting the Ga Bulldogs game - Argh!) I did manage to do something that I had planned on all along, before I got sick.

Yep!  Paper white bulbs.  I bought them so I could force them to grow inside.  I've seen several of you ladies doing it already, so I decided to give them a try myself.  I have some fake ones, but think the real ones are so much prettier.

I planted one batch in this large galvanized tub.

They will stay in the kitchen.  My 12 yr old said it looked like I was growing worms!  LOL.

Then I separated the other batch in half and planted them in a silver container and a small galvanized container.

The silver one will probably go in the foyer and the other one I'll find a spot. 

I hope these grow well.  I've never grown them before but have heard it is very easy.  You just put them in soil and add a little bit of water.  Then hope the sun will finally shine to give them the other ingredient they need (unlike today).  I'll keep you posted as to how they do.  

Hope you are having a good Sunday so far and not in harms way of the storms out West of us.  

Stay safe!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Glad you're feeling better, Kelly. We had a rough storm here in the Midwest. We're okay, but, a lot of damage in other places. Homes completely destroyed, etc. It's sad.

  2. Hi Kelly,
    Your paperwhites will look so nice. We are having some wicked storms here but the tornado that did so much damage stayed south east of us. We are just getting the hail, thunderstorms and winds from all of that. It is really sad to see so many people hurt and the loss of homes is incredible.

  3. Sorry you were sick this weekend. Hopefully the sun will shine tomorrow.

  4. The flu is the worst, in my book. I know you'll be enjoying beautiful blooms of paper whites.
    Mary Alice

  5. Kelly, where did you get your paperwhites? I've never done this either, but really want to. I pretty much order things online.

  6. I hope you are well hydrated and better Kelly. I think the paper whites will be terrific. I need to go get me some but my to do list is enormous at present.

  7. I hope you feel better Kelly~I know those paper whites can cheer anyone..

  8. we had storm passing over us...should be out of our area in the next 30min (I hope). I went outside this afternoon and I told Ryan it smelled like tornado weather...I guess I was right. On a different note, looks like the paperwhites flowers will do quite well.

  9. Glad you are feeling better, Kelly. I have been feeling under the weather all day today -- hoping it's something I ate, and not a bug. Good luck with the paper whites -- I bet they'll be beautiful!

  10. I keep meaning to plant paperwhites, too, but I forgot to look for them when I was shopping this weekend. I hope I can still find some. Glad you're feeling better and I hope the sun shines for you!

  11. I have never grown those before either, Kelly. I hope they grow beautifully for you.

    We had rain all weekend and now we have winds like I have never heard here. It is coming off the Bay and bending the trees right in half. I am almost afraid to go to bed as they say it will continue all night. MyHero is completely deaf in one ear and sleeps with his "good" ear down so he would not even hear it if I blew through the window....maybe that is what he is smiling about as he sleeps- lol

    Hope you have a great week, Kelly-xo Diana

  12. Glad you are feeling better now. We had storms, high winds, and some tornado watches here tonight. more huge tree branches came down. We did lose our power a couple of times, but it came right back on both times. Some other towns near here had tornado warnings. Just hoping everyone was okay. You are right that this warm weather is really strange for this time of the year.

  13. Glad you are on the mend. It rained here most of the weekend too.
    This reminds me. I need to get me some paperwhite bulbs to force too. I love them (the smell not too much). Good luck!

  14. Hope you're feeling better! The paperwhites will be so pretty, I'm sure! :)

  15. Glad to hear you are feeling better, Kelly. I have never tried to grow paperwhites, but I love having them at Christmas. Can't wait to hear how yours are doing. xo Laura

  16. Glad you are feeling better! Your paper whites are going to be wonderful in your galvanized and silver containers.

  17. Kelly I think Tummy bugs are the worsed!!! I am glad you are feeling much better!!!!

  18. Glad you're feeling better...Love the smell of paper whites..Of course there will be pictures..:)

  19. Happy you are feeling better.

    Every year I have wanted to plant paper whites but have not. I am afraid they will not grow for me. Maybe I should give it a try this year.

  20. So glad you're feeling better. I love the containers you planted your paperwhites in. I've always thought about growing them, but never have. I'll be interested to see how yours do. They're so pretty when in bloom. :)

  21. So sorry to hear that you had the flu. Our young grand son has it as well and he is autistic. Doesn't talk. So it's hard to know where he hurts. Has fever and did all his upchucking yesterday. I feel for the young ones.

  22. Hope you are on the mend and planting paper whites is definitely something that would make you feel better!...

  23. Sorry to hear you were sick, but glad you're better. Don't even mention the Georgia game. Argh! is right! I planted paperwhites last year, but haven't done any this year. Would you believe I found one blooming in the yard today? I have no idea how it got there. Oh, you know about putting a vodka/water solution on the bulbs to keep them from getting so leggy. I tried it and it really worked.

  24. Oh no sorry you were sick.Hope you are feeling better!Oh you will love your paper whites in your house.It is so nice to see something from nature indoors this time of the year.And I have a secret to share about paperwhites.Sharing tomorrow :-)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly